

中文摘要 目前第一批列管連線煙道依其製程別包括:鍋爐發電程序、水泥製造程序及電弧爐煉鋼程序,共有21家工廠,64根次煙道﹔第二批列管連線煙道為廢棄物焚化程序,共有5家工廠,14根次煙道﹔第三批為鍋爐發電程序(80~130公噸/小時)、化學製造程序及鐵礦初級熔煉之煉焦與燒結程序,共有12家工廠,36根次煙道﹔及自行連線4廠10根次連線,高雄市境內共計31家公私場所124根次連線煙道。 統計至103/12/31,各年度工作項目皆如期達成,優先查核對象以近年未查核及過去查核結果不佳為主。工作進度表請參閱表3-1。 在前置作業方面,依據管理辦法及相關審查規定,修定連續自動監測設施查核及品保作業程序,於103年7月31日提送。 監測儀器功能查核方面: 已完成35根次煙道相對準確度測試查核,完成率100%,除南區焚化P001 HCl與中油高煉P105 Flow未合格外,其餘測項合格率皆為100%,偏移校正因子(BAF)以氮氧化物發生率較高(24%),不透光率校正誤差查核執行30根次煙道,完成率100%,低、中、高範圍合格率均為100%,誤差大部分小於1%﹔而標準氣體查核執行40根次,完成率100%,各測項皆合格,誤差大部分小於5%;二氧化氮查核進行22根次,完成率100%,整體之轉化率為93.99%,對於轉化率較差之工廠已於查核後建議廠商應自行定期測試,轉化率低時應更換相關耗材,發生BAF之煙道查核後也請廠商留意是否有系統性偏移之情形。 監督查核方面: 已完成26組相對準確度測試監督查核及20組不透光率監督查核,由於監督查核工作為工廠自行執行查核時到廠監督,確認工廠是否依法規確實執行,目前皆符合法規之要求。 監測資料品質方面: 每月定期進行月報審查,並完成日、月報傳輸率及有效監測時數百分比統計,部分工廠因資料處理系統軟硬體異常或廠內異常停電,皆可能造成數據遺失或漏傳,目前日報與月報傳輸率皆能達到100%。月報表方面,各多數公私場所皆能依每月的審查意見進行修正,月報缺失比率皆有下降的趨勢,103年第1~3季有效率皆達85%以上,每日檢查各廠上傳日報,整體排放趨勢未有環保署公告案例之異常情形。 現場評鑑作業方面: 已完成10場工廠現場查核工作,完成率100%,已發文告知廠商相關缺失,並彙整廠商回覆說明進行追蹤工作。 法規符合度查核部份: 已完成56根次查核作業,完成率100%,而對於查核缺失部分亦持續追蹤輔導改善作業,為了確認各廠改善情形工作小組不定時並至各廠進行追查作業,藉此提昇連線工廠品保品管,增加連線資料之正確性與可靠度,而目前尚未改善缺失多為工廠承辦人員不熟悉相關作業而延遲修正。 空品中心更新維護: 包括固定污染源資料、移動污染源資料、空氣品質監測站資料、CEMS、CCTV、營建工地CCTV、營建排放量前50 大工地、洗掃街車輛、稽查車輛即時追蹤系統及整合高雄市噪音管制區圖資等資訊。執行資訊蒐集、資料處理、空氣品質報表編定及記錄、定期資料庫維護、備份服務、資安弱點檢查、漏洞修補及異地備援等工作,並定期提報上月各連線數據與系統異常情形。 維護更新資料庫與查詢系統: 包括現況資料、管制資料、排放量申報資料、檢測資料、更新擴充資料、固定污染源公私場廠與排放管道衛星定位座標資料、轄區內固定污染源工廠首、次頁完整資料庫與許可申請資料、固定空氣污染源工廠、與工業區「污染指紋」資料。 更新維護重大污染案件緊急應變處理系統: 整合固定空氣污染源資料庫、工廠及工業區污染指紋資料庫、公害陳情資料、MSDS 物質安全資料、FTIR監測資料、CEMS監測連線資料、空氣品質監測站監測資料、工業區環境監測、各氣象資料。
中文關鍵字 連續自動監測、空品中心、標準氣體查核、不透光率查核、相對準確度查核、空氣品質監測站、決策支援系統


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 24600 千元
專案開始日期 2014/06/25 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 陳靖民
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王亭鈞 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 104CEMS_AQMC成果報告.pdf 0MB

103-104 "CEMS Systems and Air Quality Information Systems Operations Management Plan

