
澎湖縣103年度 節能減碳宣傳推動計畫-低碳生活營造計畫

中文摘要 本專案團隊自 103 年 8 月 19 日起執行『103 年度澎湖縣節能減碳宣傳推動計畫-低碳生活營造計畫』,主要工作內容包含主要工作內容包含協助執行低碳永續家園中之低碳生活運作機能、節能減碳行動標章推廣專案、低碳生活推廣專案、推動碳中和及減量措施專案、每月 2 則新聞稿及跑馬燈,以及其他業務相關宣傳及行政工作等進行規劃執行,各項工作執行成效摘述如下: 一、推動低碳生活運作機能 輔導企業及社區參與行政院環保署辦理之節能減碳行動標章遴選,輔導 12 家業者參加,其中「原茶工坊」、「天邊海角民宿」榮獲企業乙組「績優獎」;規劃低碳旅遊套裝行程,包括吉貝、馬公及七美等 3 套方案,以騎乘電動機車,穿梭澎湖在地鄉野田園及歷史人文特色與周遭自然景觀;於南寮社區中心辦理「小農市集」活動,以有機或無毒農作成果和有機飲食品嚐無毒蔬果,增加在地農民的收益,吸引鄉親支持農夫市集,支持農產品「地產地銷」實踐低碳飲食與自給農園;另為鼓勵里、社區落實推動之低碳生活,與企業合作推廣低碳生活課程與手工皂實作活動,總計有 70 人參與。 二、辦理低碳生活推廣、節能減碳政令宣傳活動 為推動低碳生活行動項目,鼓勵里、社區落實,辦理低碳生活宣傳活動,並以符合低碳活動方式規劃,活動中不提供紙本資料、不提供一次性使用杯子及瓶裝水,自行攜帶環保杯等,總計完成 27 場次活動之辦理,參與熱烈達 1,602 人次;另辦低碳生活大型宣傳活動包括「運動樂活島-低碳健走」、「2014 澎湖馬拉松‧全民低碳嬉路跑」及「澎湖縣 103 年度校園環保創意繪畫比賽」,參與熱烈達 3,300 人次,帶動整個澎湖縣在地低碳風氣,同時期許不論是企業、民間團體、在地社區及個人,利用最簡易的運動方式除減少對環境衝擊;配合環保局低碳生活與電動機車推廣,完成錄製宣傳廣播 2 則,40 檔次(30 秒/次),提供電台播放,有效凝聚社區之公民環保意識和環保行為;維護管理「綠網」登錄活動訊息及成果,已達 3,252 人次分享,「微笑健康粉絲樂遊遊」專達 1,600 人次按讚分享推廣;輔導「朝昔蘆餐廳」榮獲五星級環保餐館認證、提報 8 間旅宿業商家亦獲得環保旅店的認證,不僅提升在地優質形象,也為澎湖縣爭光。 三、推動碳中和及減量措施 年度以馬公市「原茶工坊」為輔導對象,邀集業主參加環保署舉辦之碳足跡認證說明會後,與業者初步確認風茹茶產業各項製程及運送等各生命週期階段所產生的溫室氣體排放量比例,另亦協助洽詢財團法人成大產業永續發展中心,針對風茹茶包產品碳足跡暨碳標籤輔導作業報價等作業,執行宣傳和推廣碳排放量盤查及鼓勵碳標籤申請機制,惟為爭取澎湖第一家碳標籤產品認證,協助於 104 年循小型企業創新研發計畫(SBIR)研提專案,持續辦理認證暨申請作業;於碳中和登陸管理平台提報 10 處社區申請自行認證,成效彰顯。 四、提出推動低碳生活圈輔導困難之因應對策 鑒於本年度輔導商家配合低碳生活政策成果未如預期,分析原因包括:提供免洗餐具、不配合政策、無相關節能設施、垃圾不分類及經費不足以換購環保筷等因素;不願配合之商家採取兩種方式:一為辦理現場改善輔導作業、一為邀集各商家至環保局參與改善協談作業,透過此模式,考量不同的商家性質及其規模,分別提出適當性的節能設施與設備做為購買使用,以協助提出低碳措施困難之因應對策。 五、整合低碳生活推廣相關資訊 本計畫每月協助環保局巡查維護電動機車充電站 27 處 330柱,協助鍵入「低碳永續家園資訊網平台」,包含新聞刊登 10則、跑馬燈 10 則、低碳生活推廣活動 27 場次及 2 場會議,另就低碳生活十大機能面向,購置 180 本低碳綠色蔬及提供 40 所小學使用,配合低碳生活及電動機車補助等政令,製作 5 處大型宣傳帆布掛置;整合近年澎湖環保局所推動之各項成果,印製澎湖縣低碳永續家園文宣手冊 500 份、宣傳低碳生活推廣文宣 5,000 份,藉由各項會議、宣傳活動時發放鄉親閱覽,擴大宣傳節能減碳及環境保護之意識。
中文關鍵字 低碳生活運作機能、低碳生活推廣活動、推動碳中和、低碳生活圈輔導


專案計畫編號 EP103020 經費年度 103 計畫經費 298 千元
專案開始日期 2014/08/19 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 郭宗欽
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王采寧 執行單位 新研綠能科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 專案文件上傳電子檔.pdf 9MB 專案文件上傳電子檔

