

中文摘要 考量飲用水水源有遭受農藥污染、影響水質安全性之虞,本計畫優先針對8項可能影響飲用水安全之農藥項目進行評估與監測,就供水區域、處理流程、上游農業型態等特性不同挑選6座較具代表性之淨水場進行採樣、檢測分析。本計畫執行三次採樣檢測,各淨水場之原水及清水中均未檢出各農藥待測物,而處理流程如沈澱、過濾之流程水檢測分析結果亦為未檢出。爰本計畫以文獻蒐集探討各農藥之處理方式、效果及可能之風險,並建立毒理資料庫。本計畫針對現行飲用水水質標準管制項目中之農藥及揮發性有機物,其管制的合理性與修正管制標準的必要性進行檢討,經比較國內管制標準及國際管制限值或指引值,並考量健康風險,檢討結論為國內飲用水水質標準項目中之農藥及揮發性有機物之管制值均在合理範圍內,暫無修正管制值之必要性。本計畫並彙整國內水源保護區農藥使用相關規定,就飲用水水源保護及管理的觀點提出建議。
中文關鍵字 農藥、揮發性有機物、水源管制區


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-U1J1-02-101 經費年度 103 計畫經費 2650 千元
專案開始日期 2014/02/26 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 黃良銘
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 高俊璿 執行單位 財團法人成大研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-U1J1-02-101期末報告.pdf 3MB

Investigation and evaluation of drinking water source and water quality standard regulation items

英文摘要 In Taiwan, there is risk of the drinking water sources contaminated by pesticides and affecting the safty of drinking water. This project screened eight pesticides, which have high possibility to affect the safty of drinking water, for higher priority of investigation and evaluation. Considering the geographical location, drinking water treatment process, and argrecultue type at upstream of the water source, six representative drinking water treatment plants were selected for pesticides monitoring. All pesticides were not detected in all drinking water treatment plants, and also in the drinking water treatment units in the process, in the three monitors conducting in this project. Therefore this project evaluated the health risk and established the toxicity database of these pesticides by literatures review, regarding to the treatment process and performance for each pesticide. Besides, this project also reviewed the drinking water quality resgulation items regarding to pesticides and volatile organic compounds. This project considered the health risk and compared the regulation values with at least eight developed or developing contries. The results suggested the regulation value in the reasonable range. There is no urgency to revise the standard values of pesticides. This project also summarized the rules of using pesticides in water source protection area, and give some management suggestion regarding to drinking water source procetion.
英文關鍵字 pesticides, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), drinking water source protection area