

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程為103年4月26日至103年12月31日,主要內容為藉由各項法規制度管理、污染源稽查管制、調查掌握污染現況、輔導推動污染減量等工作,以有效管制臺北市之固定污染源,達改善並維護本市空氣品質之目標。本年度具體管制措施及成果說明如下: 一、排放現況調查 (一)依「固定污染源管理資訊系統」資料,現階段列管公私場所296家,較102年列管家數減少1家,以加油站業(76家)、汽車修護業(37家)及印刷業(36家)等列管家數最多。於103年10月查詢之清查排放量:粒狀污染物(TSP)207.706公噸/年,硫氧化物(SOx)171.228公噸/年,氮氧化物(NOx)869.619公噸/年,揮發性有機物(VOCs)505.479公噸/年,較102年清查量,粒狀污染物減少約1.759公噸/年,硫氧化物減少約36.021公噸/年,氮氧化物減少約103.257公噸/年,揮發性有機物減少約2.814公噸/年。 (二)已完成列管固定污染源排放量更新作業139家次,排放量更新率為75.6%(103年4月至10月更新總排放量1,325.507公噸÷103年10月之清查總排放量1,754.032公噸)。 二、法規制度管理 (一)103年4月至9月合計受理許可申請案31件次,審查時間平均約12日/件,且均符合法定期限(30-45天/件)及符合於30天內完成審查之本市簡政便民目標。 (二)建立本市之固定污染源設置與操作許可證審查原則,供本市列管公私場所及許可審查人員據以依循及參考,並配合103年環保署考評規定,已於103年4月30日提送至署進行評定。 (三)103年度進行2場次(木柵及北投垃圾焚化廠)CEMS系統及功能查核作業,每場皆邀請2位專家學者協助查核,另針對木柵焚化廠進行1根次RATA稽查測,結果符合法規規定,但其中氯化氫(HCL)需進行BAF偏移校正。 (四)輔導業者按時申報空污費並採網路申報,103年1~3季按時申報率及網路申報率皆為100%,103年1~2季總繳費金額為1,882,802元,經審查後核定之總金額為1,883,167元。 (五)執行完成加油站20站次氣漏測試及氣油比檢測,氣漏測試全數合格,氣油比油槍總合格率為93.1%(總抽測油槍數770支,合格槍數717支),均符合法規標準。對於103年度稽查檢測氣油比合格率偏低之加油站(<80%),公告要求其加嚴氣油比檢測頻率(次/半年改為次/季),並於103年9月1日邀請相關業者及單位,召開「加油站氣油比定期檢測頻率加嚴研商會」,預計於本年度12月完成公告之作業。 (六)103年度辦理完成4場次各項會議,包括「許可證審查原則與許可查核常見缺失及注意事項說明會」、「加油站氣油比定期檢測頻率加嚴研商會」、「逸散性粒狀物管制法規及圍牆綠美化宣導說明會」及「空氣污染防制費繳費單電子化代收作業及揮發性有機物(VOCs)空污費申報表單簡化說明會」。 三、污染源稽查管制 (一)篩選辦理完成30件油品硫含量抽測(25件鍋爐用油,5件機具用油)及9件稽查檢測(5件固定污染源,4件重金屬),檢測結果均符合法規標準。 (二)103年4月至10月完成182家次固定污染源法規符合度查核作業,包括61家次許可查核,101家次空污費查核、20家次加油站法規符合度查核作業,查核缺失計21家次,整體法規符合度比例為88.5%(161家/182家),查核缺失業者均已完成改善。 (三)依環保署指定空品測站(松山測站)、月份、採樣及分析方法執行戴奧辛及重金屬空氣品質監測作業,已完成2月、5月及8月份戴奧辛採樣作業以及5月份重金屬採樣作業。 四、污染減量輔導 (一)持續推廣使用低污染燃料,103年有6座燃油鍋爐汰舊換新為7座天然氣鍋爐,本市目前設置天然氣鍋爐計101座,較95年增加82座,103年目前使用低污染燃料鍋爐設置數之比例已達67%。 (二)彙整103年1月~9月3座焚化廠氮氧化物之總排放量較102年同期減少約15.1%(減少101.68公噸);垃圾處理量方面,103年1月~9月3廠之垃圾總處理量較102年同期減少約8.8%(減少53,827公噸);單位垃圾處理量之氮氧化物排放量(排放係數En)方面,3座焚化廠103年1月~9月整體之En(1.021)較102年同期(1.098)減少7%。 (三)持續推動企業參與認養道路洗掃,103年4月~9月累計認養洗掃作業之總長度為4,592公里。 爰依前述之管制措施,轄內列管業者皆能依法操作,針對污染來源進行法規管制與污染減量輔導,103年各空氣污染物之排放減量(包括永久及暫時)成果,粒狀污染物為65.209公噸、硫氧化物為11.488公噸、氮氧化物為12.122公噸及揮發性有機物為26.592公噸。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、許可制度、空污費


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 5180 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/26 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 曾羿航
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳俊宏 執行單位 康城工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 103年度臺北市固定污染源許可及稽查管制計畫期末報告.pdf 8MB 103年度臺北市固定污染源許可及稽查管制計畫期末報告
英文摘要 The implementation period for this Plan was from April 26, 2014 to December 31, 2014. The Plan involved the conducting of a survey from the perspective of regulatory system management and pollution source auditing controls to clarify pollution status, and to provide guidance and promotion in relation to pollution reduction efforts, etc., with the aim of achieving effective management of stationary sources of air pollution in Taipei City and realizing the goal of a sustained improvement the air quality in Taipei City. The specific control measures implemented, and the results achieved are outlined below: 1.Survey of Emissions Status (1)According to Stationary Pollution Source Management Information System data, there were a total of 296 registered public and private premises possessing stationary air pollution sources within the boundaries of in Taipei City, compared to 297 such facilities in 2013. Within this total of 296 facilities, the largest shares are held by gas stations (76 facilities), automobile maintenance industry (37 facilities), and printing plants (36 facilities). The results obtained in the November 2014 survey of actual emissions indicated that the combined total of air pollutant emissions from these 296 facilities was: Annual Total Suspended Particles (TSP) emissions in FY2014 totaled 207.706 tons/year, Annual sulfur oxides (SOx) emissions in FY2014 totaled 