

中文摘要 雲林縣歷年來多以農漁牧為主要產業,惟在離島工業區、台塑六輕、科技工業區等擴編重大建設後,對雲林縣的產業分布產生結構上的改變。目前縣內列管事業廢棄物已達750家次,廢棄物清、處理、再利用機構亦超過160餘家,這些事業如在廢棄物之貯存、清除、處理過程中,若無有效查核管制輔導,往往造成發生空氣污染案件之潛在因子,例如:廢棄物貯存過程未有效防止異味逸散、清除階段之車輛、船舶或其他運送工具於清除過程中,應防止事業廢棄物飛散、濺落、溢漏、惡臭擴散、爆炸等污染環境或危害人體健康之情事、處理階段未妥善處置及防制設備效率降低,導致異味逸散等。透過流向管制及查核輔導作業,以提昇本縣民眾生活環境品質 本計畫執行執行期間,養豬、禽畜牧場共完成51家次巡查,現場稽查該畜牧場無斃死畜禽堆置情勢且依規定留存紀錄,已告知業者於防疫期間加強消毒作業,確實管制斃死畜禽放置處,場內外勿隨意棄置。廢棄物處理機構巡查共完成7間處理機構共15次現場查核作業,以現場廠區廢棄物配置與廢棄物清理計畫書或許可文件平面配置不符合最多。再利用機構巡查共完成71間現場查核作業,以網路申報各廢棄物於某月份質量不平衡之狀況為主。清除機構巡查共完成77間現場巡查作業,勾稽異常清除車輛共查核50輛次現場查核。 高污染淺勢處理機構異(臭)味成因分析,與財團法人台灣產業服務基金會協同查核輔導,以豐輝股份有限公司及台環資源科技有限公司進行輔導改善及提供污染改善方式。屢遭陳情之事業單位進行異(臭)味官能採樣與分析共完成10場次,其中暢展實業有限公司異味污染物濃度120超過管制標準2.4倍,以依空氣污染防制法第20條進行告發。環保署列管非法棄置場址巡查作業本計畫期間共巡查236場次,非法棄置場址TCLP採樣分析共完成採集14個樣品28組檢測數據,由認定標準可知,斗南鎮阿丹里151-5地號屬易燃性事業廢棄物,其廢液閃火點小於攝氏溫度六十度者。台塑石化麥寮一廠底灰及飛灰屬腐蝕性事業廢棄物,其廢液氫離子濃度指數(pH值)大於等於12.5或小於等於2.0者,判定為有害事業廢棄物。宣導說明會於計畫期間共辦理3場次參與會議業者至少250人次以上。 經統計各類與可申請案件本計畫於本年度共完成659件審查並提供初審意見。其中,廢棄物清理計畫書統計本計畫執行期間共受理424件,平均每月約新增受理35.3件之申請案,已完成審查案件之平均審查日數為14.2日。再利用(含再生資源)檢核申請案於審查期限內,審查結果內容資料缺漏或錯誤者發文限期補正,本年度共收件158件進行審查,平均審查效率為7.4日。清除機構許可審查申請案於審查期限內,共收件29件進行審查。清運機具裝置即時追蹤系統(GPS)申請案於審查期限內,共收件27件。處理機構許可申請案於審查期限內,共收件12件。處理廢棄物境外輸入輸出申請案於審查期限內,共收件9件,其中一般事業廢棄物共7件,有害事業廢棄物共2件。 最後,藉由彙整各項事業廢棄物統計資料,協助雲林縣環境保護局有效掌握及控制轄內各非列管事業及事業廢棄物產出及流向,降低非法情事發生率。並檢討相關審查作業要點及原則之缺失,並規劃可行之改善檢討方案,適時修正或訂定相關審查作業辦法或原則。
中文關鍵字 事業廢棄物、空氣污染、異臭味污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 3844.588 千元
專案開始日期 2014/02/26 專案結束日期 2015/02/25 專案主持人 張名毅
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 沈孟瑾 執行單位 尚竑工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度雲林縣廢棄物處理、再利用業空氣污染輔導暨管制計畫(定稿本).pdf 89MB
英文摘要 Over the years, agriculture, fishery, and animal industry have been the major industry in Yulin County. The expanded major construction of offshore industrial park, the sixth naphtha cracker complex of Formosa Plastics Corp (FPC), and technology industrial park led to the structural change of industrial distribution in Yulin County. Currently, industrial waste of 750 companies has been managed, and waste cleansing, disposal, and reuse of more than 160 companies have been controlled by Yulin County as well. In the process of storage, removal, and disposal carried out by these industries, waste often lead to air pollution if no effective inspection and control have been implemented. For example, the spread of smell is not effectively prevented when the waste is stored; when trucks, ships, and other vehicles remove industrial waste, the environmental pollution or hazards to human health caused by scatter, splash, spill, odor diffusion, and explosion should be prevented; and the spread of smell occurs due to improper disposal and less efficiency of preventive equipment. Yulin County carries out control of flow and guidance of inspection to improve the citizens’ quality of living. During the execution of the program, 51 pig farms and livestock farms have been inspected. The inspection of stacked dead livestock has been implemented with records, and inspectors have told the industries to improve disinfection during the period of disease prevention and ensure that stacked dead livestock are under control without being discarded randomly. Waste disposal institutions have inspected 7 disposal institutions and carried out 15 times of on-site inspection. They found that most of on-site