英文摘要 |
The present project utilized the CO monitor and QMS mass spectrometer to initialize the sampling of oxygenized volatile organic carbon (OVOC) in Jhongli and Pingzhen industrial park. The analysis shows that acetaldehyde and ethyl acetate were the major pollutants in these two industrial parks. If the acetaldehyde was included to estimate the ozone production potential, the contribution of acetaldehyde would exceed 50%. The remaining contribution would be from olefin and aromatic hydrocarbons. Therefore, we still suggest controlling the emission of acetaldehyde. For the PM2.5 composition analysis, the main compositions (OC、NH4+、K+、Cl-、NO3-) was mainly from the local pollution. The PMF receptor model found the principal source factors were incineration and coal burning, followed by secondary sulfate and industrial emission/heavy oil combustion. Biomass burning and traffic were other minor contributors. The simulations appealed that to fully execute the strategies in the Taoyuan air pollution control plan is the minimum. There are additional two solutions to meet the EPA 109 goal. One is to make sure the EPA will exactly execute the strict standard for point and mobile sources. The other is to reduce emission of about 12.5% for all kinds of sources. Besides, the effect of O3 reduction by merely reduction of VOC in Taoyuan city would be limited. The neighboring cities have to join the reduction of O3 precursors together. In addition, the experience in the ozone forecast from June to October in 2014 has already help to correctly predict the occurrence of ozone event in Taoyuan city.