英文摘要 At present, the first batch of the controlled connected flue pipe according to their manufacturing process includes: boiler power generation process, cement manufacturing process and EAF process, with a total of 21 factories, 64 flues; the second batch of the controlled connected flue pipes is the waste incineration process, with a total of five factories, 14 flues; the third batch is boiler power generation process (80 to 130 tonnes / hour), chemical manufacturing process and iron ore primary smelting and sintering process, with a total of 12 factories, 36 flues and self-connected 4 factories and 10 flues. In Kaohsiung, a total of 31 public and private factories place has 124 connected flues. Till Dec 31, 2014, according to statistics, each annual scheduled task has been done. The check are prioritized on the factories without check or with bad check history. See Table 3-1(Work schedule). In terms of pre-operation, based on review of management practices and related regulations, the CEMS checking and QA operating procedures have been revised and submitted by July 31, 2014. Monitoring instrument function checking: The relative accuracy check of 35 flues has been done with the completion rate of 100%. Except Southern District incineration with P001 HCl and CPC Kaohsiung Refinery with P105 Flow, they are not qualified, the others are all passed with the pass rate of 100%. In the offset correction factor (BAF), nitrogen oxides are the highest (24%). As for the opacity error correction, 30 flutes have been checked with the completion rate of 100%; low, medium and high range pass rate was 100%, and the error is less than 1%. 40 flutes has been done for the standard gas check with the completion rate of 100%; each measured items are all qualified with the error mostly less than 5%; nitrogen dioxide checks have been carried out 22 times with the completion rate of 100%, and the overall conversion rate is 93.99%. As for the factories with poor conversion rate, they have been recommended that the manufacturers should check themselves regularly. When the conversion rate is low, the related supplies should be replaced. After flues with BAF are checked, the manufacturers should observe whether the systematic offset occurs. Supervision checking: 26 groups have been completed on the relative accuracy and supervise check and 20 groups have been checked on its opacity. The supervision check job is that when the factories are doing self-checking, they are supervised on the site to confirm whether the factory in accordance with regulations really do it. Currently, they are all in compliance with the requirements of legislation. Data quality monitoring: As for monthly regular review and the completion of daily and monthly date transmission rate and the statistics of effective monitoring hours percentage, part of the factories have suffered data processing systems hardware and software anomalies or abnormal power failure, all of which might result in data loss or leak. Currently, the daily and monthly transmission rate reaches the rate of 100%. As for the monthly report, the majority of public and private factories makes improvement by themselves according to the monthly check review. The error rate in the month report has declined. In 2014, the efficiency rate from the first to the third quarter has reached more than 85 percent. The uploaded daily review has been checked daily. There hasn’t been found any abnormal situations announced by EPA in the overall emissions trends. Site evaluation operation: The on-site check work has been done with the completion rate of 100%. The relevant faults have been informed to the factories and the feedback has been collected from the factories for the follow-up work. Regulatory Compliance checking: Checks have been done in 56 factories with the completion rate of 100%, and for the fault checking, the follow-up counseling and improvement works have been done. To confirm the improvement situation, our team from time to time has done the follow-up operation to enhance the quality control in the connected factories, and to increase the accuracy and reliability of the connected data. However, till now, the unimproved faults mostly are that the persons in charge are not familiar with the work and correction is delayed. Air quality center updating and maintenance: The air quality center updating and maintenance items Include stationary pollution source data, mobile pollution source data, air quality monitoring station data, CEMS, CCTV, construction site CCTV, top-50 big construction sites on the amount of construction emission, street sweeping/washing vehicles, vehicle real-time inspection system and integration of the map data in the voice control zone, Kaohsiung City and other information. The implementation items include data collection, data processing, air quality reports and records, regular database maintenance, backup services, information security weaknesses inspection, bug fixes, and remote backup, and regularly reporting the last month connection data and system anomalies situation. Maintaining and updating the database and query system: The works include current data, controlled data, emissions reporting data, test data, updating the expanded data, stationary pollution sources of the public and private factories and discharge piping GPS coordinate data, the stationary pollution sources factories first and second page complete database and permit application data, fixed air pollution source factories, and "pollution fingerprint" data in the industrial areas. Updating and maintenance of major pollution cases and its emergency treatment system: Here, we have covered stationary air pollution sources database integration, factories and industrial areas contaminated fingerprint database, pollution petition data, MSDS material safety data, FTIR monitoring data, CEMS monitoring connection data, air quality monitoring station data, industrial areas environmental monitoring, and meteorological data.
英文關鍵字 CEMS, CGA, RATA, OP, Air quality management center, Decision Support Systems