

中文摘要 本計畫之執行重點在於協助環保局推動轄區內水污染源稽查管制工作以及水質監測工作,確實掌握宜蘭縣轄區內水污染源之水污染防治現況,透過計畫之稽查管制工作,督促轄內列管之事業單位落實水污染防治設施之操作維護,達成轄內各流域測站水質改善之目標。期末報告統計自103年4月7日至103年11月30日之執行成果如下。 一、協助水污染源列管事業稽查工作 (一)累計執行水污染源稽查(包括工業區稽(清)查、採樣及送樣)611家次,屬本計畫執行部分共計514家次,其中工業區清查有140家次,協助水質採樣送驗作業有182家次,計畫執行8個月稽查家數已達成年度目標值97%以上,另統計至103年12月8日止,協助水質採樣送驗作業已達201家次,年度目標值即可達至100 %以上。 (二)各水污染列管事業稽查,以石油化學專業區以外之工業區稽查123家次為最多佔總稽查22.2%;其次為畜牧業稽查99家次,營建工地94家次,土石採取、加工及堆置業稽查51家次,各下水道共計稽查56家次,食品製造業稽查25家次及晶圓製造及半導體製造業稽查24家次。 (三)針對環保署公告之本縣得子口溪、蘭陽溪及冬山河熱區水污染源列管事業單位共計有306家,統計至103年11月底止,共計稽查180家,累計執行354家次,熱區稽查管制率達59%(180/306),另進行放流水水質採樣共計執行47家。 (四)執行水污染源稽查違反水污法告發處分者共計裁處71件次,總罰鍰金額為新台幣6,453,000元整,以得子口溪及蘭陽溪流域因違反水污法相關規定遭處分者19件次為最多,各佔26.8%。 (五)期間共查獲5根次之不明管線,均已要求業者逕行封管移除改善,將於後續進行追蹤。 (六)期間共輔導14家養豬場,完成243座簡易式排糞架設置,另統計至103年12月8日止共完成19家養豬場309座簡易式排糞架,即達年度目標值100%以上。 二、辦理水污染防治許可審查及資料庫建置 (一)辦理許可審查件數共189家307件次,許可審查平均天數為4.0天。 (二)針對申請案件需進行現場處理設施勘查及設施比對者審查共計26家28件次,而不需進行現場處理設施勘查之審查案件審查共計163家279件次。 (三)辦理水污染防治許可文件資料庫管理、建置、維護、更新作業,共計執行887件,包含稽查記錄單計656件,許可申請案件(排放許可、水污染防治措施計畫、營建工地逕流廢水削減計畫)計160件,另處分案件完成建檔71件。 三、河川水質、支流排水水質水量調查及湖泊監測作業 (一)年度完成河川水質採樣檢測共計13站39點次。 (二)完成五大湖泊水質監測採樣30點次。 (三)執行得子口溪支流排水水質水量調查共10點位,共計20點次。 四、功能評鑑及廢水處理設施妥善操作輔導 (一)對於103年次廢水處理設施具改善空間之公私場所,已完成5家次水污染源廢水處理設備功能評鑑之初評、單元設施採樣、複評及協商等作業。 (二)101及102年度所執行11家功能評鑑,均已於期中階段完成改善追蹤,羅東鎮農會食品工廠因涉及廢水處理設施改善工程,延至103年4月30日申辦功能性變更,並經技師現勘確認已完成改善。 (三)已完成39家輔導事業單位查核作業,經輔導小組現勘後有缺失者,安排限期改善時間後複查,已完成39家複查作業,其中尚有5家未完成改善作業,後續將複查結果提供環保局以利進行後續相關處置。 五、河川水域生態調查 (一)延續102年測站並新增五峰旗及大忠橋共7處測站,完成2次調查共14處,結果顯示愈往下游的樣站,底棲大型無脊椎動物的Shannon-Weaver多樣性指數和均度(隨著上游至下游而減少,有著明顯的趨勢,也較魚類的變化為明顯。 (二)歷年得子口溪水棲昆蟲Hilsenhoff科級指數顯示,雖然美慶山莊的值有較大的變化,但相較其他6個樣站,仍屬水質狀況較好的樣站;值的變化可能是因為包括了昆蟲之外的大型無脊椎動物所造成的。七結橋為環境狀況較差的樣站,與二龍河和七結橋相似。時潮橋和竹安橋為感潮河段,潮汐會造成經常性的水質環境的改變。 六、流域先期調查 (一)完成得子口溪七結橋上游流域總量管制先期調查,經污染排放量推估結果該集污區BOD污染量為413.37 Kg/Day,NH3-N污染量則為141.59 Kg/Day,欲符合丙類水體水質標準應分別削減NH3-N 102.71Kg/Day,而BOD污染量經推估雖在容許污染負荷中,但依定檢申報資料推估可能有低估之虞,仍建議將該項列為改善目標,藉以同步削減其他污染物。 (二)完成大溪川之水區劃定之規劃。 七、水污染事件緊急應變 (一)完成列管港口巡查218件,以列管港口巡查以烏石漁港為最多佔11.5%,其次為南方澳1號~3號港池各佔11.0%。 (二)每月執行兩次水污染緊急應變器材清點保養作業及操作維護。 (三)與花蓮縣政府環境保護局共同辦理103年花蓮宜蘭聯合海洋、河川污染緊急應變及毒性化學物質災害防救無預警演練,此次演練共召開1場籌備會、1次場地現勘、2場工作協調會、1場無預警正式演練及1場檢討交流會,總共動員船艇共計有5艘,參加演練人員達130人。 八、宣導作業 (一)協助辦理5場次教育宣導活動,針對巡守隊、一般民眾、學生等進行河川、海洋污染防治教育、生活污水減量、環境保護巡守宣導、水質檢測DIY教學宣導及生態調查教學等,總參與人數共1,064人。 (二)辦理3場次法令宣導說明會,分別邀請本縣畜牧業74家、觀光業62家及土石相關業69家參與,出席率分別為86%、85%及100%以上,總出席人數191人。 (三)於103年6月8日配合世界海洋日,辦理1場次「2014世界海洋日環境教育宣導活動」,總參與人數共397人,另配合辦理5場次海洋日環保影片講座,總參與人數共239人。 (四)水污計畫網頁及海污宣導網頁每兩週維護更新1次。
中文關鍵字 103年度宜蘭縣流域污染總量管理及點源污染削減計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 6050 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/07 專案結束日期 2014/12/15 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭培元 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末公開版.PDF 0MB
英文摘要 Abstract This project aims to assist Yilan County Government Environmental Protection Bureau in promoting the water pollution source inspection, control work, and water quality monitoring work, in order to determine the current status of water pollution prevention and treatment in Yilan County. The results can be used to urge the units under the jurisdiction of Yilan County Government to maintain the operation of water pollution prevention and treatment measures through the planned inspection and control work, thus achieving the objective of improving the water quality in various river basins. According to the statistics in the final report, from April 7, 2014 to November 30, 2014, the implementation achievements are as follows: 1. To assist in the inspection of water pollution sources. (1) Among the 611-time inspections on water pollution sources (including industrial area audit inspection (check), sampling and sample presentation), there were 514-time inspections carried out under this project, including 140 enterprises in the industrial parks, and 182 enterprises submitted the water samples for testing. During the 8 months’ implementation of the plan, 97% of the annual objective had been reached. In addition, according to the statistics, by December 8, 2014, 201 enterprises submitted the water samples, with annual objective