

中文摘要 鼎美皮革位於高雄市鳥松區仁美里美山路70巷6-1號(大腳腿段1749地號),北側為美山路,南鄰鳳山圳,西側為其祥食品及民宅,東邊毗鄰仁利皮革,自98年環保署調查檢出地下水四氯乙烯超過管制標準,續於100年環保局進場查證,結果顯示地下水四氯乙烯、三氯乙烯、順-1,2-二氯乙烯、氯乙烯、氯苯與1,1,2-三氯乙烷皆超過管制標準,鼎美皮革及周邊地區(以下簡稱本場址)地下水受含氯污染事證明確,惟污染範圍與深度分佈仍不清楚。爰此,高雄市政府環保局(以下簡稱環保局)於103年委託艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司執行「高雄市仁美地區工業用地地下水含氯有機物污染調查及查證計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)辦理調查,藉以掌握本場址水文地質現況及釐清污染邊界。       調查工作為能瞭解污染範圍,依契約規定以地球物理探測、薄膜介面探測(Membrane Interface Probe, MIP)、土壤、簡易井及標準井進行調查。另也考量民眾風險,特別辦理民井豐枯水季之監測。本計畫已陸續完成地球物理探測、地質鑽探、MIP、土壤採樣、簡易井與標準井地下水調查、水位連續觀測、民井攝影、健康風險評估與管理、簡易井廢井工作、土壤及地下水管理資訊系統更新,各項工作均如期如質完成。 本計畫初期經過篩選鎖定17家可疑工廠進行環境場址評估問卷訪談,根據EMS列管資料與訪談結果,本次鎖定訪談可疑事業,其製程均無使用含氯原物料或添加含氯藥劑,從事濕式製程皮革業添加藥劑以分散劑(萘磺酸、甲醛縮合物)、界面活性劑(陰離子、非離子脂肪醇界面活性劑、天然皂鹼、無機鹽及水)、鉻粉(Cr2O3)為主,尚不能確定為皮革業造成本場址含氯污染。而目前已歇業卓智電子與暉茂企業,位於鼎美皮革西側用地,過去分別從事印刷版加工業與電子零件製造業,暫不排除可能是本場址含氯污染來源。       水文地質調查為本計畫工作重點之一,藉由地質鑽探成果得知本場址地表下0~4.3公尺多為回填棕黃色粉土質砂夾磚塊、粘土、粗砂;地表下4.3~6.8公尺以粉土質粘土夾細砂、砂質粉土偶夾腐木為主;地表下6.8~13.7公尺主要為粗中細砂偶夾礫石;地表下13.7~20公尺則為粉土質粘土夾細砂、砂質粉土,推測地表下12.35~13.70公尺為第一含水層底部,並與地電阻、MIP-EC及土壤採樣質地交叉比對,結果尚屬相符。有關水文部分,由水位觀測成果可知本場址地下水位介於約地下3.30~5.07公尺,地下水流向主要由東往西,並向C171S匯流。另由水位觀測頻譜分析、日均水位與抽補強度結果,顯示MW1及MW2監測井明顯受到抽水行為影響,而該2口井鄰近區域為一公寓民宅及農田,均有抽取地下水使用,抽水行為已可明顯於監測井被觀測到。 污染物調查方面,由於本場址污染物屬重質非水相液體(Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquid, DNAPL)污染,具比水重且不溶於水特性,易受重力往深層移動,故計畫初期先以地球物理技術、MIP兩種篩選工具,進行可疑區域篩選,再綜整地電阻及兩階段MIP調查顯示異常反應區分佈(鼎美西南側最近約45公尺,最遠約60公尺,及東南側最近約50公尺,最遠約145公尺,異常深度主要集中於地表下6~12公尺間)。進一步以土壤與監測井地下水採樣進行調查。17點土壤之調查結果顯示S10土壤四氯乙烯濃度13 mg/kg,超出管制標準10 mg/kg,異常深度為地下7.5~8公尺,位於地下水水位面下(地下4~5m)。另外,補充調查S16點位(靠近C171S井)於深層(地表下8.5~9公尺)有檢出四氯乙烯與順-1,2-二氯乙烯,測值分別是1.09 mg/kg與0.27 mg/kg,惟濃度低於管制標準;S17點位(靠近C172S井)於淺層(地表下4~4.5公尺)檢出四氯乙烯0.26 mg/kg,而深層(地表下11.5~12公尺)檢出四氯乙烯0.99 mg/kg,惟濃度均低於管制標準。除前述3點土壤有檢出CVOC外,其餘點位土壤CVOCs項目均未檢出。另103年3月(枯)、7月及9月(豐)、11月(枯)總共3次標準井地下水調查結果顯示,一般項目超過監測標準有氨氮、鐵、錳及總有機碳,VOCs部分則有C171S、C172S、MW7及MW1四氯乙烯與三氯乙烯均有超出管制標準,且污染已有分佈至第一含水層底部之情形,其中又以下游C171S檢出四氯乙烯與三氯乙烯濃度最高,最大測值分別為2.59 mg/L與0.291 mg/L。透過歷年地下水測值比對、氡222濃度比值、莫耳濃度分率、雷達趨勢圖、Stiff圖形、土壤補充調查等結果綜合分析C172S應已相當靠近污染源。 由民井井中攝影結果可知,可見井深至少為地表下21.4~74.3公尺之間,井篩開篩處至少超過地表下25公尺,根據本計畫鑽探結果顯示,第一含水層底部約地表下12.35~13.70公尺,依此推論附近民井主要是抽汲第二含水層的地下水使用。民井豐枯水季監測結果顯示,超過飲用水水質標準一般項目包含總溶解固體物、亞硝酸鹽氮、氨氮、總硬度、鐵及錳,超出監測標準項目為氨氮、鐵及錳。至於VOCs部分多未檢出,僅祥龍不鏽鋼(W22)有測出微量三氯乙烯(0.0013 mg/L)及四氯乙烯(0.0014 mg/L),鈦鑫企業(W4)有檢出微量氯乙烯(0.00287 mg/L),惟濃度均低於地下水監測標準。       彙整目前調查成果,建置初步污染場址概念模型,土壤僅S10四氯乙烯測得13 mg/kg,有超出管制標準情形,污染深度分佈於地下7.5~8公尺;地下水部分,以103年7月及9月地下水四氯乙烯污染範圍進行估算,推測地下水受影響深度介於地下3.30~12.85公尺,污染帶最大長度與寬度分別為170公尺與60公尺,受影響面積約8,275平方公尺,受影響體積約27,659立方公尺。另由健康風險評估結果,以目前民眾使用之水井水質計算(與現況較相符),平均總致癌風險約為3.28 10-8,平均總非致癌風險約為2.28 10-3,均低於可接受上限值。 綜整歷年與本計畫執行成果,考量地下水數據變動較大,建議地下水持續辦理定期監測,針對超過管制標準監測井附近區域(C171S、C172S、MW7、MW1) 進一步調查污染情形。此外,監測時建議可針對不同深度進行,以瞭解垂直相污染分布情形。另由於污染已至第一水層底部,且四氯乙烯可能有純相存在,建議未來可進行第二水層查證。此外,污染源追查為一極大挑戰,基於污染行為人付費立場考量,建議未來仍需嘗試進行污染源追溯,但建議以有限度的方式查證,先就目前仁利等鄰近污染源區之工廠進行原廢水之GC-MS全幅掃描,測是否有含氯有機物成分,並進廠查證土壤與地下水。 場址後續管理方面,由於以目前民眾使用之水井總致癌與總非致癌風險值均低於可接受上限值,未來工作建議應著重於地下水民井、監測井持續監測,當民井三氯乙烯或氯乙烯超過飲用水標準,四氯乙烯或順-1,2-二氯乙烯超過第二類地下水監測標準(無飲用水標準),建議推動行政管制,向民眾宣導說明地下水質並不適飲,勿作為飲用用途或需經前處理。若民井污染物有持續上升達管制標準之情形時,則建議環保局啟動主動改善應變,予以進行風險矯正。
中文關鍵字 重質非水相液體,薄膜介面探測,四氯乙烯,三氯乙烯,健康風險評估


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 8580 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/22 專案結束日期 2015/01/21 專案主持人 陳慶宇
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 洪楨琳 執行單位 艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「高雄市仁美地區工業用地地下水含氯有機物污染調查及查證計畫」成果結案報告(定稿).pdf 44MB
