

中文摘要   本計畫執行內容包含二大項工作範疇,其一為執行空氣品質管理發展計畫(以下簡稱SIP) 以提昇本縣空氣品質改善並協助環保局考評各子計畫之作業品質管考作業與研擬符合空氣品質標準的管制對策、其二為負責細懸浮微粒PM2.5來源解析並擬定改善管制策略。   期間配合環境保護局推動各項空氣污染防制計畫,藉由本計畫之執行加強對於各子計畫之考評管制及協調,整合其它各子計畫之執行成效,使減量及稽查管制作業可確實執行,並依據空氣品質現況及未來發展趨勢,擬訂本縣空氣污染管制對策,提供未來貴局參考運用。 (一)在 SIP 成果摘要方面: 1.依據環保署空氣品質自動監測站資料,本縣102年1-12月空氣品質良好日數(PSI值<50日數)為158天,占總監測日數的43.2%,普通日數(PSI值51~100)有207日,占總監測日數的56.7%,較往年空氣品質良好日數則變動波動不大,惟經環保署發佈警示資訊11、12月空氣品質不良5日,其PSI值均介於79-86間,工作小組依據空氣品質惡化應變措施,及時發佈4則跑馬燈及1則新聞稿、1則電話簡訊,適時提醒鄉親作好應變措施,避免在戶外從事劇烈活動,後續並驗證各子計畫相關污染防制暨削減作為。 2.另比較歷年PSI值指標物為臭氧及粒狀污染物,所佔天數比例分為56.46%及43.54%,且仍未肇生不良日(PSI>100),顯示本縣指標污染物從懸浮微粒轉變成臭氧,亦代表懸浮微粒、二氧化硫、二氧化氮等逐年下降,另有67%以上的民眾對於澎湖空氣品質的維護感到滿意,故未來除了賡續加強懸浮微粒之管制外,針對臭氧前驅物之污染源頭管制作業亦是爾後努力的重點方向。 3.協助完成環保署各項考核準備工作,包括整合各子計畫實際執行地方特性作法且具宣導效益,如怠速熄火、加油跳停、油氣回收、禁止露天燃燒及推廣空氣品質淨化區等17項活動內容及第一季~第四季環保署季報等書面查核文件上傳作業,並依據102年空氣污染防制計畫書,查核各子計畫空氣污染源減量之工作目標與實際執行成效,經查核許可證法規符合率等12項特定污染源改善目標,僅逸散計畫餐飲業油煙防制措施設置率評估及移污計畫油品抽測尚不足,餘10項均達成102年改善目標值,故提出「維持現有良好空氣品質、逐年削減污染排放量」為目標,再針對不同類別污染源訂定減量目標之各項管制對策,提供各子計畫未來污染防制之重點。 4.針對17處空氣品質淨化區,工作小組循維護管理和主動行銷等層面確實執行各項工作,期間有效解決尖山南段3具大型儲水桶移除和木造涼亭損壞更新並協助製作各園區告示牌等案,另完成「淨化室內空氣品質」及「空氣品質淨化區維護管理」等3場次宣導活動;且先後完成11處園區之環境設施教育導覽牌製作,辦理小朋友寫生畫畫及環境教育學習,和揪團騎乘自行車,以鐵馬低碳方式讓鄉親認識「空氣品質淨化區」,感受低碳、環保和養生樂活諸多好處。 (二)在細懸浮微粒PM2.5來源解析及改善管制策略擬定方面: 1.針對澎湖區所設置之細懸浮微粒採樣站,以化學質量平衡受體模式(CMB8),進行懸浮微粒(PM2.5)之污染源解析。執行9點次細懸浮微粒採樣,就PM2.5之污染源貢獻量而言,澎湖地區採樣站之主要污染源為汽機車尾氣排放(5.8~17.1%)、硫酸鹽(10.2~19.1%)、硝酸鹽(7.3~12.1%)、工業製程之鍋爐燃燒(5.4~13.6%)、海鹽(8.6~15.3%)、柴油車尾氣排放(1.7~7.5%)、土壤揚塵(8.5~15.3%)、街道揚塵(9.4~21.5%)及農廢燃燒(1.1~7.3%)。 2.細懸浮微粒之最主要成分包含NO3-、NH4+、nss-SO42-、EC 以及OC。由四季NR比值結果顯示空氣中懸浮微粒主要為酸性氣膠微粒。另空氣品質模式模擬結果顯示細懸浮微粒之成份組成為原生性、衍生性與海鹽。因此管制策略應包括減少原生性細懸浮微粒之直接排放和減少衍生性細懸浮微粒之氣相前驅物之排放量。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質管理發展暨PM2.5


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 4110 千元
專案開始日期 2013/04/19 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 陳永勳
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳永晉 執行單位 新研綠能科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102年度澎湖縣空氣品質管理發展暨細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)化學指紋特徵污染及來源解析計畫--期末報告(定稿版).pdf 18MB

2013 Penghu County Air Quality Management

英文摘要 This project carrying out two major scopes, one for the air quality management development project (hereinafter referred to as SIP) to enhance Penghu County to improve the air quality and control the working quality of each sub-project and developing the control measures base on the air quality level, the other is to analyzise the source of PM2.5 and develop the improvement strategies. 1. Achievements in SIP (1)In Penghu County, according to data of EPA Air Quality Automatic Monitor Stations, the level of PSI 50 is 158 days (43.2%) form Janeray to December at 2013, 51 PSI 100 is 207 days (56.7%), there is no significant difference between last year, only the EPA Published alert at November and December the PSI 100 is 5 days, and the average PSI is 79~86, in accordance with the deterioration of air quality contingency measures, project group published the LED, press releases and messages in time, remind peoples to avoid outdoor activities. (2)Comparing PSI in the past years, the most content is ozone and TSP, the ratio of each is 56.46% and 43.54%, indicate that the component in PSI of Penghu County is TSP became ozone, it’s also mean that the TSP, SO2, NO2, ...etc. are declining these years. And over 67% people are approve of the air quality in Penghu County.In addition to increase the control of TSP continuously, the precursor for ozone are also the most important issue in the future. (3)To assist EPA to accomplish the assessment, including each sub-project implementations integration, such as idling stop, refueling autostop, gasoline recovery, outdoor combustion, and air quality purification areas promotion, ... etc.,total of 17 activities, and EPA quarterly, and also according to the pollution control plan of 2013, all the work item are accomplished and meet the target. Proposed "to maintain the existing good air quality, reduce pollution emissions," as the goals, sets the reduction targets by different categories of each pollution for each sub-projects as the main objective of the future. (4)About the 17 air quality purification areas, project group accomplished each work item, environmental Maintenance and air quality purification areas billboard updates, conducts the painting event and environmental education activities, and ycling Events for the peoples in Penghu get closes to nature life. 2. Achievements in PM2.5 source developing and improvement strategies. (1)The project aims to execute for PM2.5 sampling and chemical composition analysis, in order to discern the physical and chemical characteristics and to explore the ontribution of pollution sources and analysis the feasible transmission paths by backward trajectory. (2)Establish the distribution characteristics of PM2.5 in air quality unhealthy event in the past year, and analyze trends variation between seasonal and PM2.5 concentrations, PM2.5 sampling, chemical composition analysis, fingerprint data establishment, path sources and to develop analytical and PM2.5 contribution and measures.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality Management Development and PM2.5