

中文摘要 隨著都市人口密度增加,工業化程度上升,各種環境公害發生的頻率也越來越高,諸如噪音污染(包括低頻噪音)、水污染、空氣污染等等,嚴重影響一般人民的生活品質。問題在於,公害的發生具有公眾性、隱密性、持續性等特色,各種不同的公害產生的具體影響未盡相同,人民面對這些環境公害時,除了不知如何主張其法律上的權利之外,往往也欠缺對於公害的認識,更甚者,受害人未必有資力可以負擔得起主張權利過程當中所產生的程序負擔。耑此,環保署在保障民眾權益,便利人民行使法律上權利的考量上,特擬定本計畫案,於本計畫中,將包括: 一、公害糾紛法律服務之相關前置作業以及諮詢執行成果 二、公害糾紛法律扶助之代理工作及執行成果 三、研擬國內現行法律扶助制度以及相關法令增修研析 (一)公害糾紛法律扶助專案計畫注意事項條文修正 (二)環境責任法規三種版本之比較與評析 四、環保教育訓練課程之內容規畫 (一)歷年公害糾紛案例整理 (二)現行公害糾紛法律扶助制度之介紹 (三)公害糾紛處理法概要
中文關鍵字 環境公害;法律扶助;污染


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-K104-02-202 經費年度 102 計畫經費 1600 千元
專案開始日期 2013/04/18 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 林文凱
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳庚鴻 執行單位 中銀律師事務所(台灣)


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告.rar 108MB

Legal Aid of Public Nuisance Disputes

英文摘要 With the increase in urban population density and industrialization, the occurrence of a variety of environmental hazards has become increasingly frequent, such as noise pollution (including low frequency), water pollution, and air pollution, etc., seriously impacting people’s quality of life. The problem is that when the general public encounters specific impacts of pollution generated publicly, privately, continuously, or in other methods, and the specific impacts of different pollutions are not identical, besides being unaware of their legal rights, they are unable to recognize these environmental hazards. Worse still, the victim may not have the financial viabilityto afford any procedural burden arising from the process.. Therefore, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on protecting the people’s rights, considering about allow people to conveniently utilize the law especially when developing the Project, and should include in the Project the following : 1. Pre-procedure of legal services for Public Nuisance Dispute and results of implementation of consulting. 2. Legal Services and Representation on Public Nuisance Disputes and results of implementation. 3. Develop the existing domestic legal aid system and research and analysis the amending of related laws. 1) Correct the Derictions on Public Nuisance Dispute legal aid project. 2) Compare and comment on three versions of regulations on environmental liability. 4. Environmental Education Training Course Content Planning. 1) Aggregate of Public Nuisance Dispute cases over the years. 2)Introduce the current legal aid system for Public Nuisance Disputes. 3)Compare with Japan’s Environmental Dispute Laws.
英文關鍵字 Environmental hazards;Legal Aid;Pollution