

中文摘要 一、蒐集國內外城市推動永續低碳之成果 透過公開競逐遴選,我國分別於北、中、南、東4個區域選出新北市、臺中市、臺南市以及宜蘭縣為低碳城市之示範縣市,金門縣與澎湖縣則由行政院指定建設成為低碳島。本團隊已彙整上述4座低碳示範城市與澎湖低碳島之執行現況,針對該縣市之背景資料、減碳目標、減碳策略與做法、執行成果等項目進行說明。另一方面,亦蒐集國際上整合性低碳措施之城市進行案例介紹。 二、協助低碳島計畫推動與管考 金門低碳島計畫中將金門定位為「獨立型電網」之低碳島,並訂定「320低碳」願景,即年人均二氧化碳排放量從目標年98年之3.79公噸,103年降至3公噸;長期109年降至2公噸,119年則達到零碳(碳中和)。透過執行「金酒低碳園區旗艦計畫」、「資源循環與區域生質能中心旗艦計畫」、「綠能與低碳運輸旗艦計畫」、「社區改造新建與低碳建築旗艦計畫」、「烈嶼零碳島旗艦計畫」、以及「低碳樂活推動計畫」來達成目標。 為有效管理「建置金門低碳島計畫」下的6大計畫之辦理品質及成效,本團隊藉由「靜態式」與「滾動式」管考機制,執行低碳島各項計畫之運作與進度追蹤。目前共有43項工作項目符合工作進度時程規劃,但有3項工作項目屬於落後情形,5項工作項目未執行。另外,根據管考結果,本團隊於經濟面、技術面、執行面及法規面共提出八個問題,並研議相關解決辦法與建議。 另一方面,協助研擬減碳及固碳量計算方式,歸納出:太陽能光電系統、小型風力發電系統、節能燈具、資源回收、回收水/省水、低污染車輛、自行車租借、綠地/花圃固碳量、植樹固碳量、太陽能熱水系統等10種計算公式,並利用低碳島計畫各項執行措施所編列之預算與管考結果進行減碳成本效益評估。根據計算與分析結果,103年度低碳島計畫預估各旗艦計畫之總減碳量與固碳量分別為14,153公噸與339.4公噸,建議104年度金門低碳島建設可將資源回收工作、節能家電補助、電動機車補助及復育造林做為亮點規劃。 此外,本團隊亦安排議題與課程,邀請國內學者、專家針對金門低碳島計畫執行效益,辦理6場次「專家學者會議」,提供工作團隊可實際操作之幫助;同時亦與府會、民間團體、專家學者建立溝通平台,有效協助地方持續改進金門低碳島策略執行時所必需面對的問題。 三、低碳示範社區與用電大戶節能輔導 本團隊依據環保署低碳永續家園評等認證機制,協助金沙鎮大洋里-新前墩社區、金湖鎮山外里-山外社區、金湖鎮瓊林里-瓊林社區、金寧鄉盤山村-盤山社區、金沙鎮三山里-碧山東店社區與烈嶼鄉西口村-東坑社區,共計6處社區進行社區現勘訪查及上網報名作業,並申請至入圍級。另外,也持續針對有取得銅級認證潛力之社區進行輔導,於103年11月10日、11月13日與11月30日分別提出碧山東店社區、東坑社區與盤山社區銅級認證申請。 另一方面,為落實金門低碳島-低碳樂活推動計畫之節能改善推動措施,推動高效率能源使用政策,本團隊協助金門縣環保局研擬用電大戶節能診斷計畫書和規劃輔導工作,並委託捷思環能有限公司與工業技術研究院成立節能診斷輔導團隊,邀集電力、空調、照明及熱能系統專家共同進行輔導。另外,辦理一場「用電大戶節能輔導說明會」,從金門縣20大用電大戶名單中遴選出金門縣警察局、金三榮工程股份有限公司、台灣工商發展股份有限公司與金門縣環保局,並完成節能診斷評估作業。 四、綠領人才與主題宣導活動 本團隊協助金門縣環保局辦理3場次低碳宣導會議、1場次小小種子教師研習營,及1場次低碳社區診斷規劃師,藉由相關低碳永續宣導活動及培訓環境知識人才以達到傳遞低碳永續家園政策之目的。另外,配合金門縣政府宣導低碳島相關建設之目的,本團隊也製作金門低碳島相關宣導手冊1,000份,對外行銷金門低碳島形象,推廣低碳旅遊活動。 五、其他節能減碳相關作業及活動 配合金門縣環保局之要求,本團隊除持續執行低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫外,也協助研擬金門低碳島自制條例(草案),以及「低碳商店評比認證」與「低碳旅館評比認證」制度,並維護金門低碳島願景模型,加入「金門低碳島願景模型」字樣,使參觀民眾可清楚瞭解該模型之意象;另設計「金門六大旗艦計畫」易拉式海報架,展示於金門縣環保局大廳供民眾閱覽。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、低碳島


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 2908000 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/01 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 許浩洋
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃仁緯 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年金門縣低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫(期末報告定稿).pdf 27MB 103年金門縣低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫(期末報告定稿)
英文摘要 The project was carried out from Apr. 1 to Dec. 31, 2014. The main work items and implementation results are illustrated as follows. 1. The achievements of domestic and foreign low-carbon cities This subproject collects the background information, reduction targets and strategies, and implementation results of Taipei city, Taichung city, Tainan city, Yilan county and Penghu county. Moreover, it also analyzes various international low carbon cities as case studies, including: Somes Island in Denmark, Kitakyushu and Miyako Island in Japan, and Amsterdam in Netherlands. 