

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間為102年5月至12月,共有兩大項工作工作重點: 一是強化國內各金融創投業、保險業、代書業與土地投資買賣者對於全球土壤及地下水汙染整治與環保土水經濟未來發展之認知,促進國內土地資源發展。 二是彙整包裝國內土水產業實力與全球環保土水經濟發展趨勢,協助我國環保土水產業進軍國際,以提升環保土水產業競爭力,創造環境經濟契機。 本專案企圖搭建政府單位與菁英目標民眾之間的橋樑,傳達「土地品質即價值」概念,奠基在服貿協議的基礎上,促成將環保意識當作經濟重點產業來推動,並協助將台灣在土壤及地下水污染整治領域的成果與累積當作形象與品牌經營,進一步跨出台灣以外地區、建立國際級影響力。 為達成以上目標,本計畫重要成果摘要如下: (一) 強化國內各金融創投業、保險業、代書業與土地投資買賣者對於全球土壤及地下水污染整治與環保土水經濟未來發展之認知,促進國內土地資源發展。 1. 為瞭解分析國內土水產業實力,完成學界與業界代表之採訪(土水產業策略聯盟江誠榮主席與陳尊賢教授),並完成相關宣導策略之規劃。 (二) 彙整包裝國內土水產業實力與全球環保土水經濟發展趨勢,協助我國環保土水產業進軍國際,以提升環保土水產業競爭力,創造環境經濟契機。 1. 於102年11月12日舉辦一場次「藍色經濟創新論壇」,邀請「藍色經濟」創始者剛特‧鮑利(Gunter Pauli)來台演講,並和台灣產官學界菁英領袖包括環保署署長沈世宏、德勤財務顧問資深副總潘家涓、中華經濟研究院溫麗琪博士及中興工程顧問公司副總江東法,針對土地品質即價值、國際環保發展趨勢、以及我國土水產業國際化等議題進行討論,吸引超過200位土水產業及創投相關領域專家學者前來共襄盛舉,會後並有20則平面與數位媒體報導之露出。 2. 完成活動宣傳網站、以及會前宣傳廣告1則,以吸引民眾參加。並於活動前後設計問卷進行意見蒐集與分析,供環保署作為未來工作推動之參考。 3. 會後於天下雜誌中刊登4頁成果專題報導,並印製1000冊、提供超過200張的活動照片與3分鐘影片,以持續進行宣傳,期達成廣度與深度溝通並進的傳播效益,提升台灣土水產業的重要性與國際能見度。
中文關鍵字 亞洲樞紐、藍色經濟、環境創新、服貿協議、剛特‧鮑利


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-GA11-03-A252 經費年度 102 計畫經費 2600 千元
專案開始日期 2013/05/31 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 張桂娟
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 吳雅婷 執行單位 天下雜誌股份有限公司


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期末報告 1225-土基會結案報告定稿.rar 3MB 期末報告定稿

2013 Taiwan Soil and Groundwater Remediation Advertisement Plan

英文摘要 In the past thirty years, Taiwan had serious environment pollutions due to the focus of economic development. Since the nineties, when people were aware of the importance of environment issues, the government has dedicating to remedy the soil and underground water pollution problems. For example, to strike a balance between environment protection and business development has become the main issue for government. In order to connect and magnify the soil and groundwater industry network, the government has funded Taiwan Soil and Groundwater Industry Partnerships this May, and conducted a series of workshop and international seminars to strengthen each company’s capability. If the government seize this chance and make good use of the technical skills and resources, we can not only solve the larger scale of environment problem but also promote the whole economic growth. For improving the importance and international visibility of soil and groundwater industry in Taiwan, this project made the goal as following: 1. Invited financial venture capital, insurance, escrow industry and land investment experts got more information about environmental future, economic development, the promotion of resources industries. 2.Event:invited renowned environmental export Gunter Pauli to Taiwan in November 12, and talk about a new future of Taiwan soil and groundwater industry with 200 audiences in environmental protection industries, academic institution and government. 3.Event Promotion:Complete event site, event-promoted advertisement to attract people to participate. Collection and analysis and opinion questionnaire before and after the activity for the promotion of the EPA as a reference for future work. 4. Extension of publicity:CommonWealth magazine will be published four-page advertorial, and printed 1000 brochures, offers more than 200 event photos and 3 minutes video to make extension of publicity.  
英文關鍵字 Asia Hub (or Pivot)、Blue Economy、Environmental innovation、Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)、Gunter Pauli