

中文摘要 本年度各項工作成果摘要如下: (一) 環境負荷及變化趨勢 本市人口總數自88年起至102年度,歷年平均成長率為2.2%,人口增加緩慢,自99年起近4年人口有負成長情形。102年度人口數為27萬0,872人,人口密度為每平方公里4,513人,全國排名第2,僅次於臺北市(9,884人/平方公里)。102年車輛登記共27萬6,498輛,各類車輛近10年(93~102年)的總數為成長趨勢,車輛數總計增加2萬0,069輛,成長率為8%,與過去10年(88~97年)成長率24%相較,已有趨緩。車輛密度4,606輛/km2,遠高於其他縣市,當中尤以機車負荷最高。全國僅次於臺北市 6,633輛/km2。本市工業登記總家數,截至102年共435家,相較101年家數(437家)略為減少,整體近10年趨勢呈現負成長,變動率 -7%。營建工程自97年起有逐年增加趨勢,99年至102年,此4年工地數達近9年之高峰,102年件數達1,261件為高點,污染管制亦有相當成效,削減率達61.63%,也為歷年新高。本市95~102年陳情案件數,呈現逐年增加的情況,平均成長率約11%,截至102年度案件較95年度成長103%,歷年以102年民眾陳情案件最高,達1,368件,101~102年民眾陳情案件數較100年996件,平均成長226件,陳情案件類型以異味污染物為主。 (二) 空氣品質現況 雲嘉南空品區PSI值大於100 之比例,近10年(92~101年)以101年最佳,不良率0.85%,不良日數為28站日(懸浮微粒8站日;臭氧20站日),為自83年以來不良日數最少的一年。102年受懸浮微粒和境外傳輸的影響,不良日數自101年8站日(懸浮微粒)增加到83站日(懸浮微粒),不良率2.96%,較101年0.85%惡化,但整體近10年雲嘉南空品區的空氣品質仍具改善趨勢。統計本年度本市空氣品質測定日數共304站日,空氣品質不良事件日計5站日,不良比率1.36%,符合防制目標(2.19%,低於8站日)。 (三) 空氣品質不良通報應變作業 本年度配合行政院環境保護署之空氣品質監測網,共計31次(含預報23次),以懸浮微粒為主,整體次數較往年同期應變次數60次,略為減少。各次不良通報後,PSI值上升者計14次、具改善成效者(PSI值小於100)共12次,空氣品質不良事件日計5日(懸浮微粒4日、臭氧1日)。 (四) 空氣品質改善子計畫成效掌握評析 本年度辦理之專案計畫總計為9項,分別屬署補計畫8項,補助之執行經費為37,358仟元,自編經費計畫計1項,執行經費為3,456仟元,執行經費比例為署補計畫占92%,自編經費比例占8%。現階段考核結果,各項子計畫中以「移動污染源管制/低污染車輛推廣制」、「民俗活動/餐飲業/露天燃燒稽查管制」二項計畫最好。 (五) 空氣品質淨化區 本市共設置8處空氣品質淨化區,整體嘉義市空氣品質淨化區共計裸露地綠化4處、環保公園2處,自行車道2處,總計綠化面積達11.45公頃。樹種碳匯量測方面,共完成「富國重劃區裸露地綠化工程」、「舊署嘉醫院廣場裸露地綠美化工程(中央廣場)」2處淨化區之樹種碳匯量測。 本年度淨化區考核作業分別於6月23日、10月22日進行,以「嘉油鐵馬道」最佳,其次為「啟明路綠化工程」、「富國重劃區裸露地綠化工程」,此三區域於環境清潔、設施維護及植栽維護均良好。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 3190 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/24 專案結束日期 2014/12/15 專案主持人 蕭伯任
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張永信 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份份有限公司


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期末報告 103 SIP計畫期末報告定稿_本文v2.pdf 36MB
英文摘要 The results of the year are summarized as follows: (一) Environmental loads and trends The total city population from 1988 to 2013, the average growth rate is 2.2%. Over the years, the population increased slowly since 1999. In these four years, the population growth has shown negative growth. Till 2013, the amount of population reaches 270,872 people. The population density is 4,513 people per square kilometer, which ranked No. 2 in the whole country, second only to Taipei City (9,884 people / sq km). In 2013, the registered vehicle accounts for a total of 276,498 vehicles. In the past 10 years, as for the growth of the number of all types of vehicles, the growth rate is 8%. That has been slowing down then past 10 year (1999~2008) growth rate 24%. The overall density of vehicles is 4,606 vehicles / km, which ranks second in Taiwan, only to Taipei (6,633 vehicles / km). Till 2013, there are in total 435 registered industries. Compared with that in 2012, it was the same. Over the years (2004 to 2013), it showed negative growth, and the rate of variation is -7%. As for construction projects since 2008, the number has gradually decreased. In recent years, the number of engineering has increased. The highest is in 2010 and 2013 respectively, with the number of 1,261 pieces. Pollution management with the control measures, the reduction rate has reached 61.63%, the reduction rate are higher than past every years. Petition cases of environmental pollution has gradually increased year by year in the city, and non-odor pollutants (such as open burning, dust (construction engineering), industrial, vehicle idling and exhaust) are the main ones. It results from the rise of the public environmental awareness and concern at home environmental quality. (二) Current air quality conditions Yun Chia Air Quality Region, As for the PSI>100 rate is 0.85%, that air quality adverse event day is 28 station day. Since 1994, the best year for air quality.Till 2013, air quality affected by the particulate matter. The PSI>100 rate is 2.96% Bad than last year (0.85%). However, the overall air quality in the Yun Chia air quality region remain to improve air quality trends. As for Chiayi city in this year (October), that air quality adverse event day is 5 station day (Particulate 4 station day;Ozone 1 station day). Rate is 1.36%, which less than 2.19%. (三) Adverse air quality notification operations Statistically, the number of the adverse air pollution notification is 32 times in total this year (including 23 times of forecasting ), with the suspended particles in majority. Total air pollution notification lower than last year (2012 year is 60 times). After each adverse notification, their PSI values have increased, which is 14 times in total. The ones with improved effectiveness are 12 times (PSI values 100). The air pollution days is 5 times. ( particulate 4 times, ozone 1 times) (四) Project Management Handle the project plan for the year amounted to 9 in the chiayi-city. There have 8 projects are grant by EPA and have 1 project are plan by EPB. The EPA funds is 3,735,800 dollar, and EPB funds is 3,456,000 dollar. Examination results at this stage, the sub-project plan to the binomial "Mobile Source Control", "folk activities control" is best. (五) Air purification zones There were had 8 air purification zones in chiayi city. that include 6 green space , 2 bicycle paths, total greenlands was 16.25 Ha. Aspects of the carbon sink tree measurements of the carbon sink tree measurements completed two purification region.