

中文摘要 本計畫之執行主要為配合環保署低碳永續家園政策,以及103年度開始之試行計畫,推動相關作業,包含高雄市認養十大運作機能中「防救災與調適」與「法律與經濟財稅工具」,辦理研商會議,並提出主題報告書與建構可參與環保署認證等行動項目,以及透過召開各局處研商會議,整理各局處推動低碳永續家園之行動'方案與執行成效,並撰寫高雄市十大運作機能主題報告書;另外,透過輔導村里社區參與環保署認證評等機制,以及各項宣導作業的辦理,期望推動更多村里社區參與執行低碳永續家園行動。
中文關鍵字 防救災與調適、法律與經濟財稅工具、低碳永續家園、低碳永續家園、防救災與調適、法律與經濟財稅工具、十大運作機能、低碳永續家園、防救災與調適、法律與經濟財稅工具、十大運作機能


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 3350 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/25 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 賴宏志
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王姿雅 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103高雄市低碳永續家園正式報告.pdf 64MB 正式報告
英文摘要 The implementation of this project is mainly matched up with the sustainable low carbon homeland policy of Environmental Protection Administration as well as the trial projects beginning from 2014. The main work of this project includes "anti-disaster & adaptation" and “law, economy and tax instruments” of ten operational functions that Kaohsiung City has claimed. The results of the project are as follows: 1.Convening discussion meetings and addressing themed reports & EPA certification rating programs. 2. Gathering bureaus and convening discussion meetings, sorting programs and executive effect of sustainable low-carbon homelands, to compile the themed report of ten operational functions of Kaohsiung City. 3.Counselling communities on participating EPA certification rating mechanism and sustainable low-carbon homeland actions. The report of anti-disaster & adaptation contains “ Natural environmental background of Kaohsiung City”, “The impact of climate change”, “Adaptation strategies and targets of Kaohsiung City”, “Promoting regional adaptation survey and planning”, “Integrating NGOs into anti-disaster mechanisms”, “Strengthening risk communication and advocacy” and " Disaster prevention and relief program". This year we focused on" Flood disaster "and " Slope disaster". Through the vulnerable evaluation of various administrative areas, we sifted out specific communities and integrated NGOs into anti-disaster mechanism. The report of law, economy and tax instruments contains “Analysis on foreign new green policies”, “Research on domestic and foreign green economy policies”, “Research on local development strategies of green industries of Kaohsiung City”, “The opportunities of driving green industry by law, economy and tax instruments in Kaohsiung City” and “EPA certified rating items”. According to the Kaohsiung City six promotion schemes of greenhouse gases reduction control strategies, we analyzed on program items that Kaohsiung city may promote and corresponding tools of law, economics and taxation, including " Low Carbon education ",“Green ecology”, “Low-carbon transport”, “Energy conservation construction”, “Enterprises carbon reduction" and “Green economy. The report of ten operational functions contains “Low-carbon measures and policies of domestic cities”, “Kaohsiung City low-carbon strategies and executive measures”, “A comparative analysis on the promotion strategies of Kaohsiung City”, “EPA certification rating program of low-carbon sustainable homelands” and “Kaohsiung City ten operational function programs”. By comparing low-carbon strategies of different cities, we tried to map out action plan that Kaohsiung City may promote in the future. This year we have assisted six low-carbon model communities and Kaohsiung City Government in certification rating registration and uploading outcome documents, and through a certification rating briefing, two small advocacy activities, two field trips as well as one seminar, for relevant units and communities to understand the program of certification rating mechanism. In addition, we invited specific communities to share their experiences, and we expected there are more communities to dedicate low-carbon works in the future.
英文關鍵字 Low-Carbon Sustainable Society Office、Disaster Prevention, Relief and Adaptation、Legal and Economic/Financial Tools、Ten Operational Function