

中文摘要 「103-104年高雄市營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收查核及巡查管制計畫」自103年7月4日開始執行,工作項目包含營建空污費徵收、營建工地巡查管制、污染源檢測、CCTV即時監控系統架設、宣導作業辦理、自主管理推動、網頁建置之便民服務等。103年工作進度彙整如表一,相關說明如下: 一、 營建空污費相關作業:103年開工申報5,314件,完工結算4,547件,開立繳款書件數7,561件,徵收金額125,643,119元。103年各類工程申報件數中以「其他工程」最多(38.73%),其次為「RC工程」(24.67%);申報金額同樣以「其它工程」居冠(30.53%),其次為「道路工程」(23.50%)、「疏濬工程」(18.72%)。而各行政區申報件數則以小港區最多(8.11%),其次為鳳山區與岡山區(皆為6.44%);申報金額同樣以小港區最多(8.44%),其次為鳳山區(8.33%)及旗津區(7.16%)。 103年雲端申報使用率已達54.18%。催補繳作業發現26處工地先行動工而未申報,已有24件完成申報繳費,催補繳金額計307,182元;另2處尚待釐清業主,已由環保局業務單位進行後續處理。 二、營建工地巡查管制作業 (一) 已完成營建工地巡查19,591處次,其中包含道路管線工程3,078處次,假日巡查1,663處次;空污費查訪完成864處次。 (二) AB級污染提報作業方面,103年已提報1,833件,提報案件中以「建築(RC、SRC)房屋工程」、「其他工程」居多。A級稽查結果方面,分為:(1)缺失已改善:476件、(2)稽查結果達告發管理辦法標準:73件(已完成告發71件)、(3)稽查仍有缺失,但未達告發標準,再次限期改善:11件、(4)尚未稽查:2件。B級複查結果方面,包含:(1)缺失已改善:1,229件、(2)相同缺失未改善,轉提報環保局稽查:42件 (三) 103年營建工程申報開工後納管率達91.41%;TSP削減量達5,403.79公噸,均已符合契約標準。 (四) 已於103年9月3日完成建置「巡查無紙化系統」。 三、其他作業 (一) 污染源檢測:已完成50場次TSP、21個油品檢測、5場次PM2.5檢測。周界TSP檢測結果均符合法規標準,油品含硫量抽測結果有1個超過法規標準,後續將對該工程列為重點管制工地,並將該業主及承商作為宣導說明會首要對象,加強宣導施工機具用油規定,並且注意油箱清潔等,進而讓業者從而避免違規觸法。 此外,PM2.5檢測結果則顯示PM2.5濃度會隨TSP濃度升高而亦趨升高,但PM2.5與TSP比值則會隨TSP濃度升高時而降低;簡言之,TSP濃度越高,PM2.5濃度增加會越趨緩,主因在於貢獻污染源不儘相同之故。惟樣本數不足,因此後續104年檢測後將一併進行探討,以作為未來污染管制方向參考使用。 (二) CCTV即時監控:已於103年12月30日架設完成10處工地即時監控系統,截至103年12月31日未發現污染情形。 (三) 宣導作業:已於103年8月22日、10月31日、12月4日辦理完成3場次宣導說明會,會議內容為營建相關法規內容之延伸,並將營建工地噪音管制、空品淨化區認養及柴油車自主管理納入說明內容,提供業者參考知悉。此外,亦於103年9月12日辦理1場技術轉移,課程內容包含營建噪音陳情協談與減音防制技術、噪音檢測技巧教學等。宣導手冊及小型宣導品已經環保局業務科核准製作中,另媒體宣導3則亦已提送規劃書。 (四) 自主管理:已完成自主管理平台建置,並已輔導48家工地參與自主管理,本計畫仍於每月不定期至現場進行巡查輔導,避免業者自主查核有所疏漏;工地評鑑作業亦已邀請3位專家學者於103年11月25日辦理完成8處營建工地評鑑,並遴選出5家優良工地,其已於103年12月19日完成優良工地頒獎。 (五) 軟硬體服務:已建置營建空污專屬網頁(無障礙A+等級)、專線電話及電腦語音系統、巡查車輛全球定位系統(GPS)及維護2部電腦設備。 (六) 配合行政作業:已協助辦理環保署考評、配合高屏地區空氣品質改善專案、餐飲業調查和營建工地噪音巡查等事項。
中文關鍵字 營建空污費、營建工地管制、CCTV監控


專案計畫編號 (103)高市環局總字第098號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 35900 千元
專案開始日期 2013/07/04 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭又寧 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 104年正式報告.pdf 34MB

Collection of Air Pollution Control Fee and Inspection Control Project for Construction Projects in