171.228 tons/year, Annual nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions in FY2014 totaled 869.619 ton/year, and annual volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions in FY2014 totaled 505.479 tons/year. By comparison with the results obtained the survey in 2013, the actual emissions of TSP had fallen by approximately 1.759 tons/year, SOx emissions had fallen by 36.021 tons/year, NOx emissions had fallen by 103.257 tons/year, and VOCs emissions had fallen by 2.814 tons/year. (2)Updating of the annual emissions had been conducted for 139 stationary sources of air pollution, representing an emissions updating ratio of 75.6% (calculated as the updated emissions of 1,325.507 tons, obtained through the period April – November, 2014, divided by the total actual emissions of 1,754.032 tons obtained in the survey on November 2014). 2.Regulatory System Management (1)Over the period April – September, 2014, a total of 34 permit applications were processed. The average processing time was approximately 12 days, and in conformity with both the legally mandated processing period (30 – 45 days) and target of completing application review within 30 days. (2)A set of stationary sources of air pollution establishment and operation permit review guidelines was drawn up, to serve as a reference for public and private facilities in Taipei City that are registered, and for personnel engaged in carrying out permit application review. In accordance with the requirements of the 2014 Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) appraisal rules, these guidelines were submitted to the EPA for evaluation on April 30, 2014. (3)Continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) system and performance auditing operations were performed on 2 occasions in 2014 (targeting the MuZha and BeiTou Refuse Incinerator Plant). On each occasion, two experts were invited to assistant with the auditing work. In addition, 1-load Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) testing was conducted at the MuZha Refuse Incinerator Plant; the results were in conformity with regulations, although the Bias Adjustment Factor (BAF) correction was required for HCl. (4)Guidance was provided to encourage facility operators to submit air pollution control fee declarations on time, and to use online reporting. As a result, during the first three quarters of 2014, all declarations and online reporting were submitted on time. The total amount of air pollution control fee paid in the first and second quarters of 2014 was NT1,882,802; after review, the actual amount due was found to be NT1,883,167. (5)Fume leakage testing and vapor/gasoline ratio testing was carried out at 20 gas stations. All of the gas stations passed leakage testing, and there was a 93.1% conformity rating in the vapor/gasoline ratio testing results (with 717 out of 770 fuel dispensers conforming to requirements); these results fell within the acceptable limits specified by law. With regard to those gas stations that were found in the 2014 testing to have a low vapor/gasoline ratio conformity level (i.e.<80%), a formal notice was served to asked them to implement more frequent vapor/gasoline ratio testing (on a quarterly basis rather than a twice-yearly basis), and the facility owners and agencies concerned were asked to attend a Seminar on the Increased Frequency of Filling Station Vapor/Gasoline Ratio Testing, which held on September 1, 2014. It was anticipated that the related operations would be completed by December 2014. (6)A total of four meetings were held in 2014, including Presentation on the Permit Application Review Guidelines, Common Problems, and Key Points to Note; Seminar on the Increased Frequency of Gas Station Vapor/Gasoline Ratio Testing; Presentation on the Fugitive Particulate Matter Control Regulations and the Greenification and Beautification of Perimeter Walls; and Presentation on the Adoption of Online Payment and Subrogated Payment of Air Pollution control Fees and the Simplification of the VOCs Air Pollution control Fee Declaration Reporting Forms. 