

中文摘要 台歐盟跨境温室氣體觀測合作研究計畫自2009年6月起開始使用定期貨櫃輪進行大氣二氧化碳觀測工作;自2011年6月起開始使用商用民航機進行飛機的温室氣體 ( 水氣、臭氧 ),空氣污染物 (CO),以及雲粒子濃度的觀測工作。台歐盟計畫的歐盟主要合作夥伴為歐洲IAGOS計畫,其成員包括德國 Julich GFZ 國家實驗室,法國CNRS國家實驗室,空中巴士公司,法國氣象局 (Meteo France ),英國劍橋大學, 德國漢莎 (Lufthansa )航空公司,法國航空公司 (Air France),英國曼徹斯特大學等單位。台歐盟計畫商用貨櫃輪觀測工作的我國主要民間合作夥伴為長榮海運公司,台歐盟計畫商用飛機觀測工作的我國主要合作夥伴為中華航空公司。 商用貨櫃輪觀測工作的主要觀測海域範圍為太平洋、印度洋、波斯灣、紅海、地中海、東北大西洋、及西北大西洋。航測大氣二氧化碳的範圍包括全球主要工業區的下風外海區域,如中國、日本、韓國、北美(美國東岸和西岸、加拿大),南美的袐魯和智利、東南亞國、印度、阿拉伯半島的產油國家、地中海國家( 包括義大利和北非國家),以及歐洲國家( 英國、德國、法國、荷蘭、西班牙、葡萄牙、比利時等國)。商用飛機觀測工作的主要觀測範圍包括中國、日本、韓國;北太平海域上空大氣;東南亞國家(菲律賓、越南、印尼、馬來西亞、新加坡);歐洲的荷蘭,德國和奧地利;北美的加拿大,以及歐亞大陸上空的大氣。商用貨櫃輪的觀測工作使用長榮海運公司最新和最大的L-type、 S-type,及D-type貨櫃輪進行觀測工作。2009年6月起至2015年1月底已完成248個航次的觀測工作。商用飛機的觀測工作使用中華航空公司空中巴士A340-300客用民航機一架自2012年6月進行觀測,目前已收集超過550個飛行航次的有效觀測資料。 商用貨櫃輪的大氣二氧化碳資料顯示,全球主要工業化國家下風處海上區域二氧化碳濃度皆已起過430ppm,而太平洋中間的大氣二氧化碳濃度亦已超過400ppm,這些區域的二氧化碳濃度皆呈現每年穩定超過1.5ppm/ year的上升趨勢。商用民航機的温室氣體及空氣污染物CO的觀測資料顯示,人為近地面石化燃燒的產物能够有效率地被帶到地太平洋海域上空10公里高的大氣,這些在9 至 11公里高空所量測到的高濃度CO( 超過100ppbv ) 主要來源為東亞工業化國家。飛機起飛和下降時的濃度隨高度變化的觀測資料顯示,地面空氣污染物的直接影響範圍在離地面1公里以下高度最為明顯(達到 CO超過225ppbv) ,地面空氣污染物可向上擴散至4公里的高度 (CO濃度值125ppbv)。
中文關鍵字 船測儀器觀測、航空器觀測,空氣污染物,溫室效應氣體


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA11-03-A055 經費年度 103 計畫經費 8000 千元
專案開始日期 2014/02/14 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 王國英
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 廖世榮 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 台歐盟跨境室氣體觀測分析與策略推動計畫_期末定稿.pdf 53MB
英文摘要 The Taiwan-Europe cross-boundary greenhouse gases measurement project (TE-PGGM) has been started since June 2009 for the TE-PGGM ship-based measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations; and has been started since June 2012 for the TE-PGGM air-based measurements of atmospheric ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), water vapor (H2O), can number density of cloud particles. The main international partners for the TE-PGGM project is the European IAGOS project, including members from German Julich GFZ national research laboratory, French CNRS national research laboratory, Airbus, Meteo France, UK Cambridge University, Lufthansa, Air France, and UK Manchester University. The main domestic partners are Evergreen Marine Corporation (EMC) and China Airlines (CAL). The main monitoring areas for the TE-PGGM project include the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the northeast Atlantic Ocean, and the northwest Atlantic Ocean. As such, these areas are mostly located in the downwind locations of heavy anthropogenic industrial regions such as China, Japan, Korea, North American (including the US and Canada), South American (including Peru and Chile), countries in the Southeast Asia, India, oil producing countries in the Arab Peninsula, countries in the Mediterranean region (including Italy, and North African countries), and European countries (the UK, Germany, France, the Netherland, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, etc). The TE-PGGM air-based measurements cover areas including China, Japan, Korea, upper troposphere over the North Pacific flight corridor, countries in the Southeast Asia (the Philippine, Viet Name, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore), European countries (the Netherland, Austria, Germany), North American (Canada), and upper atmosphere over the Euro-Asian continent. The TE-PGGM ship-based measurements use 9 commercial and scheduled global container cargo ships operated by the EMC. The S-type, L-type, and D-type ships have been used to carry CO2 analyzer for real-time and in-situ measurements. The TE-PGGM air-based measurements use 1 Airbus A340-300 and commercial passenger aircraft (B18806) operated by CAL. A total of more than 248 cruise of ship-based measurements have been completed during the June 2009-January 2014 period, and more than 550 flight measurements have been completed with successful CO, O3, H2O, and cloud particle measurements. Our results show distinctive CO2enhancement over the marine atmospheric boundary downwind of the anthropogenic industrial regions. CO2 concentrations higher than 410ppmv-430ppmv were frequently observed over these downwind regions. The annual growth rates of CO2in these downwind regions are higher than 1.5 ppmv/year. CO2 concentrations in the remote Pacific regions are close or higher than 400 ppmv. Our ship-based measurements also show a consistent CO2 monitoring results when compared with the monthly CO2 measurements. The air-based measurements show clear signature of surface anthropogenic emissions in the 9km to 13 km regions of the upper troposphere, as evidenced by the enhanced CO concentrations higher 100 ppbv been observed. In the lower troposphere, elevated CO concentrations were frequently observed at 1-km altitude. Vertical extent of surface CO can reach as high as 4-km altitude during the fall and winter months. The TE-PGGM results shown in this work demonstrates our capability in using commercial in-service container cargo ships and passenger aircraft as platforms in conducting long-term measurements of atmospheric greenhouse gases and air pollutants for climate research.
英文關鍵字 Ship-based measurements, Airborne measurements, air pollutants, greenhouse gases