

中文摘要 環保署為整合我國生質廢棄物、提升再利用率,充分利用經前4R後之剩餘有機(生質)廢棄物能源化,藉此妥善解決潛在可能衍生環境污染問題,並同時達到零碳社會目標,遂委辦本計畫,冀藉蒐集研析國外生質能政策、轉化技術、應用及區域案例等資訊、盤點國內過去或目前正推動之生質物能源化計畫成果及法令規範、調查統計全國生質廢棄物種類、數量及分布資料、召開專家諮詢會議邀請各領域專家學者給予建言等工作項目,據以擬定我國生質廢棄物能源化推動策略,並依策略內容完成「區域生質廢棄物能源化系統整合推動計畫草案」相關規劃作業,以奠定後續生質能政策規劃推動之基礎。 本計畫已完成彙整生質能相關評估計畫,範疇擴及生質廢棄物(料源)調查、生質能轉化技術盤查、減碳及經濟效益評估、區域能源整合系統規劃等面向,並配合地方料源特性及應用需求下,因地制宜規劃合適因應配套,業已完成研擬「區域生質廢棄物能源化系統整合推動計畫(草案)」作為上位計畫,並辦理4場次專家諮詢會議,期望藉不同領域專家學者交流與討論,促使規劃內容更加完備,作為整體生質廢棄物能源化政策推動方向。此外,考量推動生質物能源化涉及中央相關部會與地方政府業務,須事先評估可能性,方能整合資源建置區域能源供應系統,故後續將再召開跨部會研商會議確定權責分工,並責成地方擬訂「區域生質廢棄物能源化系統整合行動計畫」,作為轄區區域生質能整合系統推動目標及措施之依據,落實辦理生質廢棄物料源調查、依區域特性選用轉化技術、妥善利用既有環保設施轉型成為生質能源中心及規劃結合其他再生能源應用,以促進能源多元化利用推動,達減碳及永續環境之目標。
中文關鍵字 生質物、生質能、生質能政策


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA11-03-A132 經費年度 103 計畫經費 3900 千元
專案開始日期 2014/02/21 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 林志安
主辦單位 方案整合辦公室(停用) 承辦人 莊炳義 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-FA11-03-A132(期末報告定稿本).pdf 35MB

Promotion project of regional biomass-to-energy system

英文摘要 In order to solve the potential environmental pollution problem and achieve the goal of zero carbon society, the Environmental Protection Agency commissioned this project by means of integrating biowaste, improving recycling rate, energizing remaining biowaste. This project made promoting strategies of energizing biowaste, and completed "the draft of promotion of integration of regional biomass to energy systems" to lay the foundation for the bioenergy policies planning and developing. It analyzed foreign policies, bioenergy conversion technologies, energy utilization and regional cases, as well as made an inventory for previous and ongoing plans of bioenergy and regulation. It also surveyed categories, number, distribution of biomass waste in Taiwan, and held meeting to consult the experts about the draft. This project surveyed bioenergy research regarding biowaste examination, bioenergy conversion technology, carbon reduction and economic assessment, and regional energy integration system plans, and considered the local characteristics of the source material and application requirements. It drew up the plans according to local conditions, and completed "the draft of promotion of integration of regional biomass to energy systems." It also convened four meetings with experts and scholars in this field were held to gain more information and to revise the whole plan. In addition, this project considered that the promoting bioenergy measures touched on the central and local government responsibility. They should be assessed before integrating the resources to build regional energy supply system. Further work will be conducted to collect more opinions from regional authorities and other counterparts to carry out related works. And it will be released the power to local government to draw up “action plan of integration of regional biomass to energy systems.” The local government will examine the biowaste sources, choose the technology according to the regional characteristics, transform the existing environmental protection facilities into the bioenergy center, and combine with other renewable energy to achieve the targets of carbon reduction and sustainable environment.
英文關鍵字 Biomass, Bioenergy, Bioenergy policy