

中文摘要 本年度計畫於民國103年6月23日(計畫決標日)起至104年6月22日止之計畫各項工作推動成果如下: 道路潔淨度情形調查部分,本計畫於計畫執行期間每月執行新北市29區共205條重點道路之道路潔淨度巡檢工作,巡檢里程共計914.6公里,巡檢比例為30.49%。由調查結果顯示103年7月至104年6月新北市A級道路比例雖由94.83%下降至90.35%,但每月A級道路比例皆能維持80%以上;另本計畫分別於103年9、12月份及104年1、4月份針對新北市15條道路進行4次道路街塵負荷檢測工作,經分析15條道路之平均總街塵負荷為1.46 g/m2,平均坋土負荷為0.37 g/m2,有13條道路評定A級,2條道路評定B級,A級與B級道路比例分占86.7%及13.3%。本計畫針對營建工地髒污、砂石棧場、垃圾及違規小廣告執行之「計畫橫向通報」,累計有4,325件,通報改善率達100%。 於新北市道路維護情形及各區清潔隊洗掃機具、性能進行調查工作成果部分,由調查得知轄內各區清潔隊共計有35輛掃街車、17輛洗街車,其中僅13區有專職人力進行洗街、掃街機具操作。 本年度針對掃街車集塵室內部增設空氣污染抑制裝置改裝之不鏽鋼篩網、粒狀物衝擊板及微霧/灑水設備三部份,並進行相關實場測試工作,於模擬實際道路掃街作業情形可改善其對周界TSP及PM10約35%的影響,並從鼓風機排氣尾端排出之粒狀物量可減少約44%。 新北市洗掃最佳化方案分結果發現新北市如將大部分道路維護能量轉由「公有民營計畫」執行,而清潔隊僅負責市區主要道路維護工作,則相對能夠減輕清潔隊環保業務執行壓力,另在妥善區分「清潔隊」與「公有民營計畫」維護權責並挹注足夠道路維護能量下,對於新北市街道揚塵污染抑制工作,以及新北市道路環境整潔度提升工作應會有相當助益。 在車行揚塵排放推估部份,推估顯示103年新北市車行揚塵之TSP排放量為18,190公噸,PM10排放量為3,491公噸,PM2.5排放量約845公噸;在車行揚塵削減量推估部分,則評估執行洗掃街作業可削減TSP排放量386公噸。
中文關鍵字 街道揚塵洗掃、清潔隊、道路潔淨等級調查、街塵採樣


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 5800 千元
專案開始日期 2014/06/23 專案結束日期 2015/06/22 專案主持人 張志平
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 梁錫勳 執行單位 慧群環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 103年度新北市車行揚塵污染管制計畫期末定稿.pdf 10MB
英文摘要 The promotional result on the current yearly project’s various items of work spanning from June 23, 2014 (the project award date) to June 22, 2015 is as follows: On the portion of roadway cleanliness status survey, the project has been executed monthly. During the project execution period, the roadway cleanliness roaming inspection work on 205 local roadways in 29 districts across New Taipei City, with the roaming inspection mileage totaling to 914.6 kilometers, a roaming inspection ratio at 30.49%. The survey findings reveal that from July 2014 to June 2015, although level A roadways in New Taipei City have reduced to 90.35% from 94.83%, the monthly level-A roadway ratios, however, are able to maintain at an 80% or higher; also the project has, in September and December 2014, and January and April 2015 performed 4 roadway dust capability screening work on 15 roadways in New Taipei City, and through analysis, the median street dust capacity on the 15 roadways is at 1.46g/m2, the average dirt capacity is at 0.37 g/m2, where 13 roadways classified as level-A, and 2 roadways as level-B, with level-A and level-B roadway ratios at 86.7% and 13.3%. The project has implemented the “project lateral report” on construction site pollution, gravel stockpile sites, refuse and illegal advertisement postings, which tallies to a cumulative total of 4,325 cases, with reporting improvement ratio reaching 100%. On the portion of survey performed on New Taipei City roadway maintenance status, and various districts’ cleaning teams’ cleaning machinery/equipment and functionality, the survey reveals that the cleaning crews in various districts within the jurisdiction operate a total of 35 street sweeping vehicles, 17 street hosing vehicles, and among them, only 13 districts have full-time manpower to operate street hosing and street sweeping machinery and equipment. The current year, three parts of an air pollutant suppressing device retrofit stainless steel sifting mesh, particle impact board and micro-mist/sprinklerequipment were added to the street sweeping vehicle’s dust collection chamber, and has also performed relevant onsite testing work, where the simulated actual roadway sweeping operating shows that it is able to improve the peripheral TSP and PM10 by approximately 35%, and is able to reduce the particle count emitted from fan blower exhaust end by approximately 44%. The result of the New Taipei City roadway sweeping optimization proposal reveals that revamping a majority of New Taipei City’s the roadway maintenance for execution by a “government-funded private-operated project”, leaving the cleaning crews only responsible for inner city major roadways’ maintenance work can comparatively ease the cleaning crews’ environmental conservation operation’s execution pressure, and also by adequately distinguishing the maintenance responsibility between the “cleaning crews” and the “government-funded private-run project”, together with infusing sufficient roadway maintenance synergy ought to significantly contribute towards New Taipei City’s permeating dust pollution suppressing work, and New Taipei City’s roadway environment cleanliness enhancement work. On the portion of estimating the vehicular permeating dust emissions, the estimations show that in 2014 New Taipei City’s vehicular permeating dust’s TSP emissions volume tallies to 18,190 tons, PM10 emissions volume at 3,491 tons, PM25 emissions volume at approximately 845 tons; on the portion of estimating the vehicular permeating dust volume reduction, implementing the roadway sweeping work has been evaluated to be able to cut down permeating dust by 386 tons.