

中文摘要 底泥品質管理相關法規納入「土壤及地下水污染整治法」(以下簡稱土污法)修正條文施行後,行政院環境保護署已陸續公告「底泥品質指標之分類管理及用途限制辦法」以及「目的事業主管機關檢測底泥備查作業辦法」等子法,以及「底泥之環境影響與健康風險、技術及經濟效益評估報告撰寫指引」、「污染底泥整治必要性及可行性審查原則(草案)」、「底泥整治計畫撰寫指引」等行政規則,並於103年1月開始推動目的事業主管機關對該管水體的檢測申報作業。環保署為了瞭解國內底泥品質現況,並協助各水體目的事業主管機關執行檢測及申報品質資料、風險評估及後續整治評估等相關綱要事項,辦理本計畫。主要工作目標為(1)辦理底泥品質網路申報管理作業,分析相關環境地理資訊,掌握底泥污染潛勢、(2)調查國內甲基汞水體環境流佈現況,作為後續底泥品質指標項目增列之參考、(3)研擬我國污染底泥處置及再利用之管理策略,及(4)研擬水體底泥風險評估所需技術指引項目(如:關切污染物及關切受體判定、評估終點與量測終點選擇、建立場址概念模型)等工作。 本計畫於執行期間協助環保署審核89處水體底泥採樣調查計畫書,並完成「底泥品質網路申報系統」之強化及「污染底泥決策資源系統」之建置。再者,本計畫已根據水體(河川、水庫、灌溉渠道)的用途擬定層次式地底泥污染優先調查區域劃分之規劃原則,可有效篩選並調整現行國內水體底泥污染調查之優先順序。此外,對於甲基汞增列為底泥品質指標項目之可行性,本計畫完成台灣18處水體底泥、水質總汞和甲基汞流布調查,調查結果顯示:表層底泥總汞、甲基汞濃度分別介於0.004~4.865 mg/kg d.w、ND~8.564 μg/kg d.w,總汞、甲基汞濃度最低值位在花蓮溪,而最高值則分別位於高雄港及桃園大圳。由於底泥甲基汞的生成機制可能與底泥基本特性相關,因此本計畫透過調查數據之統計分析結果,發現在不同型態水體中,總汞、底泥總有機碳及氧化還原電位為主要影響底泥甲基汞生成的三大因素,若擬增列甲基汞作為底泥品質指標項目,尚需進一步建置相關生物累積參數。污染底泥處置及再利用之管理策略部份,已率先針對灌溉渠道完成管理策略之研擬,並提供灌溉渠道疏濬底泥處理標準流程技術手冊。最後,本計畫已完成底泥生態風險評估問題擬定程序中重要項目(關切污染物及關切受體判定、評估終點與量測終點選擇、建立場址概念模型等)之技術指引,並以香山濕地作為試行對象,完成生態風險評估示範工作。
中文關鍵字 底泥、管理策略、品質指標、風險評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-GA11-03-A318 經費年度 103 計畫經費 16720 千元
專案開始日期 2014/11/03 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 方孟德
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 楊宜寧 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年底泥品質管理計畫期末報告_定稿本.pdf 36MB

Program for Managing Contaminated Sediments in Taiwan 2014

英文摘要 Sediment is one of the most important media in the environment. Sediment could provide habits and food for aquatic wildlife and plays a crucial role in the cycles of nutrients in the aquatic ecosystem. Nevertheless, pollutants released from industries would contaminate the aquatic sediments. Contaminated sediments might directly or indirectly affect fishery products which we consume daily. Therefore, suitable ways are needed to manage sediments. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan had declared some regulations to manage qualities of sediments. In order to make clear of sediment quality in Taiwan, it is necessary to assist competent authorities to detect and report sediments qualities and further to carry out management strategy and treatment technology evaluation; therefore, the EPA of the Executive Yuan offered the opportunity (this project) to study those issues. In this project, the main works were (1) establishing sediment quality on-line report and management system and analyzing relevant environmental and geographic information to identify sediments with higher potential of pollution, (2) investigating the occurrence of methyl mercury in Taiwanese aquatic environments to serve as a reference when the standard of sediment quality need to be modified, (3) developing contaminated sediment treatment, disposal and reuse strategies (4) developing relevant ecological risk assessment guideline for sediment such as determination of contaminants of potential concern and receptor of concern, selection of assessment endpoints and measurement endpoints, and development of conceptual site model. Achievements of this project are (1) helping EPA to review sediment sampling projects on 89 waterbodies, improving Sediment Quality on-line Report and Management System, and establishing Contaminated-Sediment Decision Resourses System; (2) completing the investigation of the occurrence of methyl mercury in Taiwanese aquatic environment, analyzing factors that influence the formation of methyl mercury and giving a suggestion about whether methyl mercury serves as one of the sediment quality standard terms; (3) completion of contaminated sediment treatment, disposal and reuse strategies for irrigation canals; (4) the sediment ecological risk assessment (ERA) guideline for problem formulation phase has been developed. This guideline includes determination of contaminants of potential concern and receptor of concern, selection of assessment endpoints and measurement endpoints, and development of conceptual site model. Besides, this project also conduct ERA in Siangshan Wetland on the basis of this guideline.
英文關鍵字 sediment, management strategy, quality guidelines, risk assessment