

中文摘要 一、在機車管制方面,依環保署機定網站公布之全年定檢數為29,097輛次,到檢率為55.2%,修正死車比例後之納管率為67.3%。可能原因是車主習於接到通知,缺乏未定檢會被告發的意識,未積極回檢。 二、在柴油車管制方面,本年度黑煙目視稽查判定皆合格,連續四年維持零不合格率。柴油車排煙檢測有4輛不合格,不合格率1.6%,已連續三年不合格率低於2%,與臺灣本島柴油車檢測站的無負載檢測不合格率相當,並未有澎湖柴油車較為老舊、污染較嚴重的情況。 三、柴油車油品硫含量管制方面,103年度不合格率3.3%。不合格油品中,有1件硫含量高達6,090ppm,應為使用漁船用油,其餘硫含量分別在13~92ppm不等,可能是殘餘舊標準燃油造成。比對97~103年度油品檢驗不合格資料,共計有4輛柴油車有至少2個年度不合格的紀錄。 四、在船舶污染管制方面,非漁用船舶目視判煙稽查82艘次,皆合格。非漁用船舶油品稽查中,僅5艘油品超過陸上交通工具燃油硫含量管制標準,但僅超出數ppm遠低於漁船用油平均硫含量5,715ppm。 五、本年度二行程機車汰舊補助合計協助審查400件,推估NMHC削減量達2.2公噸/年;CO削減量達3.5噸/年。 六、民眾滿意度調查結果,對本縣機車定檢服務的滿意度達98.2%,柴油車黑煙管制滿意度達 98.1% ,民眾檢舉烏賊車案件的處理滿意度為 93.0%,汰舊補助作業滿意度為 95.2%。
中文關鍵字 機車定期檢驗、柴油車排煙管制、油品含硫量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 7290 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/16 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 許真瑜
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳正忠 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103澎湖移污期末報告定稿.pdf 7MB
英文摘要 On motorbike pollution control, according to the data on EPA moter vehicles emission regular test information management system, the rate of Penghu County moter vehicles emission regular test is 55.2%. We revised off-use motor vehicles, the control rate is 67.3%. On diesel vehicle pollution control, those in-use diesel vehicles for which air pollutant emissions are determined through visual determination are all pass. There are 4 diesel vehicles failed to meet the emissions standards in 2014. The failure rate is 1.6%, and less than 2% for 3 consecutive years. In comparison with other local competent authorities, the failure rates are less the same. On sulfur content of diesel supplied for use in transportation vehicles, the failure rate is 3.3% in 2014. There was a diesel vehicle which sulfur content of diesel is 6,090 ppm. It means that vehicle had used diesel supplied for use in fishing vesssels. On vessel pollution control, non-fishing vessels for which air pollutant emissions are determined through visual determination are also all pass. The audition on sulfur content of diesel supplied for use non-fishing vessels, there were 5 vessels which didn’t comply the standards determined by the central competent authority. In 2014, we reviewed 400 applications for subsidy of fall into disuse of 2-stroke motorbike. We estimated the reduction of NMHC are 2.2 tonnes/ year, CO are 3.5 tonnes/ year. The result of questionnaire of the satisfaction of citizens showed that 98.2% of 500 citizens satisfied to the service of moter vehicles emission regular test, 98.1% to diesel vehicles emission control, 93.0% to the report of polluting vehicles and 95.2% to the application for fall into disuse of 2-stroke motorbike.
英文關鍵字 moter vehicles emission regular test;diesel vehicle pollution control;sulfur content of diesel supplied for use in transportation vehicles