

中文摘要 柴油引擎因引擎輸出馬力大,油耗相對於汽油引擎來的少, 被廣泛地運用在乘客或貨物的運送、軍事或者工程機械等用途上;但柴油車輛所排放的黑煙經學者研究顯示出,對人體健康會產生巨大的危害。因此,在車輛污染管制上,除新車審驗標準漸趨加嚴外,亦針對使用中車輛加強管制工作,並宣導按時保養工作,藉以提升空氣品質。 本計畫配合環保局,推動相關柴油車管制方案,如站內檢測、站外檢測、目測判煙稽查、篩選老舊車輛通知到檢等工作;進而找出轄區內污染車輛,讓其到柴油車檢測站站進行排煙檢測;該車輛若為稽查通知到檢者,當其檢測不合格即依法予以告發處分並要求複驗,以落實車輛改善工作;如為自動到檢車輛者,經檢測不合格雖不處分,仍會追蹤該不合格車輛直到該車輛改善完成為止;除了針對車輛進行管制外,本計畫亦會在執行站內或站外檢測時,執行油品篩選抽樣,如發現異常油品即會進行抽樣送驗,以確認是否為非法油品。 本年度亦規劃停車熄火稽、巡查作業,皆依據行政院環境保護署於101年3月1日公布之「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」,針對轄區內易怠速地點執行停車熄火宣導與稽查作業;並配合環保局執行原地噪音檢測工作,此外亦配合警察、監理及環保局執行夜間稽查等工作,降低噪音污染產生,還給居民一個安靜的空間。 計畫自103年1月29日至103年12月15日止,到站並完成檢測之柴油車共有2,377輛次,其中計有52輛次檢測不合格,不合格率為2.19%;路邊攔檢工作則完成602輛次,不合格數有127輛次,不合格率為21.09%;柴油車目視判煙篩選通知1,002輛次;油品抽驗則已完成180件檢驗,3件不合格,不合格率1.67%;停車熄火稽巡查共1,061輛次,其中有28輛次因停車怠速未熄火開出稽查紀錄單(機車1輛、小型車19輛及大型車8輛);此外,受理民眾檢舉案件2件,需檢測車輛2輛,截至12/15止,已完成檢測有2件,並回覆檢舉人。
中文關鍵字 柴油車


專案計畫編號 1030104 經費年度 103 計畫經費 6910 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/29 專案結束日期 2014/12/15 專案主持人 劉柏宏
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王建中 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿.pdf 47MB

Diesel Air Pollution Control and Inspection Program in Chiayi City ,2014

英文摘要 Summary of Project Achievements(Brief Version) Diesel engines are extensively used in passenger and cargo transportation vehicles and military and engineering machines. The dark smoke emitted is not only a discomfort to see, but also very harmful to human health. For better control, the key to improve air quality is to promote proper inspection and maintenance practice on vehicles in use in addition to stricter inspection regulations on new vehicles. For this project, vehicles suspended of producing pollution were filtered out by visual inspections and reporting of good citizens, and tested for emission using dynamometer. Vehicles that failed the test were punished and asked for a second test as part of the efforts for unification of inspection and maintenance. Also, tests were carried out on gas stations, fuel reservoirs and vehicles going thorough emission test for sulfur content in fuel in order to determine whether illegal fuel was used. The project was carried out from Jan 29 2014 up to Dec 15 2014. During this period, 2,377 diesel vehicles arrived for inspections and 52 failed with a failure rate of 2.19%. Roadside pull-over inspections were performed on 602 vehicles and 127 of them failed the inspections with a failure rate of 21.09%. In addition,1,002 diesel vehicles were asked in visual inspections to report to inspection stations for testing. 180 fuel samples were tested and 3 failed with a failure rate of 1.67%. There are 1,061 vehicles have been persuaded and checked during the period, including 28 motorcycles were idle, Among the persuaded vehicles, there were a total of 8 large vehicles, 19 other small vehicles, 1 motorcycles. 2 vehicles were reported by the public and 2 of them found requiring testing. Up to Dec 15, 2 vehicles reported to the tests and all reporters were replied.
英文關鍵字 DIESEL