中文摘要 | 我國使用中車輛噪音管制須於市區道路執行原地噪音檢測,但都會區符合規範的場地不易搜尋,而且背景噪音較高易干擾檢測;因此,本研究提出於「隔音箱」內量測使用中車輛原地噪音量測的構想,並評估技術可行性,主要研究內容包含: (一)建立機動車輛原地噪音檢測專用標準化隔音箱之性能、規格與驗證方法,並研析本程序及方法可行性。 (二)評估隔音箱方法與現行CNS5799方法二者結果之差異與關聯性。 (三)研析隔音箱作為使用中機動車輛原地噪音檢測標準設備之可行性,及研提其相關規定草案。 針對隔音箱型式設計,模擬分析4種隔音箱之聲場特性後,擇一較佳型式進行實體組裝,並評估隔音箱材質選用對箱體聲學性能的影響。其後以隔音箱進行汽、機車各4部之實車測試,以評估箱內聲壓均勻性、溫度、測點位置及氣流導管型式等設計參數之影響。 其次,本研究以50部機車於實驗室及以4部車實際市區道路旁檢測,評估現行檢測方法與隔音箱方法之測試結果差異性;二種方法的測試結果具備良好關聯性,但仍有幾部車會有差異大於3dB(A)的情形。本研究針對差異較大的車輛特性探討原因,經改善後針對排氣噪音量測驗證差異可在3dB(A)以內,但以聲學理論而言仍有進一步改善之空間,期未來可進一歩改善隔音箱,使二種測試方法的測試結果更加一致。 上述研究成果將隔音箱型式、材質規格及聲學性能的驗證方法等整理成作業程序草案,作為以隔音箱方法執行使用中車輛原地噪音測試的參考依據,未來若評估技術可行,可以該草案為基礎制訂相關技術規範。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 使用中車輛噪音管制;原地噪音測試;隔音箱 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-102-U1F1-02-101 | 經費年度 | 102 | 計畫經費 | 2650 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2013/03/25 | 專案結束日期 | 2013/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 鄭牧民 |
主辦單位 | 空保處 | 承辦人 | 林慧華 | 執行單位 | 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 使用中機動車輛原地噪音量測技術研究_公開版(含附件).pdf | 9MB | 結案報告公開版 |
In-use vehicle noise control, Stationary noise test, Sound enclosure cabinet
英文摘要 | For the in-use motor vehicle noise control, the inspector needs to perform roadside noise test in the urban area. Because it is not easy to find a proper test-site that can meet the standard requirement, and the background noise is often too high to do the test. The idea of applying an acoustical sound enclosure cabinet to measure the stationary noise of motor vehicle is proposed in this project. To assess the feasibility of the new test method (Hereinafter refered as sound enclosure cabinet method), this project take the following work items: (1) To setup the geometry parameters, construction materials and target acoustic performance of the sound enclosure cabinet, for the purpose of testing motor vehicle stationary noise. Then setup the test procedure then accessing the feasibility of the new procedure. (2) Compare the difference and the relationship of noise test results between current CNS 5799 method and sound enclosure cabinet method. (3) Review and access the feasibility of using sound enclosure cabinet method to be standard test equipment for measuring the stationary noise of in-use vehicle, and propose some drafts for related regulations. By applying the acoustic simulation analysis of four sound enclosure cabinet models, the better geometric cabinet type was identified and prototyping. The effect of construction materials were evaluated first. And then the interior sound pressure uniformity, interior temperature effect, microphone positions and the connecting tube were reviewed by using the sound enclosure cabinet to measure the stationary noise of four cars and four motorcycles. Moreover, 50 motorcycles were tested in the laboratory and another 4 motorcycles were tested in the practical urban roadside to evaluate the difference and relationship of noise test results between current CNS 5799 and the sound enclosure cabinet methods. The results show good relationship between the two methods. Nevertheless, for some cases the difference will greater than 3dB(A) and we try to review the reason for the particular cases. After design modification, the difference between two methods can be less than 3dB(A), but still need some improvement to be in line with acoustic theory, and to improve the conformity of the two methods. Above research conclusions as regards to the geometry parameters of sound enclosure cabinet, construction material, acoustic performance specifications and their verification procedures were summarized into some drafts and operation procedures. Which can be used as reference of measuring the stationary noise of motor vehicles by sound enclosure cabinet method. And if the assessment of feasibility is possible to apply the method as part of in-use vehicle noise regulation, above drafts can be used as the basis of technical specifications. | ||
英文關鍵字 | In-use vehicle noise control;Stationary noise test;Sound enclosure cabinet |