

中文摘要 新竹縣PM2.5濃度呈現季節變化。春冬二季(東北季風期間),受境外傳輸影響常發生高污染事件。 為解析燃燒污染源對大氣PM2.5污染影響,本計畫每季執行工業區PM2.5周界採樣及分析分析。此外,本計畫並建立採樣期間氣團移動軌跡。 大氣四季PM2.5手動測值依序為春季(3月)40.1 μg/m3、冬季(11月) 15.1 μg/m3、秋季(8季)13.3 μg/m3及夏季(6月)8.4 μg/m3。大氣PM2.5成份以水溶性陰陽離子為主,其中SO42-佔25.3%,其次為NH4+ 佔8.5% 及NO3- 佔4.7%。 本計畫篩選新竹縣8個主要行業別,執行12根次排放管道PM2.5採樣及成分分析,並建立污染源指紋資料庫及排放係數。燃煤鍋爐PM2.5濃度介於0.32~8.51 mg/Nm3;燃油鍋爐過濾性PM2.5排放濃度介於3.77~22.32 mg/Nm3。燃煤鍋爐PM2.5 排放係數為0.009~0.111 kg/Mg;燃油蒸氣鍋爐PM2.5 排放係數介於0.206~0.500 kg/kl。燃油鍋爐排放濃度 凝結性PM2.5 (CPM)占總PM2.5 (FPM + CPM)之比例,介於40%~99.5%;且隨煙道廢氣溫度而上升。 PM2.5與TSP比值,燃煤鍋爐經袋式集塵器與FGD處理後,PM2.5/TSP為0.46;經靜電集塵器及FGD處理後,PM2.5/TSP為0.23;經旋風集塵器及FGD處理後,PM2.5/TSP為0.57。無防制設備之燃油鍋爐,PM2.5/TSP為0.4。燃油玻璃槽窯經乾式排煙脫硫及靜電集塵器處理後,PM2.5/TSP為0.27。 PM2.5成分分析顯示,燃煤(油)鍋爐之PM2.5組成以OC、EC及SO42-為主。燃煤鍋爐之金屬元素特徵物種為Fe、Ca、Mg、Na與K;燃油鍋爐之金屬元素特徵物種為Al、Fe、Ca、V與Ni。 研究發現,碳成分及硫酸鹽為PM2.5主要成分。為了減少形成PM2.5,可由提升鍋爐燃燒效率著手以降低燃料使用量。其次,建議鍋爐業者選購硫份低燃料,或改採清潔燃料。此外,建議未來持續推動燃油鍋爐業者設置粒狀物防制設備,並加強燃燒污染源防制設備操作查核。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、排放係數、成分分析、管制策略


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 2926 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/28 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 鍾周德
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 邱天安 執行單位 康城工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 新竹縣103年度固定污染源PM2.5成分分析與調查計畫期末報告(定稿).pdf 8MB 新竹縣103年度固定污染源PM2.5成分分析與調查計畫期末報告
英文摘要 The fine particulate (PM2.5) concentrations of Hsinchu County altered along with season. In spring and winter (during the northeast monsoon), the high PM2.5 pollution episodes occurred because of the abroad long range transport. In order to understand the PM2.5 composition of combustion sources, we conducted seasonally PM2.5 atmosphere manual sampling and chemical component analysis at Chung Cheng primary school and the wastewater treatment plant. Moreover, the study also established the air mass back trajectory. The PM2.5 concentrations were 40.1 μg/m3 in spring, 15.1 μg/m3 in winter , 13.3 μg/m3 in autumn and 8.4 μg/m3 in summer sequentially. The average chemical composition of PM2.5 with sulfate being the dominant constituent followed by ammonium and nitrate. In the study, twelve stationary sources including eight different industries located in Hsin-Chu county were selected for conducting flue gas sampling to determined the chemical and physical particulate characteristics. The concentrations of PM2.5-filteralbe were about 0.32~8.51 mg/Nm3 for coal-fired boiler, and 3.77~22.32 mg/Nm3 for oil-fired boiler. The emission factors were about 0.009 to 0.111 kg/ton for coal-fired boiler, and about 0.206 to 0.500 kg/kl for oil-fired boiler. The PM2.5 emission concentrations of oil-fired boilers were higher than coal-fired boilers, because the latter were well controlled with BACT. The percent of PM2.5-condensible to PM2.5 -primary were about 40% to 99.5%, and it increased with the temperature of flue gas. The proportion of PM2.5 to TSP of coal-fired boiler were 0.46 with fabric filter controlled, 0.23 for ESP controlled, and 0.56 for cyclone controlled. The proportion of PM2.5 to TSP were 0.4 for oil-fired boiler without PM control device, and 0.27 for glass furnace with ESP controlled. The composite speciation profile was similar in character to the oil-fired and coal-fired boilers, with carbonaceous aerosols being the dominant constituent followed by sulfate, ammonium and lesser amount of other ions and elements. Metallic elements characteristic species of coal-fired boilers were Fe, Ca, Mg, Na and K; and Al, Fe, Ca, V and Ni for oil-fired boilers. In this study, mass fraction of elemental carbon, organic carbon and sulfate were determined to be the major component in flue gas of fuel combustion source. Therefore, in order to prevent the PM2.5 generation, the following PM2.5 control strategies for combustion sources were proposed. 1. we should recommend the combustion source to improve the combustion efficiency of boilers to reduce the fossil fuel consumption. 2. We can advise the coal-fired or oil-fired combustion pollution source to select the lower sulfur content fuel or shift to cleaner fuel. 3. We are supposed to promote the oil-fired boiler to setup a PM2.5 control device and to enhance the APCD operation audit of coal-fired combustion process.
英文關鍵字 fine particulate matter(PM2.5), emission factor, composition analysis, control strategy