reaching above 100%. (2) Among the enterprises being monitored for water pollution sources, 123 enterprises in the industrial parks (excluding petrochemical special zone), were inspected, accounting for the most (22.2%), followed by husbandry farms (99 enterprises), construction sites (94 enterprises), earthwork excavation, processing and stacking (51 enterprises), sewer (56 enterprises), food production (25 enterprises) and wafer and semiconductor manufacturing (24 enterprises). (3) There are 306 enterprises being monitored as the water pollution source hot areas along Dezikou River, Lanyang River and Donshan River in Yilan County, as announced by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). According to the statistics, by the end of November of 2014,180 enterprises had been inspected, with an accumulative inspection number of 354, and hot area inspection and control rate up to 59% (180/306). In addition, 47 enterprises provided effluent water samples. (4) There were 71 events of reporting and punishment on violation of water pollution law during the implementation of water pollution source inspection, with a total penalty of 6,453,000 NTD, in which there were 19 events of punishment on violation of relevant provisions of water pollution law in the basins of Dezikou River and Lanyang River, respectively accounting for 26.8%. (5) During the inspection, 5 unclear pipelines were seized, and the owners had been required to remove the pipelines for improving, and this would be tracked in the following. (6) During the inspection, 14 pig farms were guided to set up 243 simple defecation frames. In addition, according to the statistics, by December 8, 2014, 19 pig farms had set up 309 simple defecation frames, with an annual objective above 100%. 2. Audit for handling of water pollution prevention and treatment license and construction of database (1) 189 enterprises handled the license, with 307 audit events, and it took 4.0 days to carry out the audit on average. (2) Among the application cases, 26 enterprises needed to receive on-site inspection and facility comparison, with 28 audit events, and 163 enterprises not needing to receive the audit of on-site treatment facility survey and facility comparison, with 279 audit events. (3) There were 887 implementation events of managing, constructing, maintenance and updating the water pollution prevention and treatment license, including 656 inspection records, 160 license application events (discharge permit, water pollution prevention and treatment measures and plan, construction site runoff waste water reduction plan), and in addition, 71 treatment events were filed. 3. River water quality, branch discharge water quality and quantity investigation and lake monitoring (1) In this year, water quality sampling test has been completed in 39 points in 13 stations. (2) 30 points completed the water quality monitoring sampling for 5 major lakes. (3) There were 10 points implementing Dezikou River branch discharge water quality and quantity investigation, totally 20 point-time inspections. 4. Functional evaluation and tutoring for proper operation of waste water treatment facilities (1) For the public and private places with improvement of waste water treatment facilities in 2014, the initial functional evaluations on water pollution source waste water treatment equipment, unit facility sampling, review and negotiation have been completed in 5 enterprises. (2) 11 enterprises implemented functional evaluation in 2012 and 2013, and the improvement tracking had been completed for all of them in the middle stage. Luodong Township Farmers’ Association Food Processing Plant delayed to April 30,2014 to declare the functional change due to the improvement of waste water treatment facilities, and upon the on-site survey by the technicians, it has been completed the improvement. (3) Inspection has been completed for 39 tutoring enterprises, those absent upon the on-site survey by the tutoring group have been arranged for review after improvement in a limited period, the review of 39 enterprises has been completed, in which 5 enterprises have not completed the improvement, in the following, the review result will be provided to Yilan County Government Environmental Protection Bureau for relevant treatment in the following. 