

中文摘要 本計畫配合環保局及審查委員的指示,在局內長官督導下,除了努力達成量化目標,並在實質的管制效益上精進,以達成預期目標。執行內容及重點如下: 一、 依本市空氣品質淨化區建置申請標準流程及審核機制,協助審查空品淨化區補助案件。 二、 進行本市裸露地巡視、調查並輔導改善。 三、 依轄內空品淨化區之考核機制及維護管理品質加以分級,並進行考核。 四、 提供民眾空氣品質淨化區及綠美化之相關資訊,協助宣導、推廣空品淨化區。 五、 推廣本市空品淨化區之認養及轄內廠區或公司團體栽種植樹活動。 六、 建立本市空品淨化區案件網路化申請機制及更新維護本市空品淨化區網頁及資料庫。 七、 建立本市空品淨化區基地綠覆率及使用率、樹木碳匯之量測資料,並估算植樹綠化減碳及污染物淨化量。 八、 辦公廳舍室內空品淨化區植栽養護工作。 九、 結合本市優良空品淨化區或環境教育場所,推廣環境教育,宣導空品淨化區綠美化與環境倫理相關資訊。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質淨化區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 10550 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/02 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 盛彥霖
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃惠珠 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103及104年度高雄市空品淨化區管理計畫_103年度期末報告.pdf 24MB
英文摘要 This plan met instructions of Environmental Protection Bureau and the juror. Under supervision of the bureau executive, we made great efforts not only to achieve the quantification goal but also to forge ahead vigorously the essential benefit of control to accomplish the anticipated target. The executable contents are as follows: I. Establish the construction application of Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) and examining and verifying mechanism for Kaohsiung city the air quality purification area. II. Plan and implement the perambulation and investigation of bare lands in Kaohsiung city before improving. III. Establish examining and assessment mechanism in Kaohsiung city the air quality purification area which are classified by quality of maintaining management according to different levels respectively. IV. Provide the related information of the air quality purification area and Environmental Greenification for the public, and give assistance in propaganda and development of Clean Air Zones. V. Promote recovery and reuse of rainwater and sewage to water trees and plants, adoption of Kaohsiung city the air quality purification area, and tree-planting activities for the factories and companies in these zones. VI. Establish application mechanism of legal case networking in Kaohsiung city the air quality purification area, and update regularly the web page and database of Kaohsiung city the air quality purification area. VII. The establishment of Kaohsiung city air quality purification area base of green cover and utilization of tree carbon sink of measurement data, and to estimate the tree planting to reduce carbon emissions and the amount of pollution removal. VIII. Patrol and investigate rivers Kaohsiung city about raising dust, and maintain surveillance devices. IX. Plant conservation of the office, indoor air quality purification area.
英文關鍵字 the air quality purification area