

中文摘要 本年度計畫作業項目包含:(1)資料庫之擴建、維護更新;(2)許可管制相關作業;(3)排放量申報審查及查核作業;(4)稽查檢測作業;(5)逸散性粒狀物管制作業;(6)辦理說明會;(7)戴奧辛管制 ;(8)異味陳情案件管制;(9) 連續自動監測系統查核;(10)其他工作項目。 本計畫自103年1月29日起執行至104年1月28日止,全數量化工作均均於期限內完成,專案小組除每月配合環保局工作檢討會,依循各項內部教育訓練及品保作業外,在計畫執行中亦配合環保局SIP計畫查核,以確保各項工作進度及品質,本年度各項工作結果說明如下。 一、資料庫之擴建、維護更新 本年度須執行資料庫更新及維護的公私場所共725家(另擴充30家),本計共完成734家現場清查作業現場查核(另擴充34家)。 全市固定污染源排放量如下:粒狀物為2,833.5公噸/年,硫氧化物為3,520公噸/年,氮氧化物為4,634.3公噸/年,揮發性有機物為3,038.3公噸/年。 二、許可管制相關作業 本年度共核發519張許可證,包括設置45張、變更18張、操作67張、異動一款154張、異動二款11張、展延91張、換補發131張、生煤許可2張,文書平均審查日數為12.1日/件,並協助155件專責人員異動申請案件處理及鍵檔,另針對重點案件共有3件辦理專家學者審查。 在許可證查核部份,已完成734張許可證查核作業(包括647張環保局、87張南科及科工管理局所核發),查核不符張數總計76張,不符率為10.35%。 三、排放量申報審查及查核作業 本計畫針對臺南市需排放量上網申報的公私場所共有356家進行排放量申報管制作業(其中第一批98家,第二批258家),102年第4季~103年第3季之應申報件數為1429件,申報率為100%,且全數完成審查,審查結果申報正確者1367家佔95.7%,限期補正資料者62佔4.3%。現場查核共進行314家申報排放量查核,其中查核結果申報正確者282家佔90.0%,限期補正資料者32家佔10.0%。限期補正者,其主要原因為製程原燃物料申報狀況與現場不符共計14家佔43.8%。本計畫針對臺南市溫室氣體排放量上網申報的公私場所共有36家進行排放量申報管制作業(第一批20家、第二批11家、自願申報5家),102年第4季~103年第3季之應申報件數為128件,申報率為100%,且全數完成審查,正確率為100%。 四、稽查檢測作業 本年度檢測項目成果包括完成排放管道(粒狀物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物)12根次,排放管道戴奧辛8根次,排放管道重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞、砷)5根次,周界粒狀物稽查檢測亦已完成12點次。燃料油含硫份抽驗則完成30點次。其中排放管道(粒狀物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物)稽查檢測12根中有4根次粒狀物超過標準,其餘項目檢測結果均符合排放標準。 五、逸散性粒狀物管制 專案小組擬定分級管制之巡查頻率及家數為:第一級(每月巡查一次)10家,第二級(每2月巡查一次)69家,第三級(每4月巡查一次)140家,共查核343家次,其中287家次符合法規,符合率為85%;本計畫執行分級管制初期開始針對污染情形較大之ㄧ級逸散源加強巡查,在加強複查及歷經分級管制後各逸散污染源多已能注意管理法辦之規定並確實執行。 六、辦理說明會及教育訓練會議 專案小組本年度共辦理三場次說明會,其中二場主題為「固定污染源設置與操作許可證審查原則說明會」,分別於103年6月20日及103年6月23日辦理。專案小組並於103年4月15日辦理一場次「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法宣導說明會」。教育訓練則辦理完成「連續自動監測設施管理辦法簡介及現場查核重點」及「許可審查原則及常見問題教育訓練會議」二場次。 七、戴奧辛管制作業 台南市適用戴奧辛行業管制規範列管名單共55家(71根數),其中34家(43根數)為本年度須執行定檢之對象,專案小組並完成戴奧辛法規符合度查核47根,其中有1根不符未定檢,已告發並改善完成。 八、異味陳情案件管制作業 (一)定期異味巡查作業 本計畫總計巡查428件次,其中針對轄內重大陳情專案列管業者,執行每週定期巡查,其餘則依據102年度陳情數量,依序擬定每週、雙週、每月等頻率。經巡查後,提報有污染疑慮者,建請 貴局執行稽查或稽查檢測作業,透過主動巡查監督,監督業者污染防制情形,提升污染管制成效。 (二)五大異味陳情管制成果 對於重大異味陳情案件,繼102年執行Long Stay駐點異味巡查之後,103年對陳情案件數居高不下的業者執續進行駐點,其中專案小組於八月底更配合環保局針對轄內廣政皮革廠執行為期一週的24小時排班駐廠,查獲該廠廢水池連接至水洗塔的管線為封閉狀態,無法有效收集廢水池逸散之氣體至水洗塔處理,於103.10.25廢止該廠M01皮革整製程序,並要求停工;而對於陳情數居高不下的全利農工化製廠,103年一年內共三次異味檢測超過標準,三次共處罰緩220萬元整並要求停工;而於前一年度陳情次數前五大之連中公司、物阜公司、欣瀛科技,連中公司已遷廠、物阜公司停止收受異味原料、欣瀛科技進行廠內製程改善,總計陳情次數前五大之陳情次數已由102年530次減少至103年403次,共減少24%。 (三)其他異味管制相關作業 在其他異味陳情管制部分,本年度專案小組完成4家次之異味污染源現場輔導作業(永欣養豬場、大德公司、中楠公司二廠、台灣紙業),今年並配合環保局執行太乙工業區異味專案作業、山海圳養豬異味巡查工作。 九、CEMS管制作業 於計畫初期提送CEMS查核及品保作業標準程序一式一份,提供查核人員作為稽查檢測之準則,相關管制成果摘要如下: (一) 103年度轄區CEMS連線管道法規符合度查核率100%。經查,城西焚化廠之水份修正參數品保品管需加強,以及東展興業RATA報告書、威致鋼鐵不透光率定檢報告書有誤植情形,已告知廠商進行修正。 (二) 針對設備較老舊及往年查核結果較差者,執行各項功能查核(包含RATA抽測、標準氣體查核、OP及平行比對)。經查,城西焚化廠查核評等相對較差,但仍符合法規規定,建議納入下年度查核重點。 十、其他工作項目 (一)配合宣導空氣污染相關環保新聞完成10則。 (二) 配合環檢警聯合稽查,共執行4次;配合砂石車覆網下拉攔檢作業4次。 (三)配合許可管制作業中排放管道8D/2D認定以及是否需申請操作許可證條件之認定。 (四)配合環保署及本市SIP計畫,製作各類管制報表及資料整合工作,並於規定時間內提交本計畫各類工作進度及成果報表。
中文關鍵字 逸散性粒狀物管制、CEMS管制作業、異味陳情案件管制


專案計畫編號 10231211 經費年度 103 計畫經費 13680 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/29 專案結束日期 2015/01/28 專案主持人 黃玉玫
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃烱棋 執行單位 衛宇科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年台南固定許可計畫期末定稿本(本文).pdf 19MB
英文摘要 The main work items of Stationary air pollution source control project are as follows: (1) Database establishment, maintenance and updates. (2) Stationary Sources Permits application documents examining and issuing, including permit inspection. (3) Annual emissions quantities check for the premises which have been announced in 2 batches. (4) Using standard air pollutant testing method to inspect plumes of stationary sources. (5) Reinforcing control of fugitive particulate emissions. (6) Holding meetings for related policies or law announcement. (7) Reinforcing control of dioxin. (8) Reinforcing control of the premises odor complaints regarding stationary sources from citizens. (9) Audit of Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems. (10) Other work items. This project, started from 29th January 2014 till 28th January 2015, was empowered by a contract which issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County. We completed all work items before deadline. In order to make sure that the quality and quantity both met the requirements of the contract, we attended the monthly meeting of the Bureau, and followed internal QAQC plan. Schedule and quality of every work items also had been reviewed by the State Implement Plan, in order to ensure all requirements