

中文摘要 配合臺美雙邊合作計畫,提供改善國內空氣品質所需整合性之資訊,本計畫主要目標在於導入目前國際上所開發的先進技術,利用科學及資訊化工具進行空氣品質決策資料之提供,以因應中央及各縣市在制定空氣品質政策時之有效參考。故於2013年開始開發臺灣空氣品質決策支援系統(Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment System,ABaCAS)結合排放清冊、控制技術與控制成本、空氣品質模式以及健康效益評估的系統。此系統可依據國家空氣品質目標,進行不同空氣品質情境之改善評估,並提供所需要的控制技術與成本,且能進一步評估不同情境下民眾健康效益改變的狀況。本計劃主要工作項目為建置結合臺灣排放清冊、控制設備成本、控制操作成本推估示範調查之臺灣排放控制成本分析系統系統(TECAS)及其標準操作程序,並將系統轉移C#開發介面以利後續擴充性;利用大量的氣象與空氣品質模式模擬配合統計公式建立排放控制因子設定即時呈現空氣品質模擬情境,進而建置本土化資料庫的空氣品質即時反應系統(RSM);加上彙整臺灣空氣品質與健康效益(BenMAP)的評估,包含相關本土化圖層、空氣污染情境、健康衝擊函數、人口及社經參數資料,進行臺灣空氣品質決策支援系統的建置。
中文關鍵字 決策支援系統;空氣品質;空氣品質模式;民眾健康效益


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA11-03-A111 經費年度 103 計畫經費 4800 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/16 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 賴信志
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 楊佳樺 執行單位 長榮大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-FA11-03-A111.pdf 41MB EPA-103-FA11-03-A111專案報告

The Establishment of Taiwan Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment System(ABaCAS-Taiwan)

英文摘要 As a bilateral cooperation project between Taiwan EPA and USEPA, this project aim to provide integrated information for improving air quality in Taiwan. The main objective of this project is to import the current international advanced technology using science and information tools to help policy decision‐making in air quality management. Taiwan Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment System (Taiwan-ABaCAS) start from 2013 to integrate emission inventory, control technology and cost, air quality modeling, and health benefit assessment for developing a Taiwan air quality decision-making system. This system could modify and evaluate different air pollution emission and control scenarios to simulate air pollutants levels for cost and health benefit assessment to support the assessment of various control strategies from cost-benefit evaluation. In the second year of this project we have established the demonstration system for Taiwan Air Benefit and Control and Assessment (Taiwan‐ABaCAS) including (1) Taiwan Emission Cost Analysis System (TECAS) and the investigation's standard operating procedure. (2) Using WRF and CMAQ to simulation the air quality building local Response Surface Modeling (RSM), and (3) The environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program (BenMAP) synthesize the air pollution situation, Concentration-Response (CR) function, population and social economic data in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality;Air Quality Model;health benefit