英文摘要 Ding-Mei Leather is located at #6-1, 70 alley, Mei-Shan road, Ren-Mei lane, Niaosong district, Kaohsiung (#1749 Da-Jiao-Tui section), with Mei-Shan road at the north, adjacent to Fengshan chun at the south, Xiang Foods and residential buildings at the west, and adjacent to Ren-li Leather at the east. Since 2009, Ding-Mei Leather has been investigated by the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB), which revealed that the groundwater tetrachloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE), cis-dichloroethylene (cDCE), vinyl chloride (VC), chlorobenzene, and 1,1,2-trichloroethane have exceeded the control standards. Ding-Mei Leather and its surroundings (“the site” hereafter) are evidently polluted with chlorine in groundwater. However, the pollution boundary and distribution in depth are yet to be confirmed. Therefore, the Kaohsiung EPB (“EPB” hereafter) retained AECOM to conduct the “Kaohsiung Ren-Mei Area Industrial Land Groundwater Chlorinated Organic Pollution Investigation and Verification Project” (“the project” hereafter) to have a better knowledge of the site’s hydrogeological conditions and to delineate the pollution boundary.      To determine the pollution area, and as specified in the contract, techniques such as geophysical exploration, Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), soil sampling, piezometers and monitoring wells were used during the investigation. Also, considering the potential risks of local residents, monitoring of domestic wells were carried out both in the dry and wet seasons. The Project has completed step-by-step including geophysical exploration, geological drilling, MIP, soil sampling, piezometer and monitoring well groundwater investigations, continuous water level observations, domestic well photography, Health and Safety Assessment and Management, piezometer demolishing, soil and groundwater management system updates. All planned work have been carried out in a timely manner with quality.      During the initial stage, we narrowed down 17 suspected factories to conduct surveys. According to EMS classified information and interview results, the targeted factories have not used chlorinated substances or chlorinated reagents in its manufacturing process. The wet process in leather fabrication utilizes mainly dispersants (naphthalene sulfonic acid and formaldehyde condensate), surfactants (anionic, nonionic fatty alcohol surfactants, natural soap base, inorganic salt and water), and Chromium powder (Cr2O3). It is unclear whether the leather manufacturing industry has contributed in chlorinated pollution at the site. The currently closed-down Zhuo-Zhi Electronics and Hui-Mao Enterprise were located at the west of Ding-Mei Leather, which were involved in printing activites and electronic parts manufacturing, respectively, both of which are considered possible chlorine pollution sources to the site.      Geological investigations are the major highlighted tasks for this project. From geological exploration, the site is backfilled with yellowish-brown silty sand mixed with bricks, clay and coarse sand at 0~4.3m below grade; silty clay and fine sand, sandy silt mixed with little rotten wood at 4.3~6.8m below grade; coarse to fine sand mixed with little gravel at 6.8~13.7m below grade; silty clay mixed with fine sand and sandy silt at 13.7~20m below grade. It is estimated that the bottom of the first aquifer is at 12.35~13.70m below grade, which conforms to cross-examination of ground resistance, MIP-EC, and textures of soil