were met. Summaries of work items are as follows: 1. Database establishment, maintenance and updates The goal of this work item is to maintain and update the emission inventory of 725 plants and to add new emission inventory of 30 plants in database. We maintained and updated the emission inventory of 734 plants and added new emission inventory of 30 plants in database. By the end of the project, annual emission quantities of different pollutants from stationary sources in Tainan City are as follows: 2,833.5 tons of particles, 3,520 tons of SOx, 4,634.3 tons of NOx and 3,038 tons of VOCs. 2. Stationary Sources Permits application documents examining and issuing, including permit inspection. 519 permits were issued, including 45 installation permits, 18 modified permits, 67 operation permits, 165 change permits, 91 renewed permits, 131 re-issued permits and 2 coal-fired permits. The average review duration of the application documents was 12.1 days. 155 cases of air pollution qualified persons replacement were proposed and approved. For 3 significant cases of permit application, experts review was introduced to validate the content of the documents. Periodic inspection for operation permits has been performed for 734 operation permits. Among them, 76 operation permits didn’t meet the contents of permits, and the discrepancy of inspection was 10.35%. 3. Annual emissions quantities check for the premises which have been announced in 2 batches. 356 premises are required to report emission inventory seasonally by regulation in Tainan City. (98 of them are announced in first batch, and 258 of them are 2nd batch.) The reporting rate, for a total of 1,429 reports, is 100% from 4th quarter, 2013 till 3rd quarter, 2014. We also checked all reports and found that 1,367 of them (95.7%) were correct, 62 of them (4.3%) were asked to improve within a limited time. On-site inspection for the reports was conducted on 314 premises; 90% of them proved correct (282 premises), 10% of premises, which was asked to improve within a limited time, showed discrepancy. We found that on-site records of raw materials didn’t match the reports were the main reasons, a total of 14 premises (53.8%), of inconformity. 36 premises report their emission inventory of Green House Gas (GHG) seasonally. (20 of them are announced in first batch, 11 of them are 2nd batch and 5 of them are volunteer to report their emission inventory of GHG.) The reporting rate, for a total of 128 reports, is 100% from 4th quarter, 2013 till 3rd quarter, 2014. We reviewed all reports and found them correct. 4. Using standard air pollutant testing method to inspect plumes of stationary sources. We performed 12 plumes for SOx, NOx and particulate testing, 8 plumes for dioxin testing, 5 plumes for heavy metal(Pd, Cd, Hg and As) testing, and total suspended particulate testing in ambient air on boundary of 12 public or private premises. We also took 30 fuel samples from different plants to check if the sulfur content in the sample met the standard. Testing results of the total suspended particulate in ambient air on boundary of 4 public or private premises were not in compliance with standards, others testing results were in compliance with standards. 5. Reinforcing control of fugitive particulate emissions. We grouped the premises into three levels, the first level ones (10 premises) were inspected once per month, the second level ones (69 premises) were inspected every other month, and the third level ones (140 premises) were inspected every four months. 343 patrols were paid and 287 of them met the regulation, the compliance rate of the regulation was 85%. The results showed that the intensive patrols on first level premises made them be aware of the regulation and fugitive dust control. 6. Holding meetings for related policies or law announcement. We held 3 meetings during this period. 2 of them were to announce the regulations and review principles of Stationary Permit Application. The last one was held for promoting compliance with the Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources. Besides, for on-job training, two sessions were completed, one topic was continuous emission monitoring system regulations briefing and on-site inspection and the other topic was review principles and frequent asked questions of Permits documents. 7. Reinforcing control of dioxin. There are 55 plants (71 plumes) in the dioxin control list. On-site regulation inspection was performed on 43 plants (56 plumes). 