

中文摘要 桃園縣政府為因應國際的環境保護趨勢,減緩溫室氣體效應的衝擊,積極鼓勵縣民與產業界一起採行減碳抗暖的工作,為遵行環保署提出「節能減碳無悔措施」及相關節能減碳活動,以實際行動推廣低碳生活,達到地方機關落實節能減碳具體作為,以符合中央政策考評規範。 本計畫宣導節能減碳行動標章,推廣低碳永續家園,於地方鄉鎮市結合環教志工、專業講師等,辦理30場次推廣低碳永續家園教育宣導,參與人數達2,978人,另針對政府機關及企業辦理5場次推廣低碳永續家園教育宣導,參與人數達383人,以啟發及深化民眾與企業低碳永續家園觀念。35場活動皆採環保低碳活動方式辦理,較一般辦理方式減碳25,203.46kgCO2e。分析參與宣導活動之16村里後續用電的情形,總計今年5-10月用電度數較去年同期平均增加4萬4千度,增加比例為0.9%,遠低於全國(3.50%)及桃園縣(3.72%)之增加比例,因此本計畫對於參與低碳永續家園教育宣導說明會之村里,的確發揮教育民眾節電之成效。針對10處公務部門進行節能診斷輔導,提供受輔導單位診斷輔導改善建議書,節電部分效益為588,589.6kWh/年,溫室氣體減量313.12公噸CO2e/年;節水部分效益為6,394.6度水,1,351.07公斤CO2-eq/年,期藉以引導各單位逐步落實節能減碳行為。 103年9月2日配合縣府社會局「愛的廚房」方案,邀請關懷據點長輩及其親屬和社區民眾共同參與低碳飲食,於龍潭鄉高原村民集會所辦理在地當季低碳健康飲食發表會,參與人數達312人,活動中除進行技術轉移儀式,更提供在地有機食材料理餐點,邀請高原村懷據點與長輩及其親屬一同享用有機低碳料理,結合 關懷目的並落實低碳概念,進而營造低碳飲食消費風潮,持續推廣桃園縣低碳飲食。另辦理8場次低碳有機飲食研習推廣活動,總計參與人數為523人,蔬食推動成果填報部分,統計至11月30日,桃園縣部落格開通比例已達94.4%,較7月份58.7%增加35.7%,暫居全國第1名。提供蔬食會議總場次10,724場,較7月份6,309場增加4,415場,暫居全國第2名。以此績優成績相信能獲選為環保署表揚落實「蔬食日」執行績效優良之縣市。 本計畫已將30場次低碳永續家園教育宣導說明會全部活動登陸於「環保低碳活動平台」並皆已申請舉辦低碳活動及取得「環保低碳活動標章」,另於「碳中和登錄管理平台」以「自行確證」方式上傳,共有30場次完成「自行確證」碳中和,協助環保局取得環保署考評滿分成績。此外配合相關活動辦理推動及宣傳,已購置4,830份宣導品,依環保局之宣導需求使用,並編制節能減碳行動標章等低碳生活宣導文宣5,000份,整合運用轄內各項宣傳管道進行宣傳,包含亞洲廣播電台、環保局Facebook(護守桃花源)、北桃園、南桃園有線電視及聯合報等12家平面媒體,宣導相關環保政策、活動等訊息,期望透過創意宣導說明活動,提升民眾低碳生活習慣並落實於生活中,全力打造桃園縣成為低碳城市。
中文關鍵字 節能減碳、低碳永續家園、碳中和


專案計畫編號 103070174 經費年度 103 計畫經費 4400 千元
專案開始日期 2014/07/07 專案結束日期 2014/12/06 專案主持人 黃超群
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李梅銀 執行單位 新紀工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度桃園縣推動節能減碳宣導計畫 期末報告(定稿).pdf 13MB 期末報告(定稿本)

2014 advocacy to promote energy conservation and carbon reducti o n pl a n

英文摘要 In order to response to the global trend of environmental protection and mitigation of the impact of greenhouse effect,Taoyuan county Government encourages the citizens of county and industries work together to carry out carbon reduction and fight with global warming. In order to conform with the action “Action Plan on No Regret Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Measures”and related activities, which EPA proposed, local government take actions to promote low-carbon life and put Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction into practice to comply with central government’s regulations. This program promotes the concept of “Carbon Emission Reduction Action Logo” and “Low-Carbon and Sustainable Living Area”. The local government held 30 sessions to promote“Low-Carbon and Sustainable Living Area” with environmental-educational volunteer and professional instructor. The numbers of participants reached 2,978 persons. Moreover, the other 5 sessions were held for the government agencies and enterprises to inspire and deepen the concept of Low-Carbon and Sustainable Living Area into publics and enterprises. The numbers of participants were up to 383 persons. All 35 sessions were held in an environmental friendly style. It reduced 25,203.46 kgCO2e comparing with in a traditional way. By analyzing the electricity usage of 16 villages which participated in the activities, it shows that the electricity consumption this year, from May to October, increased 44,000 kWh compare with the consumption last year. The increasing proportion is 0.9%, which is well below the national (3.50%) and Taoyuan County (3.72%). This indicated that the program has great influence on the citizens of villages which participated in the program for energy conversation. According to the counseling proposal for 10 public sectors, the energy conservation benefits of electricity conservation part is 588,589.6kWh/year, and 313.12 tonnes CO2e/year for the greenhouse gas reduction; the benefits of water conservation part is 6,394.6 m3 water and 1,351.07 kgCO2-eq/year, in order to gradually carry out the action of energy conservation and carbon reduction. September 2, 2014, with the “Kitchen of Love” planned by Social Welfare Department, cared elders, their relatives and communities to join the low-carbon diet were invited to the announcement about healthy diet with local and seasonal ingredient which is held by villagers committee in Long-Tan Township, and the number of participants reached 312 people. The activities included the ceremony of technique transferring and offering local organic meal, and invited cared elders, their relatives and communities to enjoy organic low-carbon meal. By combining care and low-carbon concept, drove the trend of low-carbon diet, and continued promoting the low-carbon diet in Tao-Yuan. Besides held 8 sessions of promoting low-carbon diet, amounting 523 participants. Concerning submission about performances of promoting vegetarian meal, the ratio of opened blogs reached 94.4% until November 30 which increased 35.7% compared with 58.7% in July, and was the first temporarily in Taiwan; moreover, held 10724 sessions offered vegetarian meal, which increased 4415 sessions compared with 6039 sessions in July, and was the second temporarily. Depending on above performances will be awarded excellent county for implementing “Vegetarian Day” by EPA.
英文關鍵字 Energy Conservation and CarbonReduction, LowCarbonSustainable Homeland, CarbonNeutral