

中文摘要 本研究分為兩大部分,第一部分針對中部地區四條重要河川(包括烏溪、濁水溪、新虎尾溪、北港溪),研擬中部地區水資源系統化環境治理綱要計畫(Master Plan)。本研究首先針對四條河川進行環境資料分析與實地現勘,提出中部地區水環境的五大關鍵議題:1. 水資源運用缺乏整體性效率化管理;2. 氣候變遷的衝擊與影響;3. 流域污染負荷大導致水質污染;4. 超抽地下水與地層下陷;5. 棲地生態保育與環境營造工作的整體考量。 為達到「永續資源,健康水環境,綠色安全流域」的願景目標,本研究提出五項實施策略:1. 建立永續水資源利用之整體規劃;2. 建立健康的水環境與生態系統;3. 建立氣候變遷的調適與防災規劃;4. 強化水環境污染監測控制及污染負荷評估措施;5. 加強永續水環境教育。 在實施策略的架構方向之下,歸納目前已進行或擬進行的計畫執行工作,並建議未來再加強的計畫工作,包括:訂定「流域整體綱要治理計畫」;以總量管制(TMDL)措施評估流域污染負荷;最佳管理措施及績效管理制度;健康流域評量指標與管理體系的建置;推動綠色生態設施與生態工法等。 本研究計畫的第二部分則進行資料收集與問卷調查,規劃中部地區國家水研究中心的組織、研究能量與研究方向,提出精進方案,以作為未來施政研究的參考。
中文關鍵字 水資源、綱要計畫、流域


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-G100-02-201 經費年度 103 計畫經費 950 千元
專案開始日期 2014/12/30 專案結束日期 2015/04/30 專案主持人 蔣本基
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 施凱棋 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA103G10002201.pdf 28MB

Research on the Planning of Integrated Water Resources Management in the Middle Taiwan

英文摘要 There are two major parts in this study. The first part is to propose a master plan regarding the comprehensive management of water environment of four important rivers in the middle Taiwan, including Wu River (Dadu River), Zhuoshui River, Xin-Hu-Wei River, and Beigang River. The background information of rivers was first collected and analyzed. Additionally, two field studies were conducted in this February and April, respectively. Based on the information collected, five major problems in the water environment were raised:1. The lack of efficient use of water resources;2. The negative impact of global climate change on water resources;3. The pollution of water quality due to over loading in the entire watershed;4. Over pumping of groundwater resulting to land subsidence;5. The lack of integrated planning of habitat conservation and environment building plans. The vision of this master plan is to achieve and maintain sustainable resources, healthy water environments, and green and safe watersheds. The following five strategies were proposed:1. To establish the integrated planning and use of water resources;2. To establish the healthy water environment and ecological system;3. To Adapt climate change and plan for disaster prevention;4. To strengthen the practices of pollution and overall loading control;5. To encourage the environmental education of water resource. According to the five strategies, this study reviewed the current projects and recommend the implementation plans in the future. They are the establishment of master plan of integrated watershed management;the assessment of overall pollution loading along a river;the use of best management practice for non-point sources;the establishment of healthy watershed management;the adoption and promotion of green infrastructure. The second part of this study is to plan the set-up of a new water research center in the middle Taiwan, based on information collected and the result of a questionnaire. The organization and research areas of this research center were suggested.
英文關鍵字 Water Resources, Master Plan, Watershed