

中文摘要 本計畫自103年5月17日執行至104年5月16日,已完成期末報告進度,以下就目前執行成果進行簡要說明: 本計畫已完成高屏溪沿岸之大樹區里嶺大橋上游至林園區出海口選定7處巡查點位,由高屏溪上游至下游巡查點分別為里嶺大橋上游點、斜張橋點、疏濬工程點、攔河堰上游點、舊鐵橋點、萬大橋上游點及林園工業區外堤防點。統計94~103年間共計發生因空品不良事件日造成河川揚共計16站日,然101年至103年本團隊執行已從最高4站日降為2站日。整體而言高屏溪沿岸懸浮微粒濃度已呈現逐年改善之趨勢。 本年度結合無人飛行器空拍作業及衛星航照圖分析雙管齊下,分析裸露河床面積總流域面積為10194.3公頃,裸露地由4,092.9公頃減少至3,250.2公頃,總減少幅度20.6%,相對植生區域由3,818.0公頃增加至4,722.5公頃。其相關河川揚塵潛勢區位提送機關及七河局參考,七河局於101年~103年在曹公圳河段、斜張橋上下游河段及高屏溪萬大橋下游左岸,進行現地植生23公頃、現地植生20公頃及稻草蓆覆蓋約24公頃左右,另針對偶發揚塵事件,出動灑水車循高屏溪沿岸噴灑。 本年度計畫著重於推動及改善部分,需從教育做起,其宣導對象共分為三部份,一為宣導對象為高屏溪沿岸國中小學教師,另一宣導為高屏溪沿岸之國中小學之學童,對於高屏溪沿岸影響較為嚴重的學校,有鑑於深知河川揚塵對於沿岸居民健康的影響,另在大寮區公所、及檨腳里活動中心內辦理大寮區區里宣導說明會,參與人數約700人次。 另於103年10/16大樹區斜張橋紀念廣場及104年興田國小進行高屏溪河川揚塵預通報演練作業,以利於揚塵來臨時,能作好相關通報及污染源調查、稽巡查等作業,並藉由各相關機關及事業單位參與實況演練,加強熟悉事件發生時之通報流程及職責分工,以達迅速應變之效。參與人數達220餘人。 本年度選定於高雄市杉林區上平公園內進行綠覆植生作業,總施作面積約3300m2,除原定施作2,500m2的綠覆植生進行養護外,本計畫另行施作800m2範圍不加以養護以為對照組,比較綠覆植生於養護及不養護之情形下的生長差異。 其本年度除橫向聯繫屏東縣環保局及河川管理單位進行高屏溪揚塵管制之協商會議外,另業已辦理二場次高屏溪河川揚塵預通報演練作業,加強於河川揚塵事件發生後,高屏二縣市的聯繫機制,將有助於未來管制河川揚塵之效。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、河川揚塵、懸浮微粒、聯合演練


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 6150 千元
專案開始日期 2014/05/17 專案結束日期 2015/05/16 專案主持人 陳昭忞
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 元曉琴 執行單位 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司


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期末報告 全文報告.pdf 30MB
英文摘要 This project since May 17, 2014 execution to May 16, 2015, completed on schedule before the end of the period, the following brief description of the current implementation of the outcome: This project has been completed along the upper reaches of the trees Gaoping district Ridge Bridge to the forest park to the sea 7 inspection points selected by the Gaoping River upstream to downstream, respectively upstream of the inspection points in Ridge Bridge, cable-stayed bridge point, dredging point, outer weir upstream of the old iron bridge point, upstream of the bridge and Wanda Bridge Lin Yuan industrial Zone dike points. Statistics from 2005 to 2014 years, a total of occurrence of adverse events due date empty product caused a total of 16 Stations Rivers dust , then 2012 years to 2014 years of the execution team 。Reduced from 2 days up to 4 station station days. Overall,Kaoping particulate matter year by year improvement Gaoping coastal aerosol concentrations have been rendered This year combined with unmanned aircraft empty job and satellite navigation Fig analysis pronged analysis bare bed area of the total area of 10,194.3 hectares of bare land decreased from 4,092.9 hectares to 3,250.2 hectares, the total reduction in margin of 20.6%, relative plant raw area increased from 3,818.0 hectares to 4,722.5 hectares. Its associated river dusting potential regional authorities and submitted to the Board with reference to Seventh River Management Office applied, river seven innings in 2012 years to 2014 years in Tso Chun River, cable-stayed bridge downstream of the left bank of the river and downstream Kaoping square Bridge, were now born to plant 23 ha, is to plant 20 hectares of Health and straw mat covering about 24 hectares, and the other for the occasional dust events, dispatched through Gaoping coastal sprinkler spray. Plans this year to focus on promoting and improving part, need to start from education, its advocacy target is divided into three parts, one for propaganda object Gaoping coastal States of Teachers, another advocacy of Gaoping coast primary and secondary school students of the country, the impact is more serious for Gaoping coastal schools, in view of the dust for residents along the river know the health effects, and the other to handle Daliao mere propaganda in the district office within Daliao and feet in event pilot briefings, the number of participants to about 700 people. Another oblique in 2014 10/16 Bridge Memorial Plaza District of trees and 2015 were small hte country Gaoping rivers dust pre-job briefing exercise to facilitate the dust comes, can make informed and pollution-related investigation, protracted inspections, etc. job, and by the relevant organs and institutions to participate in live drills to enhance communications processes and the division of responsibilities of the familiar event occurs, to achieve rapid strain effect. The number of participants reached more than 220 people. Selected year's level in the parks green cover plant raw job on Shanlin district Kaohsiung City, with a total area of about Oxfam 3300m2, in addition to the original facilities for students 2,500m2 of green cover plant conservation, but this plan does not separate facilities for its conservation 800m2 range that the control group, was born in the green cover plant growth difference of conservation and conservation under no circumstances. This year in addition to its horizontal linkages Pingtung County Environmental Protection Agency and river management unit consultative meeting of Gaoping dust control, the other two have been handling pre-briefing sessions Gaoping rivers dust drill work, strengthen the dust after the river incident, Kaohsiung and Pingtung two Counties liaison mechanism will help future dust control effect of river.
英文關鍵字 Air quality, Rivers dust, Suspended particles, Joint exercises