

中文摘要 嘉義市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為積極推動節能減碳相關工作,並因應行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)「103年度直轄市及縣(市)環保機關推動低碳生活執行績效評比」,研擬103年度「嘉義市低碳生活運作推動計畫」,執行行動標章推廣、推動樂活活動、推動企業低碳永續生活課程與活動、辦理節能志工培訓、落實社區低碳生活推廣、推動溫室氣體抵換及碳中和作業等,期透過低碳生活觀念、作為的宣導,讓民眾於日常生活中落實節能減碳。「節能減碳行動標章」推動工作,邀請符合申請資格的單位參加說明會,由102年度獲獎單位進行經驗分享,除鼓勵企業、民間團體、社區、村里以自身推動成果參與外,另一方面透過競賽、爭取榮譽持續推動節能減碳措施。103年度輔導協助13個單位提出申請,經環保署審查結果,共有9個單位獲獎,其中戴德森醫療財團法人嘉義基督教醫院為特優獎,另天主教聖馬爾定醫院、達和環保服務股份有限公司嘉義區營業所(嘉義市垃圾焚化廠)、經國新城R社區管理委員會、林園官邸社區管理委員會、新店社區發展協會、八獎溪人文生態發展協會、紅瓦厝社區發展協會、東川社區發展協會等8個單位為績優獎。參與「節能減碳行動標章」徵選活動單位之減碳成效,以經濟部能源局公告102年度電力排放係數0.522 公斤CO2e/度,以及台灣自來水公司公告102年每生產1度自來水之排放係數0.156公斤CO2e/度計算,天主教聖馬爾定醫院推動垃圾分類回收、汰換節能燈具、空調冰水泵加裝變頻節能控制、RO製水設備廢水回收再利用等相關措施進行總計減少39,532.8公斤CO2e排放;嘉義基督教醫院推動節能燈具汰換、太陽能板使用、高效能空調系統更新、設置能源管理系統、換裝省水標章馬桶或加裝省水裝置、空調冷凝水回收再利用、雨水回收再利用等措施,總計減少314,090公斤CO2e排放;嘉義市垃圾焚化廠汰換節能燈具、廢污水回收再利用,廠區通風系統部分通風機,配合人員作習時間設定開啟時間,總計減少51,587.8公斤CO2e排放。本計畫共辦理2場次節能減碳行動標章說明會、6場次「樂活活動」、與企業辦理3場次低碳永續生活課程、2場次節能志工複訓、2場次節能減碳及綠色消費講習課程、12場次社區低碳生活推廣活動,活動碳足跡排放量為1,022.187 kg CO2e,為減少活動辦理產生之碳量,活動以符合低碳方式規劃,實施減量措施包括與會者採共乘方式至會場,盡量不提供會議紙本資料、紙杯、免洗筷等,達成活動碳中和,並至環保署碳中和登錄管理平台進行自行確證。未來宣導活動辦理,建議與學校社團合作,由學生以不同形態之表達方式進行宣導,將低碳生活觀念傳達至其他年輕族群。持續辦理志工節能訓練,由志工協助推動社區場所節能診斷工作,提供社區節能改善技術支援,並協助宣導民眾改變用電習慣,推廣節能燈具、環保標章產品、太陽能熱水器等。另請市府各局處活動規劃以低碳活動方式辦理,並至環保署環保低碳活動平台登錄,減少活動辦理造成之負面影響。
中文關鍵字 低碳生活、節能減碳


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 320 千元
專案開始日期 2014/08/29 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 莊淑雲
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉亭鈞 執行單位 傳閔工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103嘉義市低碳生活運作推動計畫期末報告定稿_內文.pdf 19MB
英文摘要 To actively promote power saving and carbon reduction related works, and to respond to “The 2014 Performance Evaluation of Low Carbon Living in Environmental Protection Bureaus of Special Municipalities and Counties/Cities” held by the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan (hereinafter shortened as EPA), Environmental Protection Bureau of Chiayi City Government (hereinafter shortened as EPB) has investigated and planned forward “The 2014 Promotion Plan for the Low Carbon Living Operations in Chiayi City” . The project involves promotions of action marks, LOHAS activities, low carbon living corporate courses and activities, power-saving volunteer trainings, low-carbon living community, greenhouse gas offset and carbon neutral related works. It is expected that, through the propagation of low-carbon life concepts and actions, all citizens will be able to implement power saving and carbon reduction related works in ordinary life. To promote the “Power Saving and Carbon Reduction Action Marks”, qualified units were invited to join the explanation session, having the 2013 awarded units to share their experiences. Apart from encouraging corporates, civil bodies, communities, villages and neighborhoods to participate in this project with real actions, competitions and relevant activities were also taken place to sustainably promote power saving and carbon reduction measures. In 2014, 13 units were assisted to submit their applications and 9 of them were awarded by EPA after the evaluation. Among them, Ditmanson Medical Foundation of Chiayi Christian Hospital received Excellence Award and other 8 units including St. Martin De Porres Hospital, Chiayi District Sales Office of Onyx Ta-Ho Environmental Service Co., Ltd. (Chiayi