47 plumes were completed the testing and 2 plumes failed to meet the regulation and they were imposed penalties. Improvements of their facilities were performed later. 8. Reinforcing control of the premises odor complaints regarding stationary sources from citizens. (1) Periodical check for the frequent odor complaints list of public or private premises. We patrolled 428 times in total. The inspection frequency depended on the level of possible odor complains, those which had most complaints were patrolled weekly, otherwise were patrolled bi-weekly or monthly. If the results of patrol found possible polluted situation, we would enforce standard testing of plume on them or sent the list to the Bureau. We found that the active patrol did decrease the odor complaints frequency. (2) Intensive patrolling results of five most odor complaints premises Last year, we performed “Long Stay” (on-site watch) policy on high frequent complaints of odor premises. This year, we continued to conducted the policy especially for top 5 premises in the most odor complaints list. We worked on 24-hour rotating shifts in Guang-Zheng Leather Company during the last week in August. We found the pipeline between wastewater treatment plant and scrubber was close, it made the collection of toxic vapor from wastewater to scrubber ineffectively. Bureau held the company suspended for operation and revoked the M01 Operation Permit of Guang-Zheng on 25th October, 2014. Chuan-Li Agriculture and Technology chemical manufacturing company also had frequent odor complaints. We performed odor testing on the plume and 3 testing results violating the standard within one year. Chuan-Li was fined up to 2.2 million NT dollars and suspended for operation. Lian-Chung company moved. Wu-Fu company stopped receiving odor materials. Hsin-Ying Technology was improving their manufacturing process in order to decrease the odors. For the above 5 premises, the frequency of odor complaints decreased from 530 times in 2013 to 403 times in 2014, a reduction of 24%. (3) Other odor control We helped 4 premises which also had odors issues to improve their processes, including Yung-Hsin hoggery, Da-De company, Chuang-Nan Enterprise Co., Ltd. 2nd plant and TPPC Hsin-Ying plant. We performed odors patrol and improvement activities on Tai-Yi industrial park and hoggeries near sea, creeks and mountain area. 9.The regulatory operations of Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) In the initial of this program, we submitted one copy which is the operating standard procedures of inspection and quality assurance of CEMS to Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), provided as a guideline to auditors to inspect and examine. The relevant regulatory outcomes of are summarized as follows: (1) The factory chimneys which connected with CEMS have been inspected and the percentage of compliance rate is 100% in 2014. According to the results of the inspections, we suggest that some status should be adjust, including that Tainan Refuse Incineration Plant needs to confirm the correction parameters of the moisture and improve the quality assurance and quality control, as well as, Tuntex Petrochemicals Inc. should to correct the Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) report and Wei Chih Steel Industrial CO., LTD. must to revise the report of opacity scheduled inspection. (2) Focusing on the factories that has outdated equipments or the results of inspection are worse in previous years, those needs to examine more information (including the sampling test of RATA, the standard gas inspection, opacity and data comparison). After inspecting, Tainan Refuse Incineration Plant got the relatively poor rating of the inspections, but still compliance with regulations. This plant is recommended to be the one of the inspection objectives next year. 10. Other work items (1)10 articles regarding environmental protection were posted in newspapers. (2)To cooperate with polices and attorneys for comprehensive inspection for 4 times and checking the gravel trucks for cover net pulling compliance policy for 4 times. (3)To help determining if plumes meet the 8D/2D requirements when applying permits as well as if they should apply for permits. (4)To submit and summarize the work results as the Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan) and the State Implement Plan required.