

中文摘要 本計畫延續101年度「污染場址綠色及永續整治策略研擬計畫」與102年度「污染場址綠色及永續導向型整治之評估(評價)作業示範及措施規劃(改進)輔導計畫」(以下稱前期計畫),工作內容包含試辦場址綠色及永續導向型整治(Green and Sustainable Remediation, GSR)評估、試行GSR認證制度、試驗污染場址綠色調查技術與GSR推廣與國際交流等四大工作。 在應用與檢討已發展之GSR架構與評估工具方面,新增選定F場址、P場址與T場址三處污染場址。評估內容主要包含利害關係人的確定與溝通協調、環境足跡分析、社會面健康風險評估與利害關係人問卷訪談、整治方案經濟影響分析,並擬定3面向最佳管理措施。另亦追蹤前期計畫3處示範場址GSR執行狀況。評估結果顯示,本期3處場址皆以污染改善系統操作與定期監測環境足跡較高,根據各面向評估結果,本計畫分別對各場址擬定可執行的最佳管理措施建議,以降低環境足跡並減輕整治工作產生之健康風險。GSR各評估工具在經試評估後,皆進行優化工作,包含環境足跡工具係數本土化與建立模組化污染工法評估工具、經濟面成本資料研析與數據細緻化與社會面評估問卷內容調整與執行。另外,場址1、場址2、場址3、F場址、P場址與T場址等前述六場址經試用綠色及永續導向型認證制度草案,達初級者為場址3與場址P。經召開三場次專家諮詢會議與利害關係人研商會,建議認證制度草案應試評估不同污染場址類型與污染改善工法場址,了解各類型場址可能不適用之認證指標,並調整指標項目或權重分配方式。本計畫亦引入新穎綠色調查技術-樹芯採樣與分析,並於中壢工業區、林園工業區、民雄工業區內秀和興業場址周邊與桃園農地重金屬污染場址試驗。試驗結果顯示樹芯調查技術確實可反映地下污染情形,協助污染範圍的劃定。本計畫另建置GSR網路推廣平台,將各項評估工具網路化,並設置推廣網頁說明GSR相關內容與最新消息,另舉行北、中、南三場次工具集使用說明會。計畫執行期間持續參與5場次國際SuRF-international電話會議與其他研討活動,確保我國可持續取得國際上GSR推動事務的第一手資訊。 本計畫已完成不同污染場址GSR試評估方法,並優化評估工具,及建立GSR網路推廣平台與檢視認證制度得分合理性。建議未來我國應持續推廣綠色及永續導向型整治,並將其評估方法應用於不同污染改善階段之場址。
中文關鍵字 綠色及永續導向型整治、環境足跡分析與最佳管理措施、植物環境污染鑑識


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-GA13-03-A327 經費年度 103 計畫經費 14592 千元
專案開始日期 2014/11/27 專案結束日期 2016/08/26 專案主持人 蔣在文
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 吳雅婷 執行單位 業興環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 39MB

Green and Sustainable Remediation Demonstration and Promotion Project

英文摘要 Following earlier work conducted in the 2012 and 2013 GSR Project. This project is composed of four main contents, GSR evaluation of demonstration sites, trial test of the GSR certification system, trial test of innovative green investigation technology and GSR promotion. The project adopted the framework and tools developed by the Taiwan EPA for GSR evaluation and selected Site F, Site P and Site T as demonstration sites. The content of GSR evaluation was planned according to each site condition, which generally include environmental footprint assessment, human health risk assessment, economic impact evaluation, stakeholder survey, and BMPs planning. The three demonstration sites of the previous project were tracked as well to understand GSR related issues. Results showed the remedial operation and maintenance phase had the highest environmental footprint. For human health risk of remedial staff, all of the sites had acceptable risk except Site T. Based on the GSR evaluation results, this project proposed feasible BMPs for each demonstration site. On the other hand, in order to understand the applicability of the GSR certification system protocol. This project applied the protocol to the demonstration sites and held expert meetings to evaluate the rationality of the scoring system. The study encourage to apply the certification system to different kinds of sites to identify unsuitable indicators and approaches to adjust the weighting of each indicator. To enhance the quality of the investigation and remediation work. This project introduced an innovative green investigation technology – tree core analysis and conducted trials in 3 contaminated sites in the country and the protocol for tree core sampling and analysis was established. The results indicated that tree core analysis can reflect the contamination condition of the subsurface and can help to delineate the contaminated area. In addition to GSR evaluation of demonstration sites, this project also established a GSR website for GSR promotion. All of the evaluation tools were integrated into the website as well as GSR related documents, links and news. During the project, project members also participated the SuRF-International conference calls and other activities to ensure our country can acquire the most updated GSR global news.
英文關鍵字 Green and Sustainable Remediation, Environmental Footprint Analysis & Best Management Practices, Phytoforensics