

中文摘要 本計畫在中壢及平鎮工業分別以CO監測儀及QMS質譜儀去進行OVOC採樣,分析結果可知,乙醛及乙酸乙酯分別為中壢及平鎮工業區主要的污染物,但平鎮工業區加入乙醛估算O3貢獻仍可得到貢獻超過50%的臭氧生成,其餘50%左右主要由烯烴與芳香烴所貢獻。因此仍建議以乙醛作為管制O3的對象。細懸浮微粒採樣分析顯示,高濃度事件的主要化學成分(OC、NH4+、K+、Cl-、NO3-)主要受本地污染影響,PMF受體模式推估PM2.5主要來源因子,在高濃度期間,皆以「焚化爐及燃煤活動」污染源貢獻量為最大,「二次硫酸鹽」與「工業排放及重油燃燒」為次,而「生質燃燒」與「交通排放」貢獻來源再其次。網格模式模擬結果顯示,PM2.5要達到環保署109年目標,有兩個方案:一、除按污防書的策略執行外,另要求環保署確切執行固定源及移動源加嚴標準。二:除按污防書的策略執行外,另將點、線、面源再減量12.5%左右。另外,僅減量桃園市的VOC對於O3減量的效果非常有限,必須要聯合其他鄰近縣市一同減量O3前驅物。此外,本計畫在經過103年6月至10月的預報經驗,已經大致能掌握針對桃園市的臭氧事件日的發生。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、網格模式模擬、含氧揮發性有機物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 5320 千元
專案開始日期 2014/06/24 專案結束日期 2015/06/23 專案主持人 莊銘棟
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃薇儒 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 10年細懸浮微粒調查及空氣品質分析計畫期末報告定稿本.pdf 13MB

103 fine suspended particles survey and air quality analysis plan

英文摘要 The present project utilized the CO monitor and QMS mass spectrometer to initialize the sampling of oxygenized volatile organic carbon (OVOC) in Jhongli and Pingzhen industrial park. The analysis shows that acetaldehyde and ethyl acetate were the major pollutants in these two industrial parks. If the acetaldehyde was included to estimate the ozone production potential, the contribution of acetaldehyde would exceed 50%. The remaining contribution would be from olefin and aromatic hydrocarbons. Therefore, we still suggest controlling the emission of acetaldehyde. For the PM2.5 composition analysis, the main compositions (OC、NH4+、K+、Cl-、NO3-) was mainly from the local pollution. The PMF receptor model found the principal source factors were incineration and coal burning, followed by secondary sulfate and industrial emission/heavy oil combustion. Biomass burning and traffic were other minor contributors. The simulations appealed that to fully execute the strategies in the Taoyuan air pollution control plan is the minimum. There are additional two solutions to meet the EPA 109 goal. One is to make sure the EPA will exactly execute the strict standard for point and mobile sources. The other is to reduce emission of about 12.5% for all kinds of sources. Besides, the effect of O3 reduction by merely reduction of VOC in Taoyuan city would be limited. The neighboring cities have to join the reduction of O3 precursors together. In addition, the experience in the ozone forecast from June to October in 2014 has already help to correctly predict the occurrence of ozone event in Taoyuan city.
英文關鍵字 PM2.5, Grid Model Modeling, Oxygenized volatile organic carbon (OVOC), Grid Model Modeling