

中文摘要 為降低汽油引擎汽車空氣污染物排放,本計畫目的在協助環保署執行汽油車新車排放管制相關工作,包括:新車排氣管制業務、持續推動審驗電子化、研訂汽油車排放管制加嚴標準、及辦理低污染環保車評選推廣等四項工作。 2013年,汽油車新車型審驗核發363張合格證明,有332個引擎族782個車型的新車量產或進口,為確保新車排放均符合管制規定,查核廠商自行品管測試資料計1,999輛,並協助101輛新車抽驗工作,確認新車符合排放標準。召回改正調查測試依汽車新車排氣管制資訊,選取10個引擎族50輛車進行初步調查排放測試,依規定判定各引擎族排放均符合排放標準。國外進口使用中汽車排放檢測,計有7,272輛國外進口使用中車輛辦理核章,佔汽油新車同期銷售數量的2.2%,行車型態測試有6,737車次,因多數由美國進口,故有89%選擇FTP-75檢測。 審驗電子化工作推動部分,於推動審驗電子化之相關功能修訂上,依審驗業務需求,對審驗管理系統進行六項功能增修;在整合汽車排放相關管制資訊系統上,結合相關管制資訊,建置環保車自動評選功能,以利定期更新汽油新車環境友善程度,提供民眾參考。 研訂汽油車排放管制加嚴方向,已彚整歐盟及美國有關汽油車排氣相關管制規定,並與國內管制現況比較,提出排放標準及審驗辦法修訂草案建議。另為確立國內車輛實驗室汽油車蒸發檢測能力,本年度執行14車次本項重覆性測試,測試差異均在合理預期範圍;並彚整蒸發排放系統相似車型資料,確認蒸發測試延伸的可行性。由符合汽油車五期排放標準之OBD行車型態測試,發現該車於觸媒失效時, NOx排放接近Euro 6-2 OBD門檻值,而由彚整OBD認證資料亦相同發現,50%會超過該門檻值定,為因應OBD門檻值加嚴,廠商應須導入更新的NOx排放控制技術。 辦理低污染環保車評選推廣工作上,已依2013車型年相關管制資料,評量2014車型年之新車型環境友善程度,評選出複合動力汽油車8款、傳統引擎汽油車11款,並定期更新低污染環保汽油車相關資訊至網站,以為民眾選購新車的參考。
中文關鍵字 新車型審驗;新車抽驗;使用中車輛


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-FA13-03-D003 經費年度 102 計畫經費 11250 千元
專案開始日期 2013/04/01 專案結束日期 2014/03/31 專案主持人 陳嘉俊
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 陳婉菁 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102期末報告定稿版含附件.pdf 54MB

Implement of the new model certification, conformity of production and the recall relative investiga

英文摘要 The main objective of this project is to reduce emissions from vehicles that equipped with gasoline engines by helping EPA to implement new gasoline vehicle emissions control related tasks which include: implementation of new vehicle emissions control measures; continuous promote the electronic certification professes; draft more stringent emissions standards; select and promote low emission green vehicles and host the award ceremony. In 2013, 363 new gasoline vehicle emission certificates were issued, which include 332 engine families, cover 782 new models that being mass production domestic or imported. To ensure the compliance of all new vehicles, 1999 new vehicles were performed the Conformity of Production tests by the manufacturers and audited by this project, 101 new vehicles were being random selected and performed compliance tests. As to the recall investigation and correction task: according to new vehicle emissions control information to select 10 engine families covered 50 vehicles to perform emissions tests and to determine whether they are in compliance with the related standards. As to the imported in-use vehicles compliance check, 7272 emissions compliance certificates were being issued which accounts for 2.2% of new gasoline vehicle sales in that model year and within which 6737 vehicles were performed the driving cycle tests, 89% selected FFP-75 test because of being imported from US. As to the task of promote the electronic certification processes: for the functionality adjustments, six functions were added to the certification management system; as to the integration of vehicle related control information systems, related control information were combined and added the function of green vehicle evaluation to create a user friendly periodically updated green vehicle information system accessible to the Public and provided as reference for new vehicle purchase. As to the task of tightening the emissions standards, this project has surveyed the European and the US emissions control measures for gasoline vehicles and compared with domestic emissions control status to propose a draft of new emissions standards and revisions to the certification processes. In addition, to verify the capability for domestic vehicle test laboratories to perform the Evaporation test, 14 repeated tests were performed and the results differences were deemed reasonable; this project also surveyed vehicle’s information with similar Evaporation systems to evaluate the viability of certificate extension for Evaporation compliance test. The driving cycle test results for the Stage 5 emission standards compliance vehicles have showed that when a vehicle’s catalytic converter has failed, its NOx emission would be close to the Euro 6-2 OBD standard’s threshold limit. From the survey of current OBD certificates information, 50% vehicles’ NOx emission are over the limits, hence manufacturers should adopt updated NOx emission control technologies to respond the tightening of OBD standards limits. As to the selection and promotion of low emissions green vehicles, according to the 2013 vehicle model’s emissions related control information to evaluate the 2014 vehicle model’s degree of environmental friendly and 8 hybrid electric vehicles, 11 conventional gasoline engine vehicles were being selected as green vehicles, the related information are periodically updated to the low emissions green vehicle website as reference to the Public for new vehicle purchase.
英文關鍵字 new model certification;random inspection on new vehicle;in-use vehicles