

中文摘要 本計畫主要辦理地下水監測井井網規劃與生命週期管理工作,包括區域性監測井之功能評估及維護工作、監測井網補充設置、建立地下水三維監測方案、及辦理監測井設置查核,以確保區域性監測井發揮其背景水質監測之功能,另針對國內為數眾多之場置性監測井,評析其再次完井前後水質差異,並歸納再次完井之重要性及建議適合之再次完井方法。有鑑於近年來巨量資料之重要性,本計畫評析國內外地下水資訊系統之差異,並針對既有之地下水資訊系統研提資料檢核機制與架構修正建議,此外,本計畫針對國內地下水資源管理亦擬定各項整合議題並辦理座談會,依據會議結論作為未來地下水相關工作推廣之基礎。有關監測井維護及評估作業,本計畫共完成7口監測井重新設置作業、8口監測井廢井作業、6口基座改善作業,另完成26口監測井設置規劃報告審核、10口設置現場表單審核、3口現場查核作業,並協助規劃監測井設置相關查核表單。有關監測井井網檢討及規劃,本計畫完成濁水溪沖積扇與桃園中壢臺地之之區域性監測井補充設置作業,並針對西南沿海地區研擬環保署區域性監測井與水利署觀測井之不同深度水質監測方案,同時兼顧三維地下水品質監測及經費有效運用之目的。而由場置性監測井之再次完井前後水質檢測結果可發現,未辦理再次完井將造成總石油碳氫化合物污染濃度之高估、及四氯乙烯與三氯乙烯濃度之低估,未來應針對縣市環保機關加強監測井內部評估維護工作之推廣。此外,有關地下水資訊系統之修正建議,本計畫完成監測井基本資料與檢測數據等檢核機制之建立,預期將可大幅節省人工校核之負擔並確保數據正確性。針對未來地下水環境資源管理工作,本計畫藉由座談會探討水質與水權聯合管理、各單位地下水資訊整合、污染傳輸模式發展應用、水質管理與用水需求之重要性與可行方案,做為未來地下水資源管理工作推動之參考。
中文關鍵字 地下水監測井、監測井管理、地下水資源整合


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-GA12-03-A242 經費年度 103 計畫經費 15686.257 千元
專案開始日期 2014/06/16 專案結束日期 2015/06/15 專案主持人 劉志忠
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 呂欣怡 執行單位 業興環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA103GA1203A242.pdf 51MB

Project of Taiwan Groundwater Monitoring, Assessment and Management

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to conduct the planning of the groundwater monitoring network and management of monitoring wells life-cycling, including the assessment, maintenance, and installation of regional monitoring wells, establishment of 3-dimention groundwater quality monitoring plan, audit of monitoring well installation for ensuring the function of monitoring wells network. For site-specific wells, the importance of well recompletion and suggestion of well completion procedure are concluded by comparing the groundwater quality before and after well completion. Besides, the difference between current groundwater management systems is discussed in this project to propose the modification suggestions. The redevelopment of 7 monitoring wells, demolishment of 8 monitoring wells, obstruction of 6 monitoring wells are completed in this project. The audit of 26 wells installation planning reports, 10 wells constrction forms, 3 wells constrction works are completed in this project. For the planning of the groundwater monitoring network, the monitoring wells of Choushui river alluvial fan and Taoyuan plateau are installed in this project. The monitoring network with various depths is also established for southwestern Taiwan. Moreover, the lack of well recompletion causes the over-estimation of TPH and under- estimation of PCE and TCE. The well recompletion should be popularized for local government in the future. For monitoring data integration, the modification methods of database and GIS data integration are proposed in this project. The integration of groundwater resource is also suggested by symposiums, in cluding conjunctive management of groundwater quality and rightm, information integration, development and application of contaminants transport modeling, importance of quality contrl and water demands. The conclusion of symposiums will be the foundation of groundwater resource management in the future.
英文關鍵字 Groundwater Monitoring Well, Monitoring Well Management, Groundwater Resource Integration