

中文摘要 「103~104年高雄市逸散性污染源稽查管制計畫」自103年4月12日開始執行,主要工作項目包含逸散性粒狀污染物稽巡查及管制、認養周邊道路洗掃及逸散管辦自主管理作業、周界TSP檢測作業、重大污染工廠即時錄影監控、農廢露天燃燒巡查及宣導、減量輔導、宣導活動、問卷調查及其他相關配合業務等。103年工作進度彙整如表一(統計至12月31日),相關說明如下: 一、逸散性粒狀污染物稽巡查及管制 (一)已完成逸散性污染源巡查1863處次,針對缺失記點通報237件,其中A級通報共29件,B級通報208件。 (二)每季核對逸散源列管名單,建置完成103年第一季〜第四季,高雄市排放源地理空間資訊地圖。 (三) 103年創新作法共提出3項,(1)雙砂管制 污染OUT、(2)禁止農廢露天燃燒三重奏、(3)優化防制不逸散 清新家園好空氣。 二、推動本市逸散管辦納管對象認養周邊道路洗掃及逸散管辦自主管理。 (一)追蹤確認工業區路面清潔維護,共完成339件次工業區道路追蹤作業,並提報15件次道路缺失,針對有缺失之路段,均進行複查並提報改善成果。 (二)辦理完成2場次逸散性道路認養說明會,於103年度共新增52家業者,加入認養行列。 三、其他作業 (一)污染源檢測:共完成25點次TSP作業,2件測值逾越法規標準,依法告發。 (二)CCTV即時監控:103年共完成9處次CCTV架設作業。 (三)農廢露天燃燒巡查:已完成205件次巡查,其中108件進行發文勸導。 (四)會議辦理:103年共辦理1場次教育訓練、8場次減量輔導、1場次法規說明會、2場次禁止農廢露天燃燒宣導說明會、1場次示範觀摩會及1場次成果發表會。 (五)軟硬體服務:已建置逸散專屬網頁(無障礙A+等級)、巡查車輛全球定位系統(GPS)及維護3部電腦設備、建置稽巡查無紙化工作乙式。 (六)手冊、摺頁製作:完成農廢宣導摺頁1000份、逸散防制手冊600份、研訂替代方案審查手冊乙式。 (七)媒體宣導及問卷調查:完成7篇次新聞刊登及204份行政滿意度問卷調查。
中文關鍵字 逸散性污染源,周界粒狀物(TSP),逸散管制作業,即時錄影監控


專案計畫編號 103高巿環局總字第046號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 15300 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/12 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 洪銘宏 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103~104成果報告摘要.pdf 0MB

2014~2015 Kaohsiung City fugitive pollution source inspection and control project

英文摘要 This project started from 12 April, 2014. The main work items include fugitive particulate matter inspection operations, fugitive autonomic control operations, cleaning and washing operation of surrounding roads, outdoor burning of agricultural waste inspections and advocacy, instant video surveillance of major pollution, ambient TSP inspection, reduction counseling, promotion activities, surveys and other related issues. The progress of all works has been aggregated in Table 1 (Statistics to December 31): 1.Fugitive particulate matter inspection operations (1)We have done the inspection operation in accordance with the fugitive source management approach. A total of 1,863 spots have been inspected, with 237 spots of notification (208 spots of B-level and 29 spots of A-level notification). (2)A quarterly check on the tabulation lists of fugitive source, and building Kaohsiung geospatial information map of emission sources. (3)Addressing 3 innovative approaches, (a) double sand control, (b) prohibition against outdoor burning of agricultural waste, (c) optimize the control system to preventing fugitive. 2.Promoting industrial manufactures cleaning and washing surrounding roads and fugitive autonomic control operations. (1)Tracking cleaning and maintenance of industrial area pavements, confirmation pavement maintenance cleaning industrial areas, total of 339 cases have been inspected, with 15 cases of deficiency notification. We have reviewed and reported modification outcome on deficient pavements. (2)Completing two instruction meetings of fugitive pavement adoption, and adding a total of 52 manufactures joining the adoption. 3. Other works (1)Pollution sources inspection: We have executed 25 times of ambient TSP inspections, with two exceeded regulatory standards. We have reported in accordance with the law. (2)CCTV real-time monitoring: Setting up nine CCTV real-time monitoring systems. (3)Outdoor burning of agricultural waste inspections: 205 inspections have been completed, with 108 places of sending persuasion messages. (4)Convening meetings: completing one educational training session, eight reduction counseling sessions, one regulatory briefing session, two sessions about prohibition against outdoor burning, one demonstration session and one achievement publication session. (5)Software and hardware: setting up the Fugitive Emission website (Accessible website), GPS system for radiation cars and maintaining three computers for paperless radiation program. (6)Manual and guidance: 1000 Biological Waste guidance, 600 Fugitive Emission manual and the alternative plan. (7)Media and investigations: finish 7 news press and 204 administration satisfy surveys.
英文關鍵字 fugitive pollution source, ambient TSP,fugitive control operations,CCTV