

中文摘要 計畫執行自103年10月6日起至104年11月6日止,共計13個月(原訂本計畫於104年10月5日結案,但104年柴動站受8月份蘇迪勒及9月份杜鵑颱風影響,故本計畫展延一個月),相關執行項目及成果如下說明: 一、 檢驗站操作與管理 (一) 排煙檢測站操作與查核作業 1. 依公告方法執行檢測,惟站體受8月及9月颱風影響,進行復原工程無法提供檢測,故終止原合約檢測站檢測數量要求,共檢測5,413輛。 2. 每月辦理內部稽核及SIP每季外部查核作業,另於104年4月27日進行第一場外部稽核,再於104年9月16日辦理第二場稽核作業。 (二) 設備改善及更新 施工內容含動力計A線前鐵門保養維修、維護更新動力計A線頂車器總成、A及B線第三滾筒聯軸器、動力計滾筒軸承維護。 二、 提升納管率 (一) 車牌辨視稽查 車辨共90,175輛次,分析車種、車齡等資料俾利老舊柴油車管制。 (二) 提升稽查有效率 路邊攔檢針對一、二期老舊車輛全面加強管制;三、四期車輛依試踩、目測進行初篩,共攔查1,136輛,當中421輛不合格。另於動力計檢測及路邊攔檢車輛全數篩檢油品,送驗120件均無非法油品。 三、 專案管制及宣導推動 (一) 空品淨區 1. 持續推行新板及台北港空品淨區 (1) 新板淨區不定期派員目測稽查。 (2) 台北港淨區由港務公司提供車輛進出資料,交由環保局查詢驗車紀錄,若有柴油車輛未符合管制條件,則派員至現場目測稽查。 2. 烏來、野柳空品淨區 (1) 104年7月9日辦理簽署說明會;8月納管進出之柴油車輛,針對出廠滿5年以上,1年內未檢驗之柴油車輛寄發自動到檢通知。 (2) 加強不定期攔檢,安排人員路邊攔檢作業,管制進出之柴油車輛。 (二) 車隊自主管理 1. 自主管理訪查 本計畫訪查完畢56間業者,業者辦理情況良好。並辦理綠色駕駛教育訓練,針對轄內客貨運車隊辦理21場次,總計503人次。 2. 其他行政事項 (1) 透過舉辦宣導說明會之方式與自主管理者宣導車隊節能等傳達環保政策,已於辦理104年5月25日辦理宣導說明會。 (2) 104年7月9日對烏來及野柳淨區進出業者辦理修正宣導說明會。 (3) 依據103年12月27日北部空品會議提案事項,並依照環保署公告之規格樣式完成分級標章製作。 (4) 辦理自主車隊之保養廠認證制度,於104年5月中完成四家保養廠現況調查,並於104年7月3日辦理現場認證。 (三) 汰舊補助作業 1. 汰舊補助方案 (1) 建議營業大貨/曳引車每輛最高補助新臺幣30萬元、營業小貨車每輛最高補助新臺幣15萬元,並逐年降低金額。 (2) 為藉汰舊補助問卷回饋使方案更臻完善,故暫緩本年補助方案。 2. 汰舊補助問卷 (1) 請本站一、二期車輛受檢車主填寫問卷,回收301張有效問卷。 (2) 最多車主填寫期望汰舊補助金額落於新臺幣10萬元內,其次為11~20萬,另調查濾煙器補助加裝意願有86%車主具意願。
中文關鍵字 柴油車、柴油車動力檢驗站


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 16100 千元
專案開始日期 2014/10/06 專案結束日期 2015/10/05 專案主持人 胡欣
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳宗閔 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103新北柴油車期末報告-本文-定稿.pdf 12MB
英文摘要 This Project was implemented over the period from October 6, 2014 to November 6, 2015. The Project had originally been scheduled to be concluded on October 5, 2015, but because of the impact of Typhoon Soudelor in August 2015 and Typhoon Dujuan in September 2015, Project closure had to be delayed by one month. The work implementation items and results achieved were as follows: 1. Test station operation and management The test stations performed testing on 5,413 vehicles in accordance with the official announcement. However, because of typhoon damage suffered by the test stations, the originally agreed number of instances of testing could not be performed. In April and September 2015, external auditing of the test stations was performed. 2. Raising the coverage ratio The vehicle license plate recognition system was used to analyze the vehicle type, age etc. of 90,175 vehicles. Roadside inspections were used to strengthen management of Class 1 and Class 2 older vehicles; with respect to Class 3 and 4 older vehicles, test operation and visual inspection were used for preliminary screening, with a total of 1,136 vehicles being stopped for inspection, of which 421 were found to be non-conforming. In addition, of 120 samples of oil tested from vehicles examined at the test stations and during roadside inspection that were sent for analysis, none were found to involve illegal oil products. 3. Special controls and promotional activities (1) Clean air zones Visual inspection has continued to be performed in the Xinbei City Banciao Special District Clean Air Zone on an occasional basis. With regard to the Port of Taipei Clean Air Zone, the Taipei Port Container Terminal Corporation provides data on all vehicles entering and leaving the port area; if examination of the vehicle records reveals that there are any vehicles that have failed to comply with vehicle management regulations, personnel are dispatched to perform on-site visual inspection Regarding the newly-established Wulai and Yeliu Clean Air Zones, in July 2015 presentations were held regarding the signing of self-directed management agreements. In August, the entry into and exit from these areas of diesel-fueled vehicles was brought within the scope of controls, and notifications were sent out to the owners of diesel-fueled vehicles that are more than 5 years old and which have not undergone inspection within the past year to bring the vehicle in for inspection. In the future, occasional roadside inspections of diesel-fueled vehicles entering and leaving these areas will be stepped up. (2) Self-directed fleet management As part of the Project implementation, visits were made to 56 business enterprises. Overall, the state of fleet management was found to be satisfactory. In addition, 21 “green driving” training sessions were held for passenger and goods vehicle fleets within New Taipei City, with a total of 503 people participating. In May 2015, a self-directed fleet management presentation was held to publicize fleet energy conservation and other environmental initiatives. Other work items carried out included: (1) Creation of classification marks based on the standard format announced by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). (2) Organization of a self-directed fleet management maintenance facility certification system, with on-site inspection of four of these facilities being completed by mid-May 2015, and on-site certification performed in July 2015. (3) In July 2015, presentations were held for business enterprises whose vehicles enter andleave the Wulai and Yeliu Clean Air Zones on a regular basis to explain the revisions made to the regulations governing self-directed fleet management. (3) Subsidies for replacement of decrepit vehicles It was proposed that the maximum subsidy provided to help vehicle operators replace aged and decrepit vehicles should be limited a maximum of NT$300,000 in the case of large goods vehicles and tractors and NT$150,000 in the case of small goods vehicles, and that the amount of the subsidy should be gradually reduced each year. Implementation of this year’s subsidy plan was postponed so that 301 questionnaires could be sent out to obtain feedback that can be used to further improve the subsidy program.