County Incineration Plant), Community Management Committee of Jiang-Guo-Xin-Cheng R, Community Management Committee of Linyuan Residence, Hsintien Community Development Association, Bajian River Ecology and Development Association, Hongsacuo Community Development Association and Dongchuan Community Development Association received the Merit Awards. The carbon reduction performance of units participated in the “Power Saving and Carbon Reduction Action Marks” shall be calculated based on the electricity emission factor of 0.522 kg CO2e per kWh announced by Bureau of Energy of Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2013 and the water emission factor of 0.156 kg CO2e per kWh announced by Taiwan Water Corporation in 2013. St. Martin De Porres Hospital has totally reduced 39,532.8 kg CO2e emission by promoting garbage recycling, replacing power saving lamps, installing variable frequency control on the chilled water pump in HVAC system, and reutilizing recycled sewage of RO drinking water unit; Chiayi Christian Hospital has totally reduced 314,090 kg CO2e emission by replacing power saving lamps, using solar energy panels, renovating high efficiency air-conditioning system, installing energy management system, replacing lavatory facilities such as stools with the water conservation mark or other water conservation facilities, and reutilizing recycled air-conditioning condensate and recycled rainwater; Chiayi County Incineration Plant has totally reduced 51,587.8 kg CO2e emission by replacing of power saving lamps, reutilizing recycled sewage, and adjusting operating hours of the plant’s ventilation system according to personnel’s working hours. This project has held 2 explanation sessions for power saving and carbon reduction action marks, 6 “LOHAS activities”, 3 corporate courses for low carbon living, 2 repeated trainings for power-saving volunteers, 2 power saving, carbon reduction and green consumption lectures, and 12 promotional activities for low-carbon living community, where the activities’ total carbon footprint emission was 1,022.187 kg CO2e. To reduce the carbon emission, the activities were planned in low-carbon methods and the carbon reduction measures include requesting participants to ride together, avoiding offering paper document, paper cups and disposable chopsticks, and complying with the carbon neutral concept by confirming details on the EPA carbon neutral registration and management platform. As for the promotional activities in the future, it is suggested to cooperate with school associations in order to propagate the low-carbon living concept through the students in different form and have the concept to the younger generation. It is also recommended to carry on power saving volunteer trainings, having more volunteers to implement power-saving assessment for community sites, to provide technological supports on improving communities’ power saving measures, to assist and educate citizens to change their electricity consumption habits, and to promote power saving lamps, products with environmental protection labels and solar water heaters. Besides, to reduce negative influences caused by these activities, other bureaus of the city government were also informed to implement low-carbon measures and to make registrations on the EPA platform for low-carbon activities.
英文關鍵字 power saving, carbon reduction