

中文摘要 新北市政府環境保護局為督導公私場所確實依法操作,並推動空污費徵收制度 及稽查管制等業務,遂委託辦理「103年度新北市固定污染源特定行業管制及空污費 催補繳計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),計畫主要工作項目包括:空污費徵收管理、排放 量管理作業、特定污染源(如使用高污染燃料者、逸散性粒狀物排放源及工業區等) 專案管理及揮發性有機物公告行業管制等,期透過各項審查、查核、檢測等作業, 以正確掌握本市污染源排放資料,並藉由空污費申報審理管制等行政作業,落實污 染者付費理念,強化污染源減量經濟誘因。經為期1年之執行,主要成果包括:(一) 受理103年第2季至104年第1季計 4,158件次之空污費申報案件,完成結算3,926件次 (占申報案件94.4%)及核收228件次,核定應徵收金額約7,655萬元。另透過審查核、 抽測及空水廢申報資料交叉比對作業後,發現個案空污費申報資料不正確應重新核 算,推估可追繳金額達711萬元。(二)執行各項法規符合度查核1,960處次(依查核項 目不同,包含以家、家次、製程數或件次計算之合計值),掌握現況資料後完成更新 1,001家排放量資料庫,更新後統計至104年7月新北市固定污染源排放量為粒狀污染 物1,762公噸/年、硫氧化物2,349公噸/年、氮氧化物6,517公噸/年及揮發性有機物 4,748公噸/年。(三)執行92件次煙道、周界或原(燃)物料成分稽查檢測及1,030點次 設備元件VOCs逸散濃度,超過管制標準計8件次(已依法告發處分)。(四)協商22家公 私場所認養周邊道路進行洗掃,合計認養道路長度約11公里,累計洗掃總長度為 5,004公里,約可獲致TSP污染物削減量69.06公噸,PM10削減量13.01公噸。(五)輔導 「新北產業園區」及「樹林工業區」計11家公私場所針對原物料使用量、製程改變 等方式進行廠區污染物排放改善,預計可減少VOCs排放量約14.6公噸/年。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、空污費、專責人員、稽查檢測、逸散性污染源


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 16490 千元
專案開始日期 2014/07/24 專案結束日期 2015/07/23 專案主持人 曹曼俊
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張盈嘉 執行單位 康城工程顧問 股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度新北市固定污染源特定行業管制及空污費催補繳計畫.pdf 16MB
英文摘要 In order to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements in both public facilities and private business premises, and to facilitate implementation of the air pollution fee system and air pollution auditing system, the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government commissioned the implementation of the FY2014 New Taipei City Stationary Air Pollution Source Control for Designated Industries and Air Pollution Fee Late Payment Plan (hereafter referred to as “the Plan”). The main work items covered by the Plan include: air pollution fee management; emission management operations; designated pollution source (e.g. users of highly-polluting fuels, fugitive particulate matter emission sources, and industrial districts, etc.) project management and implementation of controls applying to designated industries responsible for emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), etc. Various examinations, audits and tests were carried out to obtain accurate pollution source emission data for New Taipei City, and administrative work such as implementation of the air pollution fee declaration and review system has been used to realize the “polluter pays” principle, providing strengthened economic incentives for the reduction of emissions at source. The Plan was implemented over a period of one year; the main results achieved included the following: (1) A total of 4,158 air pollution fee declarations were handled over the period from the second quarter of 2014 through to the first quarter of 2015, of which 3,926 (94.4% of the total) underwent final accounting, with another 228 awaiting review; the confirmed total amount of air pollution fees collected was NT$76.55 million. In addition, through a combination of review, sampling and cross-tabulation against other air and water pollution reporting data, the total amount of supplementary payments that may be required due to inaccurate or falsified air pollution fee declarations was estimated to be NT$7.11 million. (2) Auditing to verify conformity with legal and regulatory requirements was implemented on 1,960 instances (depending on the auditing item in question, one instance might cover an individual facility, instances of implementation by a given facility, an individual process, or an individual case). After verification through on-site inspection, the emission management database was updated with respect to 1,001 businesses. According to the revised data, as of July 2015, the emissions from stationary air pollution sources in New Taipei City amounted to 1,762 tons of total suspended particles (TSP) per annum, 2,349 tons of sulfur oxides per annum, 6,517 tons of nitrogen oxides per annum, and 4,748 tons of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) per annum. (3) Other work undertaken as part of the Plan included 92 inspections and tests of flues, ambient pollution sources and fuel composition, and 1,030 inspections of VOCs density in equipment components, of which 8 were found to exceed the specified thresholds (penalties have already been imposed on these facilities in accordance with the requirements of the law). (4) Arrangements were made for 22 public and private facilities to “adopt” stretches of road in the vicinity of the facility and undertake street-cleaning; the total length ofroad adopted in this way came to approximately 11 km, and the amount of street-cleaning undertaken as a result was equivalent to 5,004 km, which can be estimated as having reduced TSP emissions by 69.06 tons, and reduced PM10 emissions by 13.01 tons. (5) Guidance was provided to help 11 public and private facilities (including the New Taipei Industrial Park and Shulin Industrial Park) make improvements in regard to their pollutant emissions, by making changes to the quantity of raw materials used, making adjustments to production processes, etc.; it is estimated that these improvements will lead to a reduction in VOCs emissions of around 14.6 tons per annum.