

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自103年8月5日貣至104年8月4日止,期間辦理二行程機車汰舊補助作業、電動機車補助作業、電動(輔助)自行車補助作業、烏賊車檢舉審查催檢作業,以及機車定檢站管理作業,本計畫重點工作說明如下: 一、補助作業 1.二行程機車汰舊補助作業: 103年度二行程機車汰舊補助總申請件數17,000件,其中15,342件經審查合格撥款,每輛補助1,500元,104年度二行程汰舊補助作業截至8月4日為止,計有7,755件申請,其中7,075件經審查合格,目前仍持續受理民眾申請案件。 2.電動機車補助作業: 103年度電動機車補助計有97件申請,82件經審查合格撥款,每輛補助3,000元,104年度截至8月4日為止,已有28件申請合格,目前仍持續受理民眾申請案件。 3.電動(輔助)自行車補助作業: 103年度新購電動(輔助)自行車補助總件數1,200件,每輛補助2,000元,皆已完成匯款作業,而104年度截至8月4日為止,已有30件申請合格,目前仍持續受理民眾申請案件。 二、烏賊車檢舉案件作業 103年度民眾檢舉烏賊車檢舉總數為15,158件,相較於102年度27,699件約減少12,541件,烏賊車被檢舉對象主要為二行程機車,在加強稽查及宣導定檢觀念下,以及二行程機車報廢補助1,500元已推廣多年,並搭配機車報廢可抽3,000元儲值悠遊卡活動等,使得部分二行程機車車主願意主動提早報廢,間接也使得行駛中的烏賊車逐年減少。 三、定檢站管理作業 1.品質查核 計畫期間,依新北市定檢站查核頻率完成1,108站次定檢站品質查核作業,查核缺失發生比例最高為檢驗區域有標示但格線不清楚,佔32%,次之檢驗區域整齊但有雜物佔用為,佔18%,已針對查核主要缺失項目進行輔導改善及相關教育訓練。 2.實車查核 計畫期間,依新北市實車查核頻率完成40站次定檢站實車查核作業,主要缺失檢驗區雜物堆放及標線不清,缺失皆於現場輔導改善完成。 3.訓練及評鑑 已辦理4場次定檢站人員教育訓練計有1,132人次受訓,內容包含「定檢站品質查核管理重點說明」及「定檢站管理辦法與配合事項說明」,藉由最新資訊訓練,提升定檢站服務品質,另於104年1月進行優良定檢站評鑑,並於同年3月15日完成舉辦頒獎典禮。 四、汰舊定檢宣導作業 1. 二手車買賣認證 推動二手機車於買賣前完成年度定檢,由二手車商源頭管制,避免車主購買二手機車後因疏忽定檢導致遭受裁處,並有效建立車主定檢觀念,已完成50家簽署。2.校園市場宣導 鼓勵民眾汰舊高污染車輛改用低污染車輛,特別加強規劃由雙高 (高烏賊車檢舉及二行程機車設籍數高) 區域板橋區及三重區進行汰舊定檢宣導,共計已完成24所學校及27處次市場宣導,比較103年與104年同期三重及板橋區之二行程機車設籍數由103年89,811輛降至104年68,749輛,減少21,062輛,烏賊車陳情103年3,782件下降至104年405件明顯數量下降。
中文關鍵字 汰舊補助、烏賊車、二行程機車


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 8970 千元
專案開始日期 2014/08/04 專案結束日期 2015/08/03 專案主持人 李展昌
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃麟晴 執行單位 瑩諮科技 股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度「高污染機車汰舊補助減量及排氣定期檢驗管理計畫」-期末報告定槁.pdf 5MB
英文摘要 This project's implementation period lasted from August 5, 2014 to August 4, 2015. During this period, we performed two-stroke motorcycle replacement subsidy tasks, electric motorcycle subsidy tasks, electric (assisted) bicycle subsidy tasks, highly-polluting vehicle reporting, review, and inspection notification tasks, and motorcycle emission testing station management operations. The following is an overview of major tasks under this project: I. Subsidy tasks 1. Two-stroke motorcycle replacement subsidies: There was a total of 17,000 applications for two-stroke motorcycle replacement subsidies during 2014, of which 15,342 subsidies were approved after review. The subsidy amount is NT$1,500 per motorcycle. During 2015, a total of 7,755 applications for two-stroke motorcycle replacement subsidies had been made as of August 4, of which 7,075 had been approved after review. We are currently still accepting subsidy applications from the public.2. Electric motorcycles subsidy tasks: In 2014, a total of 97 applications for electric motorcycle subsidies were received, and 82 subsidies were approved after review. Each motorcycle received a subsidy of NT$3,000. During 2015, 28 applications had been approved as of August 4. We are currently still accepting subsidy applications from the public. 3. Electric (assisted) bicycle subsidy tasks: In 2014, a total of 1,200 electric (assisted) bicycle purchase subsidies were provided, and the subsidy for each bicycle was NT$2,000. Payment of all subsidies has been completed. During 2015, 30 applications had been approved as of August 4. We are currently still accepting subsidy applications from the public. II. Highly-polluting vehicle complaint case handling tasks In 2014, a total of 15,158 complaints of highly-polluting vehicles were received from the public, which was a reduction of 12,541 cases compared