

中文摘要 一、協助低碳城市計畫推動與管考 本計畫 103 年協助推動與管考 10 項低碳城市計畫,計 44 項推動措施、97 項工作項目, 主要針對各主辦局、處所執行之低碳城市建構計畫相關措施,具體追蹤各項計畫執行進度、 計畫期程變動、辦理事項及成果;進度落後之工作項目,透過低碳城市專案辦公室要求加速 辦理。經本計畫進行減碳績效之計算與評估,預計 103 年減碳總效益約可達 31 萬 7,796 公 噸,固碳量可達 3,938 公噸。 本市溫室氣體整體減量目標為「於 2020 年溫室氣體排放量回到 2010 基準年之排放水準 再減 10%」,短期減碳目標為 2014 年相對 BAU 減量 104 萬公噸 CO2-e;依據 2011 及 2012 年之盤查結果,共減碳 92 萬公噸 CO2-e,相當於本市 25 萬戶(約全市 40%)一年的用電排碳 量,2012 年溫室氣體盤查排放量 683 萬公噸 CO2-e,也提前達到 2014 年排放目標 696 萬公 噸 CO2-e,顯示本市減碳成效相當卓著。 二、推動低碳永續家園認證評等作業 (一) 低碳永續家園共榮圈 本計畫配合環保署低碳永續家園認證評等政策,協助環保局推動轄內相關業務,維持南區低碳生活圈運作及提升低碳永續程度,並將本計畫所執行的7項工作項目(社區節能輔導計畫、寺廟輔導改善、商場節能、契約用電節能改善輔導、碳足跡估算、永安國小碳中和及溫室氣體盤查)撰寫成認證專案,並上傳至低碳永續家園資訊網,完成建置認證專案。 (二) 低碳永續家園認證與評等 為使臺南市在低碳永續家園評比認證中獲得良好成績,本團隊採分階段執行方式,首先召開一場次永續家園跨科室協商會,藉以評估本市37個區、752個里入圍認證之潛力; 為讓各區公所瞭解低碳永續家園認證評比制度,邀集各區公所辦理一場低碳永續家園認證評等說明會,以要求協助配合推動認證評等相關事宜。本團隊共計輔導 113個里,無意願參與31個里,共上傳93個單位文件(82個里、6個示範社區、4處行政區),其中76個里(含示範社區)取得入圍、6個里入圍審查中、4個里取得銅級;另外輔導8個行政區,3個行政區(柳營區、下營區、學甲區)取得入圍,南化區、玉井區入圍資料審查中,3個行政區(安平區、西港區、新化區)今年度無意願參與。從全國認證統計結果來看,在入圍級方面,本市在村里層級入圍,排名第三名,僅次於新北市與台北市;在鄉鎮市區層級部分,則僅有12個縣市入圍,本市入圍3個行政區排名第6。 三、推動節能輔導改善計畫 (一) 低碳社區輔導改善計畫 103年度共有25處社區報名低碳社區輔導計畫,經低碳辦公室與專家學者現場勘查後,選出19處社區進行輔導及改善作業,並且針對勘查結果提供節能診斷報告書,供社區日後改造參考使用。103年度實際補助19處社區進行低碳節能改造,總補助金額為2,600,000元,社區自籌款2,636,495元,總改造金額5,236,495元,平均自籌款比例46.71%,改造完成後可節省電力642,129度/年,節省電費2,284,953元/年,減碳效益335.2公噸/年。 (二) 校園能源效率提升計畫 為因應校園節能趨勢,本計畫配合教育局編列202萬元之專案改善費用,協助推動教室節能提升計畫及能源監控設備計畫,並撰寫行動項目成果上傳環保署低碳網頁。本計畫由102年臺南市學校總用電量及人均用電量,配合學校設備現況進行共31所學校現勘作業,最後挑選20所學校進行能源監控設備裝設及迴路改善,並完成20組監控設備裝設,以及16所學校共619個迴路改善作業。預計完成監控教室用電以及迴路改善,可以了解學校能源使用現況,有效提升學校能源使用效率,達成校園用電設施節能目標。因目前監控資料僅有9-10月份完整兩個月,故建議未來待監控時間較長後,再進行完整之比較分析,以利評估效益。 (三) 低碳環保寺廟推動計畫 為協助臺南市持續推動寺廟節能改善工作,本計畫103年度配合民政局之推動規劃,編列108萬元改善專案配合款,推動輔導2家宗教團體全面進行老舊燈具汰換為高效率節能燈具,每家補助改善經費最高為54萬元。本年度輔導對象分別為鹿耳門天后宮及新營太子宮,天后宮預計配合低碳環保寺廟指標推動相關工作,其中更換節能燈具共10,663盞,推動工作約需96萬元,其中本市補助50萬元,其餘經費則由廟方自行籌措,預期每年可節電157,687度,節費536,134元,減碳157,845 kgCO2e。太子宮預計配合低碳環保寺廟指標進行相關改善工作,其中更換節能燈具共 8,556盞,推動工作約需102萬元,其中本市補助50萬元,其餘經費則由廟方自行籌措,預期每年可節電84,694度,節費287,960元,減碳109,790 kgCO2e。 (四) 節能示範商場營造計畫 本計畫配合經發局編列90萬元輔導並建立一處節能示範夜市為目標,期許日後能推廣示範夜市之節能理念及作法至臺南市其他夜市,最後撰寫行動項目成果並上傳至環保署低碳網頁。經市場處多次協商後,最終選定花園夜市進行輔導改善。本團隊研擬臺南市低碳環保示範夜市建議推動方案,根據低碳環保健康夜市應符合之八大指標訂定出八項推動方案,包含設置回收專區、補助更換節能燈具、使用環保餐具、裝設油煙防制設備、安全用油及廢食用油回收自主管理、公廁形象及節能改造、推動無菸夜市及夜市整潔衛生形象提升改造,部分工作項目已完成,實際需要施工改造的部分則預計12月底完成施工。 四、溫室氣體盤查、碳足跡及碳中和作業 (一) 溫室氣體盤查 在行政轄區邊界的部分,2012年本市溫室氣體排放總量為2,295萬公噸CO2e,相較於2011年排放總量2,448萬公噸CO2e減少148萬公噸CO2e。2012年溫室氣體排放主要來源為工業相關部門,包含工業能源及工業製程,其排放量占整體溫室氣體排放之70.26%,其次為運輸能源相關部門,包含道路運輸、鐵路運輸、航空運輸及境內海/水運輸,占整體排放量之13.55%,住商能源占11.27%,而廢棄物及農業則各占3.25%及1.67%。若扣除工業排放,則本市2012年溫氣體排放682.5萬公噸CO2e,相較2011年減少約20萬公噸CO2e。 在政府機關邊界的部分,2013年政府機關溫室氣體排放量為183,258公噸CO2e,其中以能源部門產生之排放為主要來源,占整體排放量之71.98%,第二大排放源為廢棄物,占整體排放量之26.22%,而工業製程及農業,則分別占1.78%及0.02%,2013年盤查結果在盤查邊界及盤查範圍進行改變,造成整體排放量高於2012年,包含街道照明與交通號誌、工業製程及廢棄物的計算範圍皆進行改變。 (二) 4項產品碳足跡 本計畫透過公開遴選機制挑選出臺南市4項產品進行碳足跡盤查輔導,獲選之標的產品為三皇生物科技股份有限公司-生活運動飲料、起士公爵有限公司-乳酪蛋糕、成大酒廠股份有限公司-成大通關特級58度高梁酒及晶泰水泥加工廠股份有限公司-磨石子地磚。本次進行盤查的生活運動飲料碳足跡為64.69(gCO2e/每包300 ml生活運動飲料)、乳酪蛋糕碳足跡為1.04(kgCO2e/每個原味純粹乳酪蛋糕)、成大通關特級58度高梁酒碳足跡為4.03(kgCO2e/每瓶600ml成大通關58度特級高粱酒)及磨石子地磚碳足跡為1.74(kgCO2e/每片30cm*30cm*2cm磨石子地磚)。 (三) 校園碳中和規劃 永安國小碳中和規劃作業,已於2013年完成永安國小溫室氣體盤查及永安國小碳中和管理計畫書通過第三方單位查證,於今年度進行減碳措施的施作,包含裝設26.7kW的太陽能板、汰換50組耗能燈具及更換兩台耗能熱水器,今年度工作已完成31.875kW的太陽能板的裝設、汰換50組耗能燈具為LED燈具以及將兩台耗能熱水器換成較節能之飲水機,並於103年10月30日由臺南市賴清德市長主持並宣布碳中和正式啟動,預計於2015年10月達到碳中和。 五、協助辦理節能減碳業務及宣導活動 (一) 臺南市 咱ㄟ低碳城市網 現行「臺南市咱ㄟ低碳城市網」(網址為http://tainan.carbon.net.tw )是101年透過「混搭網路服務(Mashup)」的概念,整合第三方網站(如Blogger、Google maps、Google news、facebook、YouTube、slideshare等)所建置完成;至於系統的功能方面,「臺南市咱ㄟ低碳城市網」平台的建置,主要是希望以另一種「簡單、便捷、分享、生活」的知識交流平台方式,呈現大臺南地區在節能減碳推動的現況,並將低碳永續相關資料、資訊、文件、活動等逐步有計畫性的蒐集及整合,以利後續推廣及推動的堅固後盾。 (二) 整合式宣導活動 為宣導市民響應節能減碳,推廣市民落實低碳生活,減緩地球暖化,本計畫協助環保局共辦理低碳節能相關宣導活動,重要活動包括:臺南市422地球日活動,市長賴清德當日乘公車前往現場與約150為民眾共同參與此活動;結合科技部、遠東百貨公司等單位,辦理低碳臺南「熊環保」尋寶打卡「熊蓋讚」裝置藝術暨低碳生活宣導展;與科技部氣候變遷調適科技整合研究計畫(TaiCCAT)舉辦「臺南市民參與氣候變遷調適圓桌論壇」,邀請各界代表與專家學者探討因應之道,探討未來天然災害規模、公私部門所面臨的困境、政府應採行的防範措施、民眾的調適行為及公私部門的協力機制等議題;召開年終成果發表記者會,回顧103年臺南市環保局及低碳城市專案辦公室付出的努力及成果同時提出未來之展望,並由臺南市賴清德市長主持,同時展出臺南市在地企業自100年以來取得碳標籤之產品。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、評等認證


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 17566 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/09 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 薛聖翰 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度臺南市低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫-期末報告.pdf 36MB
英文摘要 1. Evaluation of Low Carbon City Promotion Assisting Tainan City Government found the project office of Tainan Low Carbon City, which is responsible for evaluation the 10 constructional strategies (contains 44 measures and 97 specific actions). The main work are tracking the progress of each actions, alteration of projects,and calculating the amount of carbon reduction and fixation. To the end of October, the total amounts of carbon reduction and fixation were expected to attain 317,796 ton CO2e and 3,938 ton C in 2014, respectively. The short-term reduction target of Tainan low carbon city is cutting down 1.04 million tones CO2e in 2014 which is 13 % lower than BAU; the long-term reduction target is diminishing 2.23 million tons CO2e in 2020 which is 26 % lower than BAU. According to the results of greenhouse gases (GHGs) inventory, the amount of carbon reduction during 2011 to 2012 was 0.92 million tons CO2e, and the GHGs emission excluding industrial sector in 2012 was 6.83 million tons CO2e which has reached the 2014 target in advance. 2. Promoting Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Ranking Evaluation (1) Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland The plans help EPA to promote low-carbon sustainable homes, write 7 performed projects and upload to Low Carbon Sustainable Information System. (2) Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland Certification and Rating To the end of November, we have helped 113 villages (except 31 villages which have no willingness to participate) to upload 93 departments’ files. As a result, 76 villages (including model community) got nominated, 6 villages were nominated and been examined, and 4 villages got copper grade. Besides, we also assisted 8 administrative regions, 3 regions with getting nominated (except 2 regions which have no willingness to participate). Base on the statistical results which have been made at the end of November, Tainan city have 73 villages got nominated and been ranked third; furthermore, according to the statistical results of cities, only 12 cities got nominated, Tainan city was ranked 6. 3. Plan for improving Energy Conservation (1) Plan for Low Carbon Communities Counseling There are 25 communities sign up low-carbon communities counseling plan in this year. After on-site survey, Tainan Low-Carbon City Project Office and experts pick 19 communities to perform reconstruction. Total budget of reconstruction are 5,236,495 NT dollars, which is including 2.6 million NT dollars financial subsidy and 2,636,495 NT dollars communities self-financing. The expected environmental benefits of this project include: 642,129 kWh per year can be saved, 4,423,098 NT dollars expenditure per year could be recovered, and 335.2 tons of carbon emissions per year can be eliminated. (2) Plan for campus energy efficiency enhancement In response to the energy-saving trend of campus, the plan assisted 20 schools in installing 20 sets of energy monitoring equipment, and 16 schools with improving 619 sets of circuit. These measure can effectively help school to understand the current status of its energy consumption and improve the efficiency of energy utilization to reach the goal of campus energy-saving. (3) Counseling Plan for Low-Carbon and Environmental Religions The project assisted 2 temples to replace the traditional high energy consumption lighting equipment by LEDs or other high energy efficiency lights, each counselling case could get 540,000 NT dollars financial subsidy at most. The counseling object in this year are Luermen Matsu Temple and Xinying Taizigong. The Luermen Matsu Temple replaced 10,663 high energy efficiency lamps, cost 960,000 NTdollars. It will save 157,687 kWh/year, reduce 536,134 NT dollars/year power spending, and reduce 157,845 kgCO2e/year emissions. The Xinying Taizigong replaced 8,556 high energy efficiency lamps, cost 1,020,000 NT dollars, and it could help Xinying Taizigong save 84,694 kWh/year, 287,960 NT dollars, and diminish 109,790 kgCO2e/year emission. (4) Plan for Low-Carbon Demonstration Night Market Counseling This project spend 900,000 NT dollars counseling and reconstructing garden-night-market as a low carbon demonstration night market, hope it can extend the energy-saving ideas and practices to other night markets in Tainan. For this reason, We have helped Tainan Low-Carbon City Project Office formulate eight low-carbon promotion programs, including: set up recycling area, replace high energy efficiency lights, use environmentally friendly tableware, install fume control equipment, recycle cooking oil, reconstruct public toilets、promote smokeless night market, and maintain clean and tidy.All the work will be finished before December 31. 