

中文摘要 自民國84年環保署在台氯頭份廠內的地下水中發現含氯有機物污染之後,苗栗縣環保局、環保署陸續針對頭份及竹南地區執行相關調查計畫,目前已知污染區域(場址)包含台氯頭份廠、原國泰塑膠竹南廠、華夏海灣塑膠頭份廠,以及中港溪南岸等區域。本計畫場址污染已達地表下90公尺,總計現階段公告地下水污染列管面積約38.5公頃,地質異質性明顯,屬於大尺度複雜污染場址。 本計畫為延續過去既有調查計畫,結合精確整治(Surgical Remediation, SR)觀念,配合本計畫現場水文地質、地下水質等補充調查作業、潛在污染來源清查與追查作業,以及透過現地模場試驗區之整治技術試驗、整治評估、地下水健康風險評估等,期能有效整合相關資料,研訂本區域整體管制及執行策略藍圖。計畫目標包含:彙整分析歷年地下水調查與水文地質資料,進行必要之補充調查,以完備水文地質與污染流布特性;研訂整體之污染控制與場址管理策略架構,劃設污染範圍,並建立大尺度複雜場址分區分級管理機制;選擇適當位置分別運用適當整治技術進行地下水污染改善評估工作,評估其技術可行性並回饋修正管理策略;提出場址後續執行策略藍圖,辦理專家學者技術座談會及其他與計畫相關之行政與技術支援工作,提供決策參考依據。
中文關鍵字 地下水污染、技術可行性評估、管制策略


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-6A12-03-A292 經費年度 102 計畫經費 40806 千元
專案開始日期 2013/10/31 專案結束日期 2015/05/28 專案主持人 董天行
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 張富傑 執行單位 瑞昶科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 中港溪期末報告(公開版).pdf 38MB

The investigation and assessment of contaminated groundwater in Jhonggang River area

英文摘要 EPA and EPB have conducted series of investigation and evaluation projects within TouFen and ChuNan area since chlorinated solvents contamination was found in Taiwan VCM Corporation (TVCM) groundwater in 1995. So far, there are 3 areas confirmed to be contaminated, including TouFen Industrial Park and adjacent area, Former Cathay Plastic Industry Co., Ltd (Former CP) and adjacent area, and south bank of Jhonggang River. The contamination in this site has reached 90 meters below the surface. Announced control area is about 38.5 hectares. This site has distinct geological heterogeneity and is defined as a large-scale complex contaminated site. To combine the concept of surgical remediation with the historical results of this project, such as hydrogeological setting, groundwater quality sampling, potential source tracing, remedy pilot testing, remediation evaluating, and the health risk assessment evaluating, the constraint strategy and action options for this area were made. Here are the main goals of this project, to conduct investigations to complete the hydrogeological settings and plume distributions, to establish priority constraint strategy for this large-scale site, to implement the Feasibility Study for the deep and complex contamination, and finally to consult with the professionals and interested parties to modify and perfect the constraint strategy road map of this area for the nearly future.
英文關鍵字 Groundwater Contamination, Remedy Evaluation, Constraint Strategy