

中文摘要 面對變動的廢水水質及環境保護需求,化學需氧量等線上即時監測技術日趨重要,另一方面,重金屬線上即時監測設備雖已發展有相當長的時間,但仍有許多重金屬離子由於本身電化學特性及偵測方法的問題而尚無快速且靈敏的偵測方法。因此本計畫針對以上問題,接續前一年度之研究成果,持續進行文獻彙整與技術設備評析之工作。在重金屬線上即時監測設備方面,主要有比色、離子選擇性電極、UV分光光度計、以及陽極析出伏安法,其中利用離子選擇性電極線上即時分析重金屬已為相當純熟的技術,但仍有離子組態與物種分佈無法快速得知的問題。本計畫最主要的目標在發展以奈米碳管/ TiO2複合材料修飾電極進行COD分析。經由表面物化特性以及電流反應強度分析,選定以300度C處理SWCNT/ TiO2。模擬與實場廢水之掃描條件,如掃描速率與pH值已完成選定,並且可能由於模擬與實場廢水中的COD分子多為小分子,因此結果顯示掃描速率對氧化峰電位值之影響有限。分析模擬COD水樣的結果顯示,峰電流值與COD濃度的線性關係,有隨濃度分段的情形。並且在去除SWCNT/ TiO2表面官能基後,其修飾之GCE電極確實有較佳的穩定度以及準確度。實場廢水分析結果顯示,對於處理過的或是組成較單純的廢水,LSV法與COD標準方法所得到的變化趨勢相當接近,並且利用已知不同COD濃度之廢水與所測得的峰電流值製作檢量線後,將LSV所得到的峰電流值進行換算,結果同樣的,換算後的COD值與標準方法的結果相似。
中文關鍵字 即時監測、線性掃描伏安法、化學需氧量


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-E3S3-02-02 經費年度 103 計畫經費 1470 千元
專案開始日期 2014/03/19 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 秦靜如
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 郭淳語 執行單位 國立中央大學環境工程研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 運用奈米碳管修飾電極進行水質分析(2之4).pdf 0MB
英文摘要 For varying wastewater quality and the need of environmental protection, in-situ analysis of chemical oxygen demand (COD) has become more and more important. Also, although the in-situ analysis of metal ions have been developed for decades, there are still many problems. Thus, one objective of this project is to continue the study of previous year and to review related literatures and techniques. For the in-situ analysis of metal ions, there are techniques based on colorimetry, ionic exchange electrodes, UV-Vis spectrophotometry, and anodic stripping voltammetry. Though ionic exchange electrode have been used widely for in-situ monitoring of metal ions, the speciation of metal ions cannot be obtained and there is no electrode for several metal ions, such as mercury and arsenic. The anodic stripping voltammetry has found to be a promising technique for many rare elements. The main goal of this project is to develop a SWCNTs/ TiO2 composite modified electrode for the analysis of COD via linear scanning voltammetry (LSV). Defunctionalization has been conducted via heat treatment and neutralization by alkaline solution. The surface physical and chemical properties of SWCNTs/TiO2 composite treated by various conditions have been investigated. It is determined that the heat treatment at 300℃is the most suitable defunctionlization condition. The scan rates and pH values of modeled and real wastewater have been determined. Maybe because the compounds which have contribution to COD are small, therefore, it is found that the scan rate has no significant influence for the oxidation peak potential. It is also found that the correlation between oxidation peak current and COD concentration changes as the COD concentration increases. Analysis of KHP solution by defunctionalized SWCNT/TiO2 modified GCE electrode has shown that the stability and the sensitivity LSV method are improved. The defunctionlized SWCNT/ TiO2 modified GCE electrode is then further used to examine the response of peak current to the wastewater. It is found that the peak current are in good relationship with the COD obtained by standard method when the wastewater is treated (or about to discharge). However, LSV method may not be suitable for raw wastewater before any treatment due to the complicated composition and the size of the organic pollutants.
英文關鍵字 In-situ monitoring, linear scanning voltammetry, chemical oxygen demand