

中文摘要 本年度計畫主要工作內容可分為四個部份,第一個部份是執行機車新車型審驗、新車抽驗等管制工作。第二個部份是推動機車審驗作業電子化系統建置。第三個部份是執行使用中機車召回改正調查測試作業相關事宜,第四個部份是配合環保署相關政策之實施,協助環保署研擬相關排氣管制措施及進行相關基礎研究。 本計畫已全部執行完成,有4個引擎族新車抽驗之污染初測不合格,有10個引擎族於新車污染控制元件查驗不合格,自行品管部份,有許多測試不合格情形,顯示品質一致性有待改進,2014車型年環保機車評比,初步篩選結果有13個引擎族入選。 在電子化審驗系統方面,審驗系統對於合格證規費廠商自付手續費調整、新增各車型與製造國的對應、兩證合一製發進度查詢、電子化系統IPv6的對應與環保車自動評選,均已完成並上線使用。 在使用中機車召回改正調查測試方面,已完成50輛車之測試,結果都合格。 現有五期車輛污染排放數據,約二成以下可符合未來類六期法規;歐盟2013年認證數據分析,約六成可通過我國機車五期法規標準,日本2013年認證數據都無法符合我國機車五期法規標準;國內法規部份,環保署已公告修正「機車廢氣排放測試方法及程序」與「交通工具空氣污染物排放標準」第二條、第六條、第七條內容;美國2013年機車耐久數據轉換我國數據後,有18%~25%的劣化係數大於1.4,顯示國內指定劣化係數=1.4,相較於美國的車輛劣化係數並不嚴格,是合理數值;國內一萬五千公里下之CO、HC與NOx實車耐久劣化係數平均值分別為1.117、1.082與1.114,推估至二萬公里時,平均值分別為1.177、1.137與1.233,推估至三萬五千公里時,平均值分別為1.305、1.214與1.296; WMTC與五期行車測試型態污染排放比較測試顯示,CO與HC主要排放污染在第一階段(冷車),HC尤其明顯,NOx的主要排放污染在後半階段(熱車),尤其在較大排氣量車輛高速階段更為明顯;使用中大型重型機車之污染排放現況調查測試,超過保證里程以上車輛,排放污染易偏高,甚至遠高於排放標準,認證值接近或相同於排放標準者,使用中也易於超過排放標準,HC不合格比例較高;使用中機車污染控制元件查核,全部都合格;老舊車輛之CO與HC排放值經車輛保養後有下降的趨勢,部份車的CO與NOx劣化明顯高於認證之劣化係數。 綜合本年度執行成果,有以下幾點建議: (一).本年度新車抽驗仍有2個引擎族待進一步複測或召回改正,後續須再持續追蹤複測結果與召回改正進行進度。 (二).目前部份進口車業者自行品管部份,除了品管數量不足外,亦有多筆品管測試不合格情形且未針對此檢討原因及改善,業者執行自行品管較不積極,建議對此業者如於通知期限內仍未完成者,以暫停核章作為處罰,促使其確實依規定完成品質管制。 (三).對於污染控制元件不一致的廠商,除要求廠商更正外,亦請廠商將此項工作列入品質計畫書的一部分,落實自主管理,主動自行抽樣檢查是否一致並記錄,同時將列入明年度查核重點,此外,針對此元件查核不合格之引擎族,建議可適度調整該公司新車抽驗的比例,促使各公司能更專注於法規執行面的落實。 (四).目前市面上車輛有改裝污染控制元件的情形,建議主管機關應聯合各地方環保局與警政單位應加以取締,以杜絕不合法竄改歪風,維護空氣品質。 (五).目前紙本合格證明的核發,包含新引擎族、修改、延伸、沿用目的,數量不少,兩證合一後,單方面變動(污染或噪音),仍須再重新核發紙本合格證明,紙張使用量大,建議未來改以電子證書型式,作為流通證明,取消紙本合格證明,以符合節能減碳需求。 (六).本計畫研究顯示,老舊車輛之CO與HC排放值經車輛保養後有下降的趨勢,建議主管機關能敦促業者落實車輛保檢制度,以有效控制車輛污染排放。
中文關鍵字 新車型審驗,環保機車,使用中機車


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-FA13-03-D004 經費年度 102 計畫經費 11780 千元
專案開始日期 2013/04/01 專案結束日期 2014/03/31 專案主持人 陳肇隆
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 歐育豪 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102機車審驗結案報告.pdf 16MB 期末報告