Carbon reduction plan being promoted Penghu 103 year - plan to create a low-carbon life

英文摘要 This project team since August 19, 103, implement "103 annual energy saving carbon reduction in penghu county propaganda push project - low carbon life build project", the main job content contains the main contents include assistance in execution of low-carbon sustainable homes in low carbon life operation function, energy conservation and carbon reduction action label promotion project, low-carbon life extension project, carbon neutral and reduction measures project, monthly 2 press release and entertaining diversions, and other business related publicity and administration work of planning implementation, each work execution pick mentioned below: The operation function and promote low-carbon life Counseling and community participation in the energy conservation environmental protection agency (epa) is dealt with by the executive yuan carbon reduction label selection action, 12 companies to participate in counseling, among them "the original tea workshop", "horizon of home stay facility" won the enterprises in the "excellent award" b;Planning of low carbon travel package tour, including site, magong and 3 sets of solutions, such as seven beauty "to ride electric locomotive, shuttle penghu around countryside rural and historical culture characteristics and the natural landscape;In south community center for Lao "bazaar" of the small scale peasants in activity, with organic or non-toxic farming and organic food taste not poisonous fruits and vegetables, increase farmers' income, to attract other folks support farmers market, support agricultural products "origin pin" practice low carbon diet and self plantations;In other to encourage, the community to carry out the promotion of low carbon life, and enterprise cooperation to promote low-carbon life course and soaps real activities, a total of 70 people. Second, for promoting low-carbon life, energy conservation and carbon reduction decree propaganda activities To promote low-carbon living action project, encourage, community, in the campaign for low carbon life, and to comply with the low carbon activity planning, in activities do not provide printed materials, do not provide disposable cups and bottled water, to carry, environmental protection, such as cups, completed a total of 27 games activities, to participate in the warm 1,602 visitors;Another do low carbon life manage large-scale publicity activities including "sports lohas island - low carbon walking", "2014 national low-carbon one run by penghu marathon" and "penghu county 103 campus environmental creative painting competition", participate in the warm up to 3300 person-time, drive the penghu county in low carbon, at the same time, expect whether corporate, non-governmental organizations, communities and individuals, in addition to using the most simple forms of exercise to reduce environment impact;Low-carbon life with environmental protection bureau and the promotion of electric locomotive radio 2 completed recording propaganda, 40 grade (30 seconds/time), to provide radio broadcast, effective community cohesion of citizens' environmental awareness and environmental behavior;Maintenance management "green" login information and achievement, has amounted to 3252 people to share, "smiling health fan le yu yu" 1,600 visits designed according to the who share promotion;Counseling "toward the reed restaurant" won the five-star restaurant environmental protection certification, reported eight brigades SuYe businessman also get the green hotel certification, to not only improve the quality image, and win honor for our penghu county. Third, promote carbon neutral and reduction measures Annual to magong city, " the original tea workshop" for counselling object, brought the owner to participate in the carbon footprint of the epa certification shows that after the meeting, the industry preliminary confirm the wind in the process of tea industry and transport emissions of greenhouse gases produced by each life cycle stage, and also assist inquire into the center of big industry sustainable development of the financial group legal people, against the wind in tea bag products, such as carbon footprint and carbon labels tutoring job offer job, perform propaganda and promotion carbon emissions interrogating and encourage mechanism of carbon labels apply to, but for the first carbon label product certification, penghu to assist in 104 following small business innovation research and development program (SBIR) research project, continue to deal with certification and apply for work;In carbon neutral land management platform reported 10 community to apply for certification by oneself, effort. Four, put forward to promote low-carbon life counseling difficulty coping strategies Given the tutoring business in low-carbon life policies this year achievement is not as expected, analyses reasons include: provide disposable tableware, don't cooperate with the policy, no relevant energy-saving facilities, garbage classification and funds to buy chopsticks factors such as environmental protection;Of unwilling to cooperate with merchants to take one of two ways: one is to deal with the improved counseling work, one is brought to the environmental protection bureau to participate in improving consultation work of every trade, through this pattern, considerations of different nature of business and the size of, respectively, puts forward appropriate sexual energy conservation facilities and equipment as a purchase, to assist in the difficulty of low carbon measures are put forward countermeasures. Five, the promotion information integration of low carbon life This plan monthly inspections to assist environmental protection bureau electric locomotive maintenance stations 27 330 column, assist type "low carbon sustainable home information network platform, contains the news published 10, 10, entertaining diversions, promotion of low carbon life 27 session and 2 in the meeting, the other is low carbon life ten major function oriented, purchase 180 this low carbon green height and 40 primary schools to use, with low carbon life and electric locomotive subsidies executive orders, making 5 canvas hang buy to large propaganda;Integrate various achievements in recent years, driven by the epa penghu, penghu county low-carbon sustainable homes for them.the printed manual 500 promotion propaganda, propaganda low carbon life, 5000, by meeting, publicity activities when folks reading, expand the publicity of energy conservation and carbon reduction and environmental protection consciousness.
英文關鍵字 Operational performance of low-carbon life, low-carbon life extension activities to promote carbon-neutral, low-carbon living area counseling