

中文摘要 煉油、石化等高污染性工廠大多座落於高雄市境轄內,為因應行政院環保署管制趨勢並掌握各工廠運作現況,進而有效改善高屏地區空氣品質,高雄市政府環境保護局乃持續對揮發性有機物(Volatile organic compound,VOCs)進行全面且積極的管制。 高雄市「103-104年揮發性有機物稽查管制計畫」係為2年度之執行計畫,截至103年12月31日止已完成103年度工作目標,包括有VOCs排放之虞行業查核共10種行業198家,篩選5個製程進行設備元件清查,於重大工業區進行150日異味巡查,並運用各項檢測工具執行設備元件檢測40,000個、光學氣體成像儀監測150小時、10根次管道VOCs檢測、9場次OP-FTIR監測、25點次公私場所周界及管道異味污染物檢測、10點次冷卻水塔檢測及10個揮發性有機物空氣樣品分析,根據各管制查核及監檢測結果,共舉辦10場次輔導會議;並針對高雄市歷年輔導資料,完成10廠輔導改善追蹤。在加油站管制部分,完成267家加油站基本資料庫更新,並依實際申請案件,完成3件次新設加油站審查,為有效管制揮發性有機物逸散,本計畫執行75站次氣油比檢測及50站次氣漏檢測。其他為全方位宣導VOCs管制,共印製宣導摺頁、宣導手冊(法規)及宣導品共700份,並舉辦2場次技術轉移訓練、1場次技術研討會及2場次宣導說明會。 本計畫針對各列管工廠,藉由執行污染源查核及輔導等工作,督促各項排放源符合VOCs相關排放標準之要求,就102年度之管制來看,各行業VOCs排放量以石化業所佔排放量比例63.18%為最高,其次為船舶及其零件製造業16.01%,在法規符合度方面,石化業及膠帶業已由管制初期的71%及50%,改善提升為95%及100%;103年度透過各項管制作業所達成的VOCs減量共134.48公噸,未來將持續進行各類污染源改善與追蹤工作,確實達成VOCs之減量與管制。 103年度法規符合度查核,著重於「揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」公告修正部分進行查核,分別針對廢水處理池應密閉加蓋並集氣至防制設備與廢氣燃燒塔於正常操作下不得導入廢氣處理進行稽查,分別有16家及8家公私場所未符合法規規範,經改善追蹤僅剩3家公私場所廢氣燃燒塔尚未完成改善。 洩漏管制作業部分,設備元件稽查檢測,各區洩漏率分別為製程區0.67%、儲槽區0.65%及裝載區1.10%,因裝載區元件屬未列管元件型式,故洩漏率較其餘兩區為高;排放管道VOCs排放部分,有1家公私場所未符合法規規範,經輔導改善會議,協助業者完成改善作業;異味污染管制作業部分,其中4支管道異味檢測結果超過異味標準,本計畫皆輔導業者找尋未合格原因並追蹤改善情形。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 25060 千元
專案開始日期 2014/06/06 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 黃志宏
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 郭婉姝 執行單位 慧群環境科技(股)公司


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期末報告 103-104年揮發性有機物稽查管制計畫期末報告.pdf 0MB

The project of volatile organic compounds inspect and management in 2014 and 2015

英文摘要 This project had been implemented on the focus and efforts of applying control measurement since 2014 for the air pollutants in Kaohsiung city to reach the announced VOCs regulations compliance and emission reduction target. The overall project performance up to 2015 could be demonstrated into seven main categories including VOCs emission sources inspection and control, leaking detection of equipment and components and control, the technical assistance for VOCs emission reduction, the odor sources patrolling works and control, vapor recovery functional test of petroleum stations, propagation works for VOCs pollution prevention and organizing the local environmental patrolling group for routine inspection. With regard to VOCs emission sources inspection and control, the on-site inspection of 462 VOCs emission sources in compliance requirement were conducted. The sources included 103 petrochemical industry plants, 1 Polyurethane synthetic leather plant, 17 semiconductor industry plants, 5 dry cleaning industry plants, 12 photo-electronics industry plants, 4 tape industry plants, 38 surface treatment for metel industry plants, 12 PCB manufacturing plants, 3 printing industry plants and 267 petroleum stations. In order to enhance the performance of regulation compliance, propaganda and on-site technical assistance had been implemented by team specialists. Finally, it came to the result increasing rate of tape industry plants from 50% the very beginning to 100% the end of project and petrochemical industry plants from 71% to 95%, in accordance with overall VOCs regulation. With regard to leakage detection of equipment and components and control, 34,461 units in production process and 5,539 units in loading and unloading zone were detected by deploying of TVA-1000B detector during project period. The leakage rate was 0.88% by 211 units in process and 1.14% by 119 units in tank zone, and 2.29% by 127 units in the loading and unloading zone. The Gas Find FLIR was applied by 150 hours process fugitive leakage monitoring with overall screening of 14,500 potential fugitive points and 56 samplings were detected leakage. The emission reduction after repairing and maintenance was estimated 134.24 ton per year. The leakage conc. standard in Kaousiung had been regulated more stringent from 10,000 ppm to 2,000 ppm under the authority of Taiwan Clean Air Act since 2012. From this project some action plans were taken to minimize the fugitive leakage and following emission reduction, such as the on-site technical and management education to build up more integrated active repairing and maintenance program by the deploying of FLIR, TVA and PID detectors, and also the penalty was imposed once they were not well maintained according to regulation standard. The effect could be demonstrated by the increasing rate in accordance to the leakage definition standard of 1000ppm from 98.67% to 99.53%, the change rate from 0.47% to 0.12% among 2,000~10,000ppm, and the leakage limitation rate of above 10,000ppm was lowered from 0.52% to 0.28%. With regard to the technical assistance for VOCs emission reduction, the specialists group was formulated to implement the VOCs emission reduction for important potential pollutants by on-site diagnosis and providing technical consulting and applicable improvement suggestions. Twelve plants were conducted this process and found new installation of pollution prevention facilities causing an estimation of 25.601 ton per year VOCs reduction. With regard to the odor sources patrolling works and control, 12,974 patrolling records in 152 days had been conducted among the major industries in Kaohsiung, frequent odor complaint roads and plant sites. According to the results of odor intensity and frequency, the odor sampling and analysis were implemented. The VOCs analysis result of one out of 14 stacks were not in accordance with the regulation standard. The odor sampling and analysis at the ambient boundary and stacks of plants showed one and three were not in accordance with the regulation standard, separately. And also the required technical improvement suggestions were provided actively. With regard to vapor recovery functional test of petroleum stations, the air to liquid tests had been conducted for all stations and found 87.5% in accordance with the regulation. Also for self-control and facility maintenance purpose, technical training, propagation and evaluation works were included to enhance the overall recovery efficiency. In order to propagate the recent enacted regulation with more stringent leakage limitation standard, 500 regulation pamphlets and flyers and 220 promotional products had been distributed among a series of technical training and transfer courses and symposium in this project. And also some major topics and project performance were post and announced via local city news or internet webs. For the prevention of air pollution complaint and maintaining better air quality, this project team took head to recruit 23 members to the organization of Dalinpu Area Environmental Patrolling Assistance Volunteers to strengthen the local patrolling group for routine pollution inspection and response. The standard procedure and series of technical training were conducted to educate and build-up their ability for better understanding of related knowledge and skills.