Implement of the new model motorcycle certification, C.O.P inspection, the in-used motorcycle recall

英文摘要 This year, four major tasks were being set as this project’s major work contents which include: 1: implement new motorcycle new model certification and Conformity of Production (COP) emissions control measures; 2: promote to establish motorcycle electronic certification process; 3: implement in-use motorcycle recall and correction investigation tests; 4: cooperate with Taiwan EPA to implement motorcycle emissions control related control measures and help EPA to draft exhaust emissions standards and related basis researches. This project has finished all tasks and according to the test results: 4 engine families failed the preliminary emissions tests; 10 engine families failed the inspection of emission control devices. As to the COP tests, many new motorcycles failed the tests which indicates that it is necessary to improve the consistency of quality for manufacturing of new motorcycles. As to the evaluation of 2014 model year green motorcycles, there were 13 engine families being preliminary selected. As to the electronic certification process, the system being upgraded with the following functions: adjusted the application fee for manufacturers; added motorcycle type with correspond to its country of origin; progress inquiry for emissions and noise combined certificate application; electronic certification system corresponds to IPv6 with the function of evaluate and select green vehicle automatically, all of the previous mentioned functions are available on-line. As to the in-use motorcycle testing, 50 motorcycles being tested and all in compliance with the standards. According to the emissions database for stage 5 compliance motorcycles, less than 20% motorcycles could comply with the future stage 6 standards; from the EU 2013 emissions certification database analysis, about 60% of motorcycles could comply with the stage 5 standards; according to 2013 emissions certification database in Japan, none motorcycle could comply with our stage 5 standards; As to the emissions control regulations, the EPA has announced revisions to “Motorcycle Cold Driving Cycle Exhaust Pollution Testing Methods and Procedures” and revised contents of Article 2, 6, and 7 of “Vehicular Air Pollutant Emission Standards”; the average DF values of CO, HC, and NOx for domestic motorcycles with 15,000 km on-road durability travel mileage are 1.117, 1.082, and 1.114, for motorcycles estimate to 20,000 km are 1.177, 1.137, and 1.233, estimate to 35,000 km are 1.305, 1.214, and 1.296; the test results being performed by using WMTC and Stage 5 driving cycle have shown that CO and HC emissions mainly emitted during the first period (Cold Driving) more obvious for HC, the NOx emissions mainly emitted during later stage (Hot Driving) more obvious for large engine size motorcycles; the investigation tests for current in-use median and large engine size heavy motorcycles have shown that motorcycles with travel mileage exceed their warranty mileage tend to emit more emissions, sometimes far exceed the standards, motorcycles with certification emissions values close to or the same as their applicable standards, prone to exceed the standards during in-use period, HC failed rate were higher; as to the inspection on emissions control devices for in-use motorcycles, all inspections were in compliance; for old motorcycle, the CO and HC emissions tends to decrease after maintenance being performed, some motorcycle’s CO and NOx deteriorated higher than the certified DF values. Suggestions: (一). This year, two engine families failed to comply with the new motorcycle model random selection tests, and waiting for further testing or being requested to perform recall and correction program, the progress of subsequent repeat tests or recall and correction program should be traced and monitored. (二). Currently, for some importers, the execution of self C.O.P tests is unsatisfactory, this project suggests EPA to suspend their certificates as punishment and provide as a measure to push them to finish their quality control program in accordance with regulations. (三). As to the manufacturers with unsatisfactory emissions control performance, besides to request manufacturers to correct their defects, this project also suggests that this task should be included in the manufacturer’s quality control program, their manufactured emissions control devices should be random selected, inspected and recorded to check the consistency of quality by manufacturers, this task should be focused and to be checked in this project next year. In addition, as to the engine families with failed emission control devices, the ratios of their new motorcycle random selection tests should be increased to push the manufacturers to implement and comply with regulations. (四). Currently, there are some motorcycles with modified emissions control devices and being found in the market which should be banned. (五). For energy saving and carbon reduction purpose, in the future, paper emission certificate should be replaced by electronic version and to be circulated as supporting documents. (六). From the research of this project, the CO and HC emissions for old motorcycles tend to decrease after proper maintenance, this project suggests, the competent authority should establish an inspection and maintenance system to ensure proper maintenance being performed regulary.
英文關鍵字 new model certification, green motorcycle, in-use motorcycle