

中文摘要 一、揮發性有機物查核、資料更新及宣導作業 本計畫執行98家資料庫更新建檔及法規符合度查核,有效掌握本年度VOCs專法列管業別之排放量(895公噸/年)變化。本年度查核,有3家乾洗業因未再使用四氯乙烯、1家光電業及1家PU合成皮製造業停工、2家石化相關業別廠內製程停工,故由專法列管業別中解除列管,停工或解除列管業者中,總計減少設備包含:13項製程、72個污染源、19個控制設備、18個排放口、1座廢水處理池、18座儲槽,總計促使轄區揮發性有機物減少119.37公噸/年。其中,以晉通化學工業股份有限公司台南廠的膠帶製程(M01)暫時停工及上曜開發科技股份有限公司停工為主,分別減少87.0公噸/年及27.3公噸/年。 本年度初期執行石化業法規符合度查核,尚有10廠經查仍有缺失情形。本年度業者缺失率由36%,下降至24%。尚未完成改善者,建議列為104年優先查核重點。 二、揮發性有機物法令宣導及污染減量輔導作業 計畫小組依據環保署考評指定名單,並經由環保局核定,總計針對轄內5廠業者邀請專家學者執行現場輔導作業。現場由專家學者勘查後,提供適切之改善建議供業者參考,後續各廠依委員建議完成改善,預估促成污染物削減43.27公噸/年。 三、加油站查核及抽測作業 本計畫完成160家的加油站法規查核、55站氣油比及氣漏檢測作業。經現場查核業者均依據法規執行,達成法規符合度100%。氣油比及氣漏比抽測中,共抽測639支,其中33支不合格,皆已完成改善,推估造成揮發性有機污染物削減11.235公噸/年,倘若依油槍改善後至103年度期間之實際削減量計算,推估造成揮發性有機污染物削減6.213公噸/年。本年度於3月27日辦理1場加油站管制作業及宣導說明會,主要邀請轄內營運中加油站業者,出席率77%。針對未出席業者,除查驗現場法規符合度及排放量更新作業外,亦加強宣導法令規範,提醒業者應定期辦理氣油比及氣漏檢測作業,提升宣導效益。 四、餐飲業污染管制及輔導改善作業 103年度餐飲業透過歷年補助及輔導業者追蹤、餐飲業輔導及追蹤管制,以期有效降低民眾陳情數量。 (一)污染改善:統計近5年透過餐飲輔導及補助業者,其總陳情數由694件下降至102件,改善率達85%。輔導65家業者裝設防制設備,促使粒狀污染物削減8.27公噸/年、NMHC削減6.58公噸/年。 (二)專家現場輔導:103年度餐飲輔導15家業者,透過專家現場勘查輔導,促使該15家業者總陳情數由90件下降至13件,業者皆已完成改善,其中有三家餐飲已結束營業。 (三)歷年輔導、補助追蹤:已完成374家業者中,有56家歇業,針對正常營運之308家業者調查其防制設備維護情形,有177家裝設靜電集塵機、67家裝設水洗設備,其中有24家裝設水洗及靜電設備。裝設靜電設備業者中,有77%(156家)是委託設備商每季或每半年清洗一次,有23%業者(45家)自行清洗;水洗機中有74%(67家)業者自行清理,有26%(24家)委託設備商進行清洗維護;36家簡易式截油設備,均自行維護保養,其餘4家(活性碳過濾、濾網過濾等),均自行維護保養。 五、配合空污費徵收及催補繳作業 本年度計畫小組協助徵收固定污染源空污費1億3,810萬元,完成429家次空污費現場查核、未申報巡查378家及80家防制設備清查,經查,現場輔導305廠提出網路申報帳號申請。管制成果摘要如下: (一)透過審查、查核與便民措施並行,空污費管制成果顯著 1.近7年總計追繳4,714萬元,本年度已追得172萬元。 2.目前轄內有126家業者有溢繳情形,多屬申報錯誤或有申請自廠係數、防制設備減免業者,經重新核算後產生,溢繳金額依法均可辦理退費,業者多以抵扣下一季空污費申報金額為主。 3.103年第1季補繳率達100%,彙整103年平均補繳率為93%,較102年平均補繳率88%高。 4.本年度透過空污費現場查核作業總計查獲160萬2,296元。分別為未申報工廠巡查,查獲11廠應補繳空污費,總計追繳804,556元。空污費申報現場查驗作業,追得揮發性有機污染物應補繳金額約695,073元、硫氧化物/氮氧化物應補繳金額102,667元。 (二)輔導業者申報疑義、宣導會辦理、諮詢專線及審查人員訓練 1.業者申報正確率由99年78%,逐年攀升至103年第3季之85.4%。 2.空污費考評成績由100年93%,逐年提升至96%。 六、監督及檢測作業 本計畫總計協助環保局建置633筆稽查資料、65筆稽查處分資料於環保稽查處分管制系統(EEMS 系統),各廠均於改善期限屆滿前完成改善,僅餘7廠尚於改善期間內,彙整提報環保局。另外,針對轄區應公告定檢業者,已執行103根監督檢測作業,監測作業中,各廠均能依據環檢所公告檢測方法執行,檢測情形均符合法令規範。 網路定期檢測申報審查部分,本計畫小組依執行定期檢測網路審查之程序,已完成檢測報告539件次網路申報、610件書面報告之審查作業。書面審查缺失與網路審查缺失皆以排放單元與許可證不符所佔比例最高,分別佔25.2%、17.8%。 計畫初期已提送本年度各項檢測之檢測規劃書,經環保局核定後予以執行。本年度抽測設備元件12廠總計5,860個設備元件,檢測過程中,均輔助搭配FLIR進行檢測。經查,測得四廠業者廠內超過1,000ppm,其中,東雲公司廠內測得三點檢測值高於10,000ppm,予以告發處分。另外,完成8點次冷卻水塔抽測作業,經查業者均符合頻率變更之檢測濃度值;執行25點次異味官能測定採樣中,其中有6點次超過法規標準予以告發處分。各業者均於改善期限內提送改善報告書,僅餘榮星電線電纜股份有限公司尚於改善期間。 執行19件有機溶劑之VOCs含量驗證,其中有9廠業者申報之VOCs含量皆低於稽查抽測所測得之含量值,差異值達10%以上,經重新核算後,9廠業者追繳64萬4,684元,往後每年預估增加5萬1,362元徵收金額。而在5廠防制設備效率驗證抽測部分,查得茂迪科技園區分公司二廠經核算後,其排放量差異達20%,擬針對該廠業者追繳5萬9,667元之空污費補繳金額。 七、緊急應變及氣象站維護作業 本計畫執行期間,每月定期更換氣象站鋼瓶,並定期維護緊急應變箱。計畫執行期間總計出勤7次緊急空氣污染事件之應變作業,其中包含3次假日或夜間。 103年度10月7日辦理「103年度臺南市環境污染事件緊急應變綜合演練」,模擬二項污染事件,分別為載運不明化學物品之槽車翻覆發生化學災害,以及商港2海浬處一艘貨輪發生事故造成人員落海受傷及燃料油外洩,環保局立即啟動聯防應變機制,動員各單位救災,迅速控制污染,移除污染物質,將環境傷害降到最低。並於10月27日辦理一場兵棋推演,會中特別邀請專家學者講授緊急應變現場應變能力及個人防護說明,以期強化現場應變能力,使應變過程順暢。 八、本年度污染物排放量異動及削減 透過各項管制及輔導,本年度總計造成污染物異動減少134.44公噸及污染排放改善削減69.36公噸。 項目 類別 污染物減少 (公噸/年) 備註 排放量異動 VOCs專法業別清查 (停工/污染源移除) 119.37 -- 加油站清查 (活動強度下降) 15.07 -- 污染物削減 工廠減量輔導 43.27 -- 加油站稽查檢測 11.24 33支油槍改善。 餐飲防制設備裝設 14.85 TPM:8.27公噸、VOC :6.58公噸。 九、其他 計畫執行期間辦理1場局內教育訓練、提報11則新聞稿,並完成計畫內各廠宣導會議,提升業者法規熟悉度及達到環保局與業者間良好溝通管道。 另外,今年度因應考評作業,由於時間急迫,依環保局要求針對考評規範執行2座指定工業區總計執行16點工業區周界、7點工廠周界之鋼瓶採樣進行指紋結果建置與提報。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-103-AN-31205 經費年度 103 計畫經費 12068 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/28 專案結束日期 2015/01/27 專案主持人 簡嘉霈
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蔡璨宇 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103VOC期末.pdf 28MB


