

中文摘要 國內目前每年所產生的廢輪胎(主要組成是橡膠)約十萬噸,大量的廢輪胎將引起「有價橡膠的資源浪費」及「棄置廢輪胎產生環境污染」等問題。因此,透過廢輪胎與橡膠原料的再利用應可有效地解決上述問題。廢輪胎為一種熱固性材料,無法經由加熱軟化或加熱再製成其它產品;因此,過去廢輪胎的再利用往往因為技術複雜,成本高而缺乏市場價值。近年來,去交聯程序回收橡膠原料的技術已相繼發展並趨於成熟。該技術可將三維交聯結構、不可溶、不易燃的強熱固性高分子轉變為二維、柔軟、有塑性、高黏性、低模量係數,可硫化的熱塑性高分子,此即稱為再生膠。以再性膠為原料,不僅可降低成本,亦可節省化石原料資源。此外,近年來由於分離薄膜需求量日與俱增,據研究分析報告指出,全球分離薄膜的市場需求量在2013年已達到3.3億美元,預計在2017年將可以達到25.7億美元。因此,本計畫將開發使用再生膠製備高分子膜的技術,並將其應用於二氧化碳氣體分離與氫氣純化。計畫中將探討添加劑、鑄膜液組成、相轉換程序等參數對薄膜形態及氣體滲透之影響。薄膜的形態、表面粗糙度、層間距值及熱穩定性將以SEM、AFM、XRD及TGA等特性分析進行。研究結果指出,再生膠因仍含有未完全脫硫的交聯結構,故可以直接透過溶液鑄造的方式來製備出具有氣體滲透分選效能之薄膜。在製膜條件上,以甲苯對再生膠有最佳的溶解度,當A再生膠的溶解度為1.1 g/100 ml時有最佳的CO2/N2選擇率11.6。
中文關鍵字 廢輪胎、脫硫、再利用、薄膜、氣體分離


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-X04 經費年度 103 計畫經費 858.240 千元
專案開始日期 2013/01/01 專案結束日期 2013/11/30 專案主持人 曾惠馨
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 歐真妤 執行單位 中山醫學大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103EPA中英文摘要詳細版.pdf 0MB
英文摘要 Nowadays, more than 100 thousand waste tires are generated annually in Taiwan. This causes two major problems: the wastage of valuable rubbers and the disposal of waste tires leading to environmental pollution. Two major approaches to solve this problem are the recycle and the reuse of waste tire, and the reclaim of rubber raw materials. The waste tire, rubber, is one kind of thermosetting materials, which is cross-linked on processing and molding, and therefore cannot be softened or remolding by heating again. Thus, the technology for recycle of thermoset polymers (waste tire) is complex and less viable commercially. However, recently, Reclaiming of rubber by physical, chemical, biotechnological, and de-link processes have been developed. Reclaiming of scrap rubber products is the conversion of a three dimensionally interlinked, insoluble and infusible strong thermoset polymer to a two dimensional, soft, plastic, tackier, low modulus and vulvanizable essentially thermoplastic product, reclaimed rubber. Reusing or incorporation of reclaim rubber into new rubber compound, not only reduces the cost of the finished product but also saves our united resource of fossil feed stock. In this project, the reusing of reclaimed rubber for preparing polymer membrane was investigated and applied in CO2 separation and H2 purification. In this work, the reclaimed rubber is used as precursor to fabricate polymer membrane or blend polymer membrane. The effects of additives, casting dope composition, phase inversion method on the membrane morphology and permeability were investigated. The membrane morphology, surface roughness, d-spacing, thermal properties were analyzed by SEM, AFM, XRD, and TGA. The results indicates that the reclaim rubber can be used as the precursor for polymeric membrane fabrication directly due to some crosslink structure are still remaining after de-link treatment. The optimum conditions determined were as follows: using toluene as solvent to prepare casting dope, and then following by casting and dry phase inversion. The optimum conditions resulted in a CO2/N2 selectivity of 11.6.
英文關鍵字 waste tire, desulfurization, reuse, membrane, gas separation