5. Ecological investigation in the river basin (1) 7 monitoring stations, including the monitoring stations in 2013 and the newly added Wufengqi and Dachung Bridge monitoring stations completed 2 investigations in 14 places, and the result showed that in the downstream sampling stations, the Shannon-Weaver diversity index and average degree of demersal large invertebrates had a significant degree (reduce from upper stream to lower stream), which was more significant than the change of fish. (2) The Hilsenhoff family index of demersal insect in Dezikou River for years showed that although there was a great change in the value of Meiching Inn, compared with other 6 sampling stations, it was still a station with good water quality; the value was changed mainly because the large invertebrates in addition to insects were included. Qijie Bridge was a sampling station with relatively poor environmental conditions, similar to Erlong River and Qijie Bridge, Shichao Bridge and Chu-an Bridge are tidal reaches, and tide would cause the frequent change of water quality environment. 6. Early investigation in the river basin (1) The early investigation on the total control in the upstream basin of Dezikou River Qijie Bridge section was completed. According to the pollutant emission estimation result, the BOD pollution amount in this pollutant collection area was 413.37 Kg/Day, while the NH3-N pollution amount was 141.59 Kg/Day, which should be reduced by NH3-N 102.71Kg/Day to conform to the water body quality standard Class C, upon estimation, the BOD pollution amount was in the allowable pollution load, but according to the inspection declaration data, there might be an underestimation, and it is still suggested to list this item as the improvement objective, so as to reduce other pollutants synchronously. (2) To complete the planning of water division in Dasi River. 7. Emergency response of water pollution event (1) 218 inspections were completed for the ports under management, the inspected ports were the most in Wushi Fishing Harbor, accounting for 11.5%, followed by Nanfangao No.1 to No.3 harbor basins, respectively accounting for 11.0%. (2) Water pollution emergency material checking, care and operation maintenance were implemented twice every month. (3) 2014 Hualien-Yilan combined ocean, river pollution emergency response and toxic chemical disaster prevention exercise without warning was carried out together with Hualien County Government Environmental Protection Bureau, 1 preparation meeting, 1 on-site-spot survey, 2 work coordination meetings, 1 formal exercise without warning and 1 review communication meeting were held in this exercise, with 5 ships used and 130 persons participating in the exercise. 8. Publicity (1) 5 education publicity activities were held with assistance, the inspection team, ordinary masses and students were educated in terms of river and ocean pollution prevention and control, domestic waste water reduction, environmental protection inspection publicity, water quality DIY teaching publicity and ecological investigation teaching etc., totally 1064 persons participated. (2) 3 decree promotion meetings were held, 74 husbandry enterprises, 63 touring enterprises, 69 earthwork enterprises in Yilan County were invited, with an attendance rate respectively 86%, 85% and above 100%, and totally 191 persons attended the meeting. (3) On June 8, 2014, in order to cooperate with World Oceans Day, “World Oceans Day 2014 Environmental Education Publicity Activity” was held, with 397 persons attending the activity, and in addition, 5 Ocean Day environmental film lectures were held, totally 239 persons participated. (4) The water pollution plan webpage and ocean pollution publicity website were updated once every two weeks.