3.Pollution Source Auditing and Controls (1)Sulfur content sampling was performed on 30 oil products (including 25 oil products for use in boilers, and 5 for use in machinery), along with 9 audit inspections (covering 5 stationary pollution sources and 4 heavy metals). All of the test results showed conformity with regulations. (2)Over the period April – October 2014, a total of 182 audits were implemented to verify that stationary sources of air pollution were operating in conformity with regulations. These included 61 instances of permit checks, 101 instances of air pollution control fee auditing, and 20 audits to verify compliance with regulations by gas stations. 21 of the audited facilities were found to be non-conforming, giving a conformity rate of 88.5% (161 facilities out of 182). All of the non-conforming facilities have remedied the situation. (3)According to the sampling months, analysis methods and air quality monitoring station (Songshan Monitoring Station)and which specified by the EPA, air quality monitoring was implemented targeting dioxins and heavy metals; the sampling operations have been completed February, May, August and November in the case of dioxins, May and November in the case of heavy metals. 4.Guidance for Pollutant Emission Reduction (1)Ongoing promotion to use the low-polluting fuels has been implemented. In 2014, 6 oil-burning boilers were replaced with 7 new natural gas fueled boilers. Taipei City currently has a total of 101 natural gas fueled boilers installed, representing an increase of 82 boilers compared to 2006. In 2014, boilers powered by low-polluting fuels accounted for 67% of all boilers installed in Taipei City. (2)The total amount of nitrogen oxide emissions from refuse incinerator plants over the period January – September 2014 was down approximately 15.1% year-on-year compared to the same period in 2013 (representing a decrease of 101.68 tons of emissions). As regards waste disposal, the total amount of waste processed by three refuse incinerator plants in Taipei City over the period January – September 2014 was approximately 8.8% lower than in the same period in 2013 (representing a decrease of 53,827 tons). With regard to nitrous oxide emissions per unit of waste processed (represented by the “En” Emission Factor), the En for the period January – September 2014 was 1.021, decrease 7% from the 1.098 for the same period in 2013. (3)An ongoing effort has been made to promote corporate of sections of road to perform street-sweeping and sprinkling. Over the period April – November 2014, the cumulative total length of road cleaned in this way came to 6,379km. To help all facility operators located within the boundaries of Taipei City to carry out their operations in accordance with the requirements of the law and with the management measures outlined above, regulatory management and pollutant emission reduction guidance has been carried out with respect to pollution sources in Taipei City. The air pollutants emission reduction results achieved in 2014 (including both permanent and temporary reductions) can be summarized as follows: Emissions of Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) were reduced by 65.209 tons; emissions of Sulfur Oxides (SOx) were reduced by 11.488 tons; emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) were reduced by 12.122 tons; emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) were reduced by 26.592 tons.
英文關鍵字 stationary sources of air pollution, permit system, air pollution control fee