

中文摘要 本計畫延續歷年土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫之工作內容,進行臺南市轄區內土壤定期監測、地下水定期監測、監測井外觀巡察維護、監測井廢井、加油站網路申報資料審查與現場稽查作業、污染場址之監督查核與查證驗證作業、突發污染狀況查證、緊急應變、教育宣導及行政配合事項工作。 本計畫完成15筆地號土壤定期監測,監測結果均低於土壤污染管制標準;地下水實際採樣數量共97口次,計畫達成率為100 %,其中烏山頭流域場置性監測井SRL(永揚)002,自99年9月監測至今,地下水中砷測值範圍為0.0404~0.0887 mg/L,顯示砷測值偏高與環境地質有關,其餘場置性監測井地下水質與歷年監測結果相似。監測井外觀巡查維護數量累計312口次,依據監測井巡查結果完成監測井修繕23口次;針對已無監測用途之9口監測井完成廢井作業;並完成25口次內部功能維護作業。加油站網路申報資料共審查1166家,加油站之現場稽查工作完成30家,並作成紀錄全數上傳至土壤及地下水資訊管理系統。每2個月執行乙次列管場址監督巡查,迄今已巡查620處,並將相關巡查紀錄上傳至土壤及地下水資訊管理系統;查證驗證列管場址分別為17處驗證場址、1處離場復育土驗證場址、10處查證場址及2處定期監測場址,其中僅3處驗證場址仍超過法規標準,另10處查證場址除2處場址已列管,其餘場址均無污染之虞。突發污染狀況查證已配合執行9件工作,除仁德區車頭段787等6筆地號鉻、鎳超過土壤污染管制標準及鹽埕段3109與3109-103地號銅超過土壤污染監測標準外,其餘場址調查結果則均低於管制標準。緊急應變工作土基會預算經費支應12件工作執行污染查證作業共87萬6,434元,本項經費已支應100.1%,而本市自籌款預算支應20件工作執行相關作業共56萬5,702元,本項經費已支應100.1%。協助環保局執行場址報告審查、土水法第8、9條及地下儲槽系統所提設置計畫、完工報告書文件審核及建檔共312件,並舉辦2場次法規宣導說明會、2場次教育訓練及1場次技術論壇。
中文關鍵字 土壤污染、地下水污染、臺南市


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-103-SP-31128 經費年度 103 計畫經費 15081 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/23 專案結束日期 2015/02/28 專案主持人 蔡俊銘
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王聖豪 執行單位 中環科技事業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度臺南土水期末報告(定稿本).pdf 27MB
英文摘要 This project continues work in “Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Verification Project” of Tainan district. Work contents include regular soil and groundwater monitoring work, monitoring well external appearance patrol 、 maintenance and repeal, gas station online declaration and on-site inspection, soil and groundwater pollution site supervision, verification and inspection, scope of pollution site broadening investigation, pollution verification on prosecutors care and public nuisance dispute and emergency response, advocacy and administrative work. A total of 15 lands were sampled for soil samples, all of the monitoring results met the soil pollution control standard. 97 groundwater samples were sampled, with work achievement of 100 % in groundwater sampling work category in project contract. Among all groundwater samples, only the SRL002 show higher concentration of arsenic(0.0404~0.0887 mg/L), which was affected by the geology. Groundwater quality of other site-specific monitoring well had similar quality when compared to past groundwater monitoring results. A total of 312 monitoring wells have carried out monitoring well external appearance patrol and maintenance. The project maintained 23 groundwater monitoring wells, abolished 9 monitoring wells, and maintained 25 wells internal functions. On regular declared and modified monitoring document of gas station, 1166 documents were examined. 30 gas stations on-site verification work were carried and all field records were uploaded to “Soil and Groundwater Information Management System”. Pollution improvement, supervision patrol work of Control Site was conducted once every 2 months, 566 Control Sites were being patrol and supervised, all field records were uploaded to “Soil and Groundwater Information Management System”. 17 Control Sites were verified, 1 repopulation soil site were verified, 10 sites were investigated and 2 site were monitored. Budget of NT$ 876,434 from EPA and NT$565,702 from Tainan City for public nuisance dispute and emergency response work category was used in sites pollution verification work. This project also aid Tainan Environmental Bureau in executing Control Sites, “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act Article 8 and 9” and “Underground Storage Tank System” proposal plan, final report examination and back up information with total number of 312 documents. Two regulatory, two education symposiums and one technology forum were held and database in “Soil and Groundwater Information Management System” was periodically renewed.
英文關鍵字 soil pollution, groundwater pollution, Tainan