

中文摘要 瑩諮科技股份有限公司承接新北市政府環境保護局「103年度機車污染稽查管制計畫」,自103年9月16日執行至104年9月15日止,茲將本計畫工作成果摘要說明如下: 一、 攔檢作業 截至民國104年9月15日為止,攔檢稽查作業完成2,026輛次。不定期檢驗機車中,合格輛次為1,490輛,合格率為73.5%,不合格輛次為536輛,不合格率為26.5%。檢驗不合格機車均要求限期改善完成,逾期未回覆之機車已分批進行告發。 二、 巡查夾單 截至104年9月15日巡查作業已完成社區、停車場、工(商)業區及重要道路執行巡查作業,巡查總數量為8,582輛,其中設籍新北市計有6,481輛次,設籍率為75.5%,而根據後續比對定檢資料庫之結果,統計總回檢率為58.8%。 三、 車牌辨識: 截至104年9月15日執行車牌辨識1,012,184輛機車,其中設籍本市且未定檢可寄發通知數為126,881輛,寄發比例為12.5%,104年度延續103年車牌辨識測試經驗,針對執行效率較高之行政區,加強車牌辨識稽查作業。 1.尖峰通勤族(橋樑、省道、捷運、工業區、火車站) 2.商圈、賣場、醫院 3.巡查模式車辨作業-巷弄老車族群 4.外縣市回饋設籍新北市未定檢車籍 5.上午時段車辨作業-菜籃族、小學接送機車族 四、 移動式定檢服務: 本計畫開始執行即設置移動式機車排氣檢驗站1站(站號:FA8),以作為本市未設置有民間檢驗站之偏遠地區民眾實施機車定檢之用,100年度完成579輛、101年度完成710輛、102年完成691輛、103年完成787輛、104年度1~9月完成595輛未定檢機車檢測服務;執行結果顯示偏遠地區定檢服務之方式應加以改善,目前以贈送環保衛生紙方式,促使無定檢站或偏僻地區的民眾能夠進行機車的定期檢驗,以確保在新北市偏遠地區的機車都能定期的進行驗車,達提升新北市機車定檢之成效。 五、 機車到檢率 本工作團隊自96年承接本計畫後,機車到檢率(依定檢站)從95年度45.9%提升至96年度54.7%,96年-100年機車到檢率則維持在52%-56%之間,本市到檢率無法有效大幅提升主要原因為定檢通知比率不足,每年計畫編列定檢明信片通知約80萬封,只佔本市應定檢機車數50%左右,導致歷年計畫不論如何篩選寄發條件或其他策略執行皆無法有效提升到檢率,目前101年度已另行編列定檢通知專案,全面通知後,已提升本市定檢率,深入分析99-102年各縣市定檢率,唯有新北市呈現連續2年成長之現象,102年定檢率依車籍呈現0.59%下降,但回歸定檢站檢驗車輛數則首度突破100萬輛達1,014,651輛,監理單位於102年起辦理切結報廢,年度有效削減本市機車登記數量導致103年定檢率較102年提升3.21%。
中文關鍵字 機車、定檢站


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 13386 千元
專案開始日期 2014/09/16 專案結束日期 2015/09/15 專案主持人 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃沛軒 執行單位 瑩諮科技 股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度新北市機車污染稽查管制計畫期末報告(定稿本).pdf 6MB
英文摘要 The Environmental Solution Provider implemented the "2014 Motorcycle Pollution Source Audit Plan" formulated by the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government, from September 16, 2014 to September 15, 2015; the following is a summary of the implementation results: 1. Roadside pollution emission testing work Roadside pollution emission testing had been performed 2,026 times as of September 15, 2015. Among the motorcycles subject to random roadside emissions testing, 1,490 vehicles passed (a passing rate of 73.5%), and 536 vehicles failed (a failure rate of 26.5%). All vehicles that failed the test were required to make improvements within a specified period of time; all motorcycle owners who fail to respond within the specified period have been reported to the authorities in batches by the Environmental Protection Department. 2. Roving inspection work As of September 15, 2015, roving inspections of communities, parking facilities, industrial/commercial areas, and major roads have been performed and covered 8,582 vehicles. 6,481 motorcycles registered in the city(75.5%). According to follow-up checks against the motorcycle exhaust inspection database, the average rate of return for inspection was 58.8%. 3. Vehicle license plate identification Automated vehicle license plate identification systems photographed 1,012,184 motorcycles as of September 15, 2015. 126,881 motorcycles registered in the city had not received exhaust A. Peak commuter group (bridges, provincial roads, Metro stations, industry areas, train stations) B. Gas stations, shopping districts, shopping centers, hospitals C. Roving inspection approach: older motorcycles used for shorter distances D. Motorcycles from other cities and counties that have been registered in New Taipei City but not yet received exhaust inspection E. Morning period motorcycle users: Market shoppers and parents sending their children to elementary school 4. Mobile exhaust inspection service Since the implementation of this plan, one mobile motorcycle exhaust inspecting station (FA8) has been established in order to perform exhaust inspection of motorcycles in remote areas of the city with no establishment of private inspecting stations. A total of 579 motorcