

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間為103年11月1日至105年10月31日止。計畫目標為執行全國(北區)PM2.5質量濃度手動監測,計畫執行區域包含基隆(測站編號001)、汐止(測站編號002)、板橋(測站編號006)、士林(測站編號011)、萬華(測站編號013)、桃園(測站編號017)、平鎮(測站編號020)、花蓮(測站編號063)、陽明(測站編號064)、宜蘭(測站編號065)及馬祖(測站編號075),等共11測站,其中平鎮站因配合桃園升格直轄市故自104年1月12日批次開始監測。手動監測頻率為每3天1次,採樣時間為指定日期之凌晨零時至24時,連續24小時之採樣。本計畫手動監測作業時間限定如後:(1)採樣日前12小時需完成放樣作業,(2)採樣日後12小時需完成取樣作業.樣品取出後需在24小時內送回實驗室進行後續調理分析。 本計畫由台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司負責7站次(馬祖、花蓮、士林、萬華、板橋、桃園、平鎮)之採樣及北區11站次之濾紙檢驗分析,台旭環境科技中心股份有限公司負責4站次(基隆、汐止、陽明、宜蘭)之採樣工作。第1年度北區應完成1318站次之採樣,其中有效樣品為1269站次,採樣作業暫停31站次,採樣失敗為18站次,資料可用率約為96.3%。第2年度北區應完成1342站次之採樣,其中有效樣品為1282站次,採樣作業暫停19站次,採樣失敗為41站次,資料可用率約為95.5%。2年合計應完成2660站次之採樣,其中有效樣品為2551站次,採樣作業暫停50站次,採樣失敗為59站次,整體資料可用率約為95.9%。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、監測、北區


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA11-03-A008-1 經費年度 103 計畫經費 41350 千元
專案開始日期 2014/11/01 專案結束日期 2016/10/31 專案主持人 郭淑清
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 陳妙玲 執行單位 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-FA11-03-A008-1_期末定稿.pdf 10MB

Sampling/Monitoring Program for (FRM) PM2.5 in Northern Taiwan

英文摘要 This project started from November 1st 2014 and will end on October 31th 2016. The project goal is using manual method (NIEA A205) to monitor PM2.5 in Northern Taiwan at 11 monitoring stations: Keelung(station number:001), Xizhi(station number:002), Banqiao(station number:006), Shilin(station number:011), Wanhua(station number:013), Taoyuan(station number:017), Pingzhen(station number:020), Hualien(station number:063), Yangming(station number:064), Yilan(station number:065) and Matsu(station number:075). The PM2.5 samples were collected once every 3 days with 24h sampling time continuously from 00:00 to 24:00 on appointed day, simultaneously at all stations. Some rules should be followed: (1) Before sampling start, filters should be set up in samplers within 12 hours. (2) From the end of sampling, filters should be taken out from samplers within 12 hours. (3) All samples should get in to lab (SGS) within 24 hours after drawn out form samplers. Field sampling were performed by two companies (SGS & TAET), and SGS analyzed those samples. SGS took charge of sampling at 6 stations including Matsu, Hualien, Shilin, Wanhua, Banqiao and Taoyuan. TAET did sampling of the other 4 stations including Keelung, Xizhi, Yangming and Yilan. At the first stage (2014/11/1~2015/10/31), 1318 samples should be accomplished. In the end, 1269 samples were available, 18 samples were failed, and 31 samples were suspended. The rate of achievement was 96.3 %. At the Second stage (2015/11/01~2016/10/31), 1342 samples should be accomplished. In the end, 1282 samples were available, 41 samples were failed, and 19 samples were suspended. The rate of achievement was 95.5 %. Totally, the project had 2660 samples should be accomplished. In the end, 2551 samples were available, 59 samples were failed, and 50 samples were suspended. The rate of totally achievement was 95.9 %.
英文關鍵字 PM2.5, Monitoring, Northern Taiwan