英文摘要 The plan started from 2014 to 2015 of Impose Establish Construction Air Pollution Preventing Expenses and Checking and Inspection Control Project has effected since July 04, 2012. The plan contains the air pollution on construction levy, the inspection and control over the construction site, the control of pollution source, the construction on CCTV , the guidance, the execute of self-control, and the website service …etc. The work schedule and instruction on 2014 has been listed: 1. The air pollution on construction levy: The amount of declaration on 2014 is 5,314 ; 4,547 amount cases have been settle down. To sum up, the government imposed NTD 125,643,119 from 7,561 cases which have already been advised the charge. The declaration case amount on construction on 2014 is “miscellaneous construction” as the most (38.73%); the “RC construction” ranks the second (24.67%).The fee amount of declaration is “miscellaneous construction “as the most (30.53%); the “highway construction” ranks the second (24.67%);the “desilting works” ranks the third(18.72%). As for administrative division, the amount on whose operation declaration is Hsiao-kang district as the most (8.11%); both of Feng-Shan district and Gang-shan district rank the second (6.44%). The declaration fee is Hsiao-kang district as the most ; Feng-Shan district and Chi-chin district rank the second (8.33%) and the third (7.16%). The declaration for cloud service usage has occupied over 54.18%.We found from the task of reminders to pay the amount that there are 26 cases started construction but declaration, which is worth NTD 307,182. The rest two cases ware investigated by Environmental Protection Bureau to realize the details from the proprietor. 2. The inspection and control over the construction site: (A) The inspection on the finished construction site is 19,591 times from which was divided into pipeline construction occupied 3,078 times, holiday construction occupied 1,663 times, and finished air pollution fee’s investigation occupied 864 times. (B) AB Level’s pollution presentation : “ RC、SRC construction “ and “ miscellaneous construction “ are the most parts of the presentation form the 1,883 presented cases on 2014. A level’s examination has divided into (1) finished improvement: 476 cases (2) under the auditing and examination standard: 73 cases (3) under the auditing standard, but under examination standard, should be revised within the expiration date: 11 cases (4) never examination: 2 cases B level’s recheck result: (1) finished improvement: 1,229 cases (2) the same mistake but never improved, which should be forwarded to Environmental Protection Bureau for further follow-up: 42 cases. (C)The rate of inspection after start-working application is 91.41%; TSP’s figure has shut down by 5,403.79 metric tons, both of which have met the contract demands. (D)The “paperless system” has been set up on Sep.03, 2014. 3. Other Task: (A) Contamination detection: it has been finished as folling:50 workshop for TSP testing, 21 items for oil testing , 5 workshops for PM 2.5 testing. All of the TSP testing are meet the standard. One oil testing didn’t comply with a standard. The relevant persons connected with the construction have been seen as the first priority to educate not only the rules of using the machine oil but also the way of cleaning oil box in order to alert them to avoid breaking the laws. Also, the result of testing PM2.5 has shown that PM2.5’s concentration will increase in accordance with TSP concentration; contrariously, the proportion between PM2.5 and TSP will drop as grow with TSP’ concentration. In short, because of the varieties of contamination contributed, PM 2.5’s concentration will moderate as TSP’s concentration rise. On the ground that there is not enough samples to assay ,the further results will be discuss after the detection on 2015,which can be used for the future reference about the contamination control. (B) CCTV Real-Time Surveillance System: the Real-Time Surveillance System has been established to span over 10 places on Dec.30,2014. However, there is not any pollution caused before Dec.31, 2014. (C) The guidance: There were three guidance held on Aug. 22, 2014, Oct.31,2014 , and Dec.4,2014.The content of those conference is mainly focus on the extension of Building Act. The control of noise pollution on the construction site , the adoption of quality purification area, and the self-control for diesel vehicles owners are also the topic to discuss of those conference in order to let the owners know. In addition, A Technology transfer session including the discussion and negotiation on construction’s noise issue, the technique of eliminating the noise, and the training session about noise inspection was held on Sep.12,2014. Both brochure and souvenir are under review by Environmental Protection Bureau, and the proposal for mass media has been submitted. (D) The execute of self-control: The self-control system has been founded and 48 construction sites have joined this plan. The plan executers randomly give guidance in training on monthly basis in order to avoid any mistake occurred by the owner’s negligence. Three specialists was invited to join the assessment of the 8 construction cite, collected the best five ,and then rewarded them on Dec.19,2014. (E) Software and hardware service: to Establish Air Pollution Declaration Online System, Voice Service, Service Hotline, GPS System, and to Maintain two personal computers and support latest hardware and software. (F) Admissions: to support the assessment from the Environmental Protection Administration R.O.C.(Taiwan), to cooperate with Kaohsiung and Ping-tung area air quality improvement project, the investigation of catering industry, and the inspection on construction site’s noise etc.
英文關鍵字 air pollution on construction levy、control over the construction site、CCTV Real-Time Surveillance System