2. Low carbon island evaluation The low carbon blueprints in Kinmen include one prospect, three goals, and six plans. These began with a prospect to build a “Zero Carbon Island”, followed by three stage carbon reduction: CO2e per capita decrease from 3.79 tons in 2009 to 3 tons in 2014; to 2 tons in 2020; to carbon neutral in 2030, and finally extended to six plans. The plans for Kinmen low carbon island developments are: Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. Low Carbon Campus Flagship Project, Leiyu Zero Carbon Island Flagship Project, Green Energy and Low Carbon Transportation Flagship Project, Low Carbon Community Construction and Reformation and Low Carbon Building Flagship Project, Resource Recycling and Regional Biomass Energy Center Flagship Project, and Low Carbon LOHAS Promotion Project. To evaluate the quality and results of those plans, this subproject designed static type and rolling type evaluation mechanism to track the progress of all projects. At present, there are 43 projects in line with the work progress, 3 projects are backward, and 5 projects are not performed. According to the results of evaluation, we raised 8 issues in the face of economic, technical, implementation and regulatory, and tried to find the solutions. On the other hand, we assisted Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen County in establishing the calculation formula of carbon reduction and carbon fixation. The calculation and analysis results showed that after finishing the working projects of six plans in 2014, the total amount of carbon reduction and carbon fixation can reach 14,153 tons and 339.4 tons respectively. In addition, we have successfully held 6 times of related experts meeting. 3. Counseling of Low-carbon demonstrating community and major electricity consumers This subproject focuses on creating a sustainable and low carbon community according to the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Guidelines, “Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Certification and Rating System”. We have already helped Hsinchientun community, Shanwai community, and Chiunglin community obtain finalist qualifications, as well as helped PanShan community, Bixan Dongdian community, and Tungkeng community fulfill Bronze Level application. Besides, for counseling of major electricity consumers, we also recruitexperts specialized in electricity, air conditioning and lighting to form an energy saving and counseling team. It had assisted Kinmen County Police Bureau, Jinsanrong Engineering Co., Ltd., Taiwan Business Development Co., Ltd., and Environmental Protection Bureau with finishing the energy saving and diagnostic assessment tasks. 4. Green collar talent and low carbon advocacy activities We have held 6 times of low carbon advocacy activities such as little seed teachers’ camp and low carbon community diagnosis planner camp. Furthermore, we have produced 1,000 parts of Kinmen Low Carbon Island advocacy manual. This subproject expect to achieve the goal of low-carbon sustainable home policies by holding sustainably related outreach activities and training the talents for having environmental knowledge. 5. Other low carbon related tasks This subproject formulate the Autonomous Regulations (draft) of Kinmen Low Carbon Island, low carbon store appraisal certification, and low carbon hostel appraisal certification.
英文關鍵字 Low carbon island