deploy of waste disposal did not comply with waste cleansing proposals or floor plans specified on the permits. Moreover, the reuse institution has carried out on-site inspection in 71 companies and found the unbalance of quality of waste registered online in certain months. The cleansing institution has carried out on-site inspection in 77 companies and audited 50 vehicles for irregularity removal. Through the joint guidance of inspection with Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service, FH and Taihuan Resource Technology Co. Ltd guided and provided solutions to pollution improvement, based on the analysis of causes of smell (odor) conducted by the high-pollution potential disposal institution. They carried out sampling and analysis of smell (odor) in 10 businesses which were frequently complained of. Among them, the concentration of pollutants of Changzhan Industrial Development Co. Ltd was 120, which exceeded 2.4 times of the standard of smell control. It was reported based on Article 20 of Air Pollution Control Act accordingly. Environmental Protection Administration carried out the inspection of 236 illegal dumping sites as scheduled and collected 14 samples and 28 test data for TCLP analysis. According to the standard of recognition, the site located at No. 151-5 in Adan Village of Donan Township handled flammable industrial waste, with its flash below 60 Celsius degree. The bottom ash and fly ash of petrifaction plant I of Formosa Plastics Group in Mailiao belonged to corrosive industrial waste, with its Hydrogen ion pH higher than 12.5 but lower then 2.0, which was determined to be hazardous industrial waste. During the execution of the program, three seminars have been held with the attendance of at least 250 industries. According to statistics, the inspection of the total 659 applications have been carried out and provided with preliminary feedback. Among them, 424 waste cleansing proposals have been processed. On average, additional 35.3 applications have been handled monthly, and the average number of days for review of cases is 14.2. This year, 158 applications for reuse (including renewable resources) have been received by the deadline of review, including those with missing information or errors which have been notified of revision and submission of supplements, and the average number of days for review of cases is 7.4. 29 applications for cleansing institution permits have been received by the deadline of review; 27 applications for installation of GPS on removal and transport equipment have been received by the deadline of review; 12 applications for disposal institution permits have been received by the deadline of review; 9 applications for import/export waste disposal have been received by the deadline of review, including 7 general industrial waste and 2 hazardous industrial waste. Finally, through the collation of various types of statistical data relating to industrial waste, the project has helped the Environmental Protection Bureau, Yulin County Government to achieve effective monitoring and control of the quantity of industrial waste produced by firms that are not subject to special regulation, and where this waste is transported to, thereby reducing the incidence of illegal activity.
英文關鍵字 Industry Waste、Air Pollution、Odor Pollution