with the 27,699 cases in 2013. Two-stroke motorcycles comprise the chief types of reported highly-polluting vehicles. Thanks to strengthened audits and awareness of the need for inspection, the promotion of subsidies of NT$1,500 for scrapping of two-stroke motorcycles for many years, and the Easy Card activity providing NT$3,000 in stored value for scrapping of motorcycles, two-stroke motorcycle owners have demonstrated willingness to scrap their motorcycles at an early date, which has indirectly resulted in a gradual reduction in the number of highly-polluting vehicles on the road.III. Emission testing station management tasks 1. Quality audits During the project period, quality audits of emission testing stations were performed 1,108 times in accordance with the New Taipei emission testing station audit frequency. A marked inspection area but unclear dividing lines was the most audit deficiency, and accounted for 32% of all deficiencies. A neat inspection area, but miscellaneous objects in use, was the second most common deficiency (18%). Improvement assistance and relevant education/training have been provided in the case of the main audit deficiencies. 2. Real vehicle audits During the project period, real vehicle audits were performed at 40 emission testing stations in accordance with the frequency of real vehicle audits in New Taipei. The chief audit deficiencies consisted of miscellaneous objects in the inspection area and unclear marking lines; on-site assistance and improvement of these deficiencies was completed in all cases. 3. Training and assessment Training was provided to emission testing station personnel 1,132 person-times in four sessions. The content of this training included "Explanation of Key Points of Emission Testing Station Quality Audit Management" and "Explanation of Emission Testing Station Management Regulations and Related Matters." Providing up-to-date information and training to personnel ensured even better emission testing station service quality. A superior emission testing station assessment activitywas conducted in January 2015, and an awards ceremony was held on March 15 of the same year. IV. Old motorcycle replacement and inspection awareness tasks 1. Second-hand vehicle sale certification We promoted completion of annual inspection of second-hand motorcycles before sale, and relied on source control of second-hand motorcycles to ensure that new owners purchasing secondhand motorcycles do not suffer penalties due to failure to perform emissions inspection and effectively establish awareness of emissions inspection among motorcycle owners. Fifty dealers have signed cooperation agreements. 2. Promotion of market awareness at schools We encourage the public to replace high-pollution vehicles with low-pollution vehicle, and put special effort into old motorcycle replacement and inspection awareness in the Banqiao and Sanchong, which have the "two highs" (high level of highly-polluting vehicle complaints and high number of registered two-stroke motorcycle). We have completed awareness work at a total of 24 schools and 27 secondary markets. The number of registered two-stroke motorcycles in the Sanchong and Banqiao areas fell from 89,811 in 2014 to 68,749 during the same period of 2015, which represents a reduction of 21,062 motorcycles, and the number of highly-polluting vehicle complaints fell dramatically from 3,782 in 2014 to only 405 in 2015.