samples. In terms of hydrology, from water level observations, it is determined that the groundwater level is approximately 3.30~5.07m below grade, flowing from east to west into C171S. From spectral analysis of observed water level fluctuations, and average day water level and pumping recovery strength, it is determined that monitoring wells MW1 and MW2 have noticeable impacts from pumping. Adjacent to these two wells are a residential apartment and agricultural land, which extract groundwater, as observed from the monitoring wells.      With respect to the pollution investigation, since the site is associated with Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) typed pollution, denser than water and insoluble in water, with a tendency to migrate with gravity, hence screening methods such as geophysical techniques and MIP were applied during the initial stage to screen the suspected areas. Then according to the MIP results, the abnormal reaction distribution were indicated (from 45m to about 60m farthest southwest of Ding-Mei, and 50m to about 145m farthest southeast of Ding-Mei, the abnormal depths are concentrated at 6~12m below grade). The next step was soil and monitoring well sampling. The results from 17 soil samples revealed that soil sample S10 had a PCE concentration of 13mg/kg, exceeding the control standards at 10 mg/kg, with a depth of 7.5~8m, below the groundwater surface (4~5m below grade). Additional investigation indicates that the sampling point S16 (nearby well C171S) has been discovered at a deeper depth (8.5~9m below grade) containing PCE and 1,2-cDCE at 1.09 mg/kg and 0.27 mg/kg, respectively, both below the control standards; sampling point S17 (nearby well C172S) has been discovered at shallow depth (4~4.5m) containing PCE 0.26 mg/kg, and at a deeper depth (11.5~12m below grade) PCE at 0.99 mg/kg, both below the control standards. Besides the 3 aforementioned sampling points, all other sampling points were not identified with cVOCs. During the 3 groundwater investigations from monitoring wells conducted in 2014 March (dry), July and September (wet), and November (dry), the general items exceeding monitoring standards include ammonia nitrogen, iron, manganese, and total organic carbon. VOCs exceeding monitoring standards include wells C171S, C172S, MW7 and MW1 with PCE and TCE exceeding the control standards, which have also migrated to the bottom of the first aquifer. Among them, C171S located downstream has been identified with the highest in PCE and TCE concentration, with maximum values at 2.59 mg/L and 0.291 mg/L, respectively. Through analysis with comparison involving past groundwater records, Radon-222 concentration ratio, mole fraction, radar distribution, Stiff diagram, and additional soil investigations, C172S should be very close to the pollution source.      From photographs taken in domestic wells, it is determined that the well depth should be 21.4~74.3m below grade, with a screen starting at no less than 25m below grade. According to drilling results, the bottom of the first aquifer is approximately at 12.35~13.70m, which suggest that local domestic wells mainly extract water from the second aquifer. The monitoring results of domestic wells during the wet and dry seasons indicate that the general items exceeding the Drinking Water Quality Standards include total dissolved solids, nitrite nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, total hardness, iron and manganese. Items exceeding monitoring standards include ammonia nitrogen, iron and manganese. Most VOCs were not identified, only Xiang-Long stainless steel (W22) was identified with TCE (0.0013 mg/L) and PCE (0.0014 mg/L), and Ti-Hsin Enterprise (W4) identified with a slight VC (0.00287 mg/L), all of which are below the groundwater monitoring standards.      