
固定污染源空氣污染排放單元之水中 揮發性總有機化合物計量技術評析及調查

中文摘要 目前公告水中揮發性有機化合物 (VOC) 檢測係以吹氣捕捉/氣相層析質譜儀法 (NIEA W785.55B) 檢測個別有機物濃度,冷卻水中揮發性總有機物的總量為加總個別有機物之濃度值。但當水中溶解的VOC中含有非屬上列方法之目標化合物時,檢測結果無法代表真實排放情形。為有效掌握水中總VOC濃度,本計畫彙整國內外固定污染源廢水處理設施及冷卻水塔VOC排放規範及檢測方法文獻資料,選定以德州環境品質委員會 (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, TCEQ) 訂定的埃爾帕索氣提 (El Paso Stripping) /火焰離子化偵測器 (FID) 法,進行水中VOC採樣檢測程序驗證,測試結果顯示本計畫建立之氣提系統操作及品管結果均可符合TCEQ方法,方法偵測極限約為0.010 mg/L (以甲烷表示,as CH4)。 本計畫實地勘查國內相關石化產業,選定三家石化廠中四座冷卻水塔進行採樣,現場以氣提/FID法測試水中VOC介於0.0112~0.0208 mg/L( as CH4)。現場同步採集冷卻水,以公告氣相層析質譜法進行分析,測試結果均低於石化製程冷卻水塔水中揮發性有機物排放標準5 mg/L。因現行方法揮發性總有機物為測得各化合物濃度直接加總,與本計畫使用氣提法(以甲烷表示)計算基準不同,兩者無法直接比較。 本計畫已完成方法操作程序驗證,並訂定固定污染源空氣污染排放單元水中揮發性有機物標準程序指引,綜合相關程序驗證及實地測試結果,提供主管機關訂定相關作業標準之參考。
中文關鍵字 冷卻水塔、揮發性總有機物、艾爾帕索氣提法


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-1604-02-04 經費年度 103 計畫經費 1960 千元
專案開始日期 2014/03/26 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 何君艷
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 郭安甫 執行單位 財團法人中興工程顧問社


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA10316040204.pdf 6MB
英文摘要 The detection method of total volatile organic compounds (VOC) in water was promulgated. The sample should be collected by purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (NIEA W785.55B). The total VOC concentration is calculated by summing the concentration of individual components from GC/MS analysis. However, the results cannot represent the actual emission if the VOC from cooling water in petrochemical industry is not on the target compound list. A study of the VOC determination of VOC in water was conducted to elevate the regulating of fugitive VOC emissions. As a result of this research, a quantitative method and its SOP for VOC in water has been developed and validated by laboratory and pilot study. 20 of several established regulatory requirements and research for VOC emissions from wastewater treatment facilities have been reviewed in this project. The TCEQ’s El Paso stripper / FID method (as methane) was chosen for this study. This method and the equipment have been validated in this project, confirming its applicability to detect VOC in water, detection limits being on the order of 0.010 mg/L. The VOC in 9 cooling towers from domestic petrochemical industry was monitored at 4 sites. The water samples were on-site monitored by using El Paso stripper / FID as well as shipped to the laboratory for analysis by GC/MS for 68 VOCs which revealed the presence of chloroform, acetone, 2-propanol and styrene where acetone and 2-propanol are not regulated. The total VOC concentration, as the sum of the concentration of chloroform, styrene and other compounds which were not detected (as 0.5×MDL), of 4 cooling water were 0.01930, 0.01309, 0.01989 and 0.01528 mg/L by GC/MS. The total VOC from the measurements of stripping / FID were 0.0208, 0.0128, 0.0112 and 0.0189 mg/L. There is no significant correlation between these results furthermore both results are much less than the current permitted level of cooling water, 5 mg/L.
英文關鍵字 Cooling Tower, Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), El Paso Stripping method