4. GHGs inventory, Carbon Footprint and Carbon Neutral (1) Results of Greenhouse Gases Inventory According to the “Guidelines for calculating county-level GHG “from EPA, this project investigated the GHGs inventory of Tainan city (the target year of administrative area is 2010 and administrative institute is 2012). The result showed that total GHGs emissions of administrative area in 2012 was 22.95 million tons CO2e, in which industrial sector (including energy of industry and industrial processes) contributed 70.26%, energy of transportation contributed 13.55%, household energy contributed 11.27%, waste sector contributed 3.25% and agricultural sector contributed 1.67% to the value. And it was decreased 0.2 million tons CO2e compared to 2011. On the other hand, in administrative institute, the total GHGs emissions was 184,008 tons CO2e, in which energy sector contributed 72.10% to the total value (energy used in building and facilities, street lighting and traffic signals, transportation, and fugitive took 30.87%, 24.86%, 14.88% and 1.49%, respectively), waste sector contributed 26.11%, industrial processes contributed 1.77% and agricultural sector contributed 0.02 %. (2) Carbon Footprint Results of Four Commercial Products The carbon footprint was estimated by PAS2050:2011 and EPA Guidelines,“ Calculation Carbon Footprint of Commercial Products and Services” for the four selected products. Carbon footprint results are as following: 64.69 gCO2e/300 ml-product for NuLife Sports Drink, 1.04 kgCO2e/a piece cheese cake for Original Cheese Cake, 4.03 kgCO2e/600 ml-product for Cheng Ta 58 degrees Kaoliang Liquor, and 1.74 kgCO2e/30cm*30cm*2cm-brick product for terrazzo brick, and assisted above firms to gained the carbon footprint labels of products. (3) Campus carbon neutral planning According to the carbon neutral of Yong-An elementary school project, it have been finished the examination of greenhouse gas in Yong-An elementary school. Also, the carbon neutral of Yong-An elementary school project have been passed the verification by third party. The carbon reduction plans this year include setting solar panel (26.7kW) and changing high energy-consuming equipment. Therefore, the solar panel (31.875kW) have been set, 50 high energy-consuming lighting have been changed into LED lighting, and 2 energy-consuming hot-water heater have been changed into energy-saving drinking fountain. William Lai, the major of Tainan city, declared the start of carbon neutral in Oct.30 2014 and expected to achieve the goal of carbon neutral in Oct. 2015. 5. Promoting Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Activities (1) The Website of Low Carbon Tainan City Based on the concepts of “simple, convenient, and sharing life“, we set up and maintain Tainan Low-carbon city website as knowledge exchange platform which integrates the associated information included carbon reductions, low-carbon sustainable development and to be the open databases for the citizen. The website link is http://tainan.carbon.net.tw/. (2) Promoting and Publicity Activities This project helped with Tainan EPB to participate for “422 Low-Carbon Diet”, “Low-Carbon Tainan City Installation Art Activities”, “Engaging Tainan Citizens with Climate Change Adaptation Roundtable” held with Ministry of Science and Technology, “Press Conference of Carbon Neutral” and “Year-End Press Conference” chaired by the Mayor, and exhibited the products that get carbon labeling