In summary, current investigation results contribute to the development of a preliminary contaminated site conceptual model. Only soil sample S10 was identified with PCE exceeding the control standard at 13 mg/kg. The depth of pollution distribution is around 7.5~8m below grade; in terms of groundwater, it is estimated from the PCE pollution range in July and September in 2014 that the impacted groundwater depth is from 3.30~12.85m below grade, with a maximum pollution zone of 170m in length and 60m in width, with an approximate impacted area and volume of 8,275m2 and 27,658m3, respectively. Furthermore, the Health and Safety Risk Assessment results showed that the current domestic well water quality (relatively consistent with current conditions) scored an average of 3.28x10-8, compared to the total non-carcinogenic risk of 2.28x10-3, which is lower than the acceptable upper limit.      Judging from previous and current project results, and considering the great fluctuation in groundwater data, it is recommended to continue periodic monitoring, targeting the neighbouring areas of the monitoring wells that exceeded the control standards (C171S, C172S, MW7, MW1) for further understanding the pollution conditions. In addition, it is suggested to monitor at different depths to have a better understanding of the vertical phase pollution profile. Also, due to the pollution having reached the bottom of the first aquifer, PCE can possibly exist as pure phase, hence; it is advised that the second aquifer be investigated in the future. Since tracking down the pollution source can be a great challenge, from the polluter’s point of view for potential fines, we would still advise tracing the pollution source in the future to an appropriate extent for verification purposes. Starting from the factories within the nearby pollution sources, such as Ren-Li, a GC-MS overall scanning of wastewater influent and effluents may be conducted to confirm the presence of chlorinated organic substances, and also the soil and groundwater on site should be investigated. From a follow-up management aspect, due to the fact that domestic wells used by local residents have scored lower than the acceptable upper limit in both the total carcinogenic and total non-carcinogenic risk values, future work should be focused on continuous monitoring of domestic wells and monitoring wells. When the domestic wells have exceeded concentrations in TCE or VC for Drinking Water Quality Standards, PCE or 1,2-cDCE exceeding the Type II groundwater monitoring standard (no Drinking Water Quality Standards available), it is recommended to conduct administrative controls to inform the residents of unsafe drinking water quality, to urge residents to discontinue drinking usage or emphasize that pre-treatment is required. If domestic wells continue to rise in contaminant concentrations, it is recommended that the EPB proactively take improvement actions for risk mitigations.
英文關鍵字 (Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquid, DNAPL),(Membrane Interface Probe, MIP),(Tetrachloroethylene, PCE),(Trichloroethylene, TCE),Health risk assessment.刪除