英文摘要 1.VOCs heck、Information Update and Advocacy This year there are three dry cleaning industry for failing to re-use perchlorethylene, a photovoltaic industry and a PU synthetic leather manufacturing downtime, two petrochemical industry processes do not shut down the factory, so do not by special law tube industry lift tube, work stoppages or discharge tube industry, the total reduction equipment included: 13 Process、72 sources、19 Control Equipment、18 discharge port、a wastewater treatment、18 tank、total area of volatile organic compounds make to reduce 119.37 t / y. among them Jin-Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. factory in Tainan Tape Process(M01) suspension and Thermaltake Technology Co., Ltd. on the development shut down the main, decreased by 87.0 t / y and 27.3 t / y. The implementation of the current year petrochemical industry regulatory compliance checks, there are 10 plants by check is still missing. Industry rate of 36% this year missing dropped to 24%. Not yet complete improvements to 104 Priority check focus. 2.Volatile Organic Act advocacy and Pollution reduction counseling jobs Project team designated by the EPA evaluation list, perform on-site counseling for the jurisdiction of five factory jobs invite industry experts. members suggested that the completion of the plant in accordance with improvements, estimated pollutant reduction 43.27 t / y. 3.Check the gas stations and sampling tests work The plan to complete 160 gas stations to check regulations、55 station GOR and gas leak detection work. spot check basis by industry caught Enforcement, Achieve regulatory compliance degree 100%. station GOR and gas leak detection work, total of 639 sampling tests, there are 33 qualified, have switched to complete improvements, collocation volatile organic pollutant reduction 11.235 t / y. On March 27 to handle a gas station control field operations and advocacy seminars, invite jurisdiction stations operating in the industry, attendance rate of 77%. 4.Catering Pollution Control and Improve job counseling Improve pollution: Statistics the past five years, through counseling and subsidized food and beverage industry, the total number of petition dropped from 694 to 102, improve the rate of 85%. 65 family business counseling to install control equipment, cut 8.27 t / y particulate pollutants, NMHC cut 6.58 t / y. Expert site counseling: 103 Year Catering counseling 15 family business ,through expert counseling , 15 family business decreased the total number of petitions from 90 to 13,industry has been completed to improve, there are three restaurants which have been out of business. Years counseling、Subsidies track: Completed in 374, there are 56 closed, the case for maintaining the normal operation of its 308 family business survey control equipment, 177 home improvement design of electrostatic machine, 67 home improvement design washing equipment, which has set up 24 home improvement washing and static equipment. Installation of static equipment industry, there are 77% (156) is commissioned equipment manufacturers cleaning, 23% of businesses (45) self-cleaning; washing machine, 74% (67) industry self-cleaning, 26% (24 home) commissioned cleaning equipment manufacturers; 36 simple style cut oil equipment, are self-maintenance, and the remaining four (activated carbon filter, mesh filter, etc.), are self-maintenance. 5.Air pollution fee collection and reminders to pay the job This year the group plans to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau stationary source air pollution levy fee 13.81 million to complete 429 times to check air pollution fees scene, undeclared inspections of 378 and 80 control equipment inventory, on-site counseling network 305 plant proposed declaration Account application. Outcomes are summarized below: (1)Through the review, check, chasing overdue notable achievements A.Nearly seven years recovered 4,714 million during the year was 1.72 million yuan chase. B.103 in the first quarter to pay the rate of 100%,103 years to pay the 93% average over the 102-year high of 88%. C.This year's total air pollution fee of $ 2,296 seized 1.6 million. Seized 11 manufacturers should pay the air pollution fee, for a total recovery of 804,556 yuan. Air pollution costs declared site inspection, chasing too volatile organic pollutants should pay the amount of about 695,073 yuan, sulfur oxide / nitrogen oxides shall pay the amount of 102,667 yuan. (2)Counseling industry reporting, advocacy will be handled, staff education and training review A.Industry to declare the correct rate of 78% in 1999, to 85.4% year on year rise in the third quarter of 103. B.Air pollution fee evaluation results from a 100-year 93% yearly increase to 96%. 6.Supervision and inspection work The plans to help build 633 pen inspection data, 65 pen information on environmental inspection inspectors sanction sanction Control System (EEMS system), the remaining seven plants still in a period of improvement, archive Environmental Protection Bureau. Supervision and inspection has been performed 103 operations, monitoring operations, the plant can be conducted in accordance ring seized by the announcement detection method. Internet regularly test declare review section, has completed testing report 539 times the network reporting, review a written report of 610 jobs. Lack of internet review written review missing emission unit and the license does not match begin with the highest proportion (25.2%), respectively, 17.8%. This year a total of 5,860 devices components factory spot check device element 12 vendors, detection process, are auxiliary detect with FLIR. There are four factories factory over 1,000ppm, which Shinonome company plant measured over three items detected values above 10,000ppm, be denounced sanctions. completed eight projects cooling towers sampling tests work by detecting the concentration of the inspection industry caught in line with the value; executing 25 projects odor functional measurement sampling, where there are six projects exceed regulatory standards to be punished. VOCs content of 19 to perform the verification of organic solvents, including VOCs content of nine plant operators to declare the audit sampling tests are lower than the measured value of the content, the difference value of more than 10%, after the re-calculation, nine factories industry recovered $644,684 , the subsequent increase in the estimated amount of $51,362 levied annually. 7.Emergency Response and Stations maintenance operations During the execution plan, monthly weather replacement cylinders, regular maintenance of emergency cases. Total attendance during the plan execution seven incidents of air pollution emergency response operations, which includes three holidays or at night. 103 Year 7 October handle "103 Year Tainan pollution incident emergency response training exercises." October 27 to handle a war game, invited experts and scholars to teach on-site emergency response capabilities and personal protective instructions in order to strengthen the resilience of the site to make the process smooth strain. 8.Alert and cut emissions This year a total of 134.44 tonnes and reduce pollutants resulting emissions reductions improvements 69.36 tonnes. 9.Other During the execution plan to handle within a field office of education and training, escalation 11 press release, and plans to complete the plant within advocacy meetings, enhance industry regulations and familiarity between the Environmental Protection Bureau and industry to achieve good communication channels. This year in response to a job evaluation, Environmental Protection Bureau requires the implementation of 16 projects in total industrial zone perimeter for two designated industrial zones, the cylinder of the seven projects factory perimeter fingerprint sampling results build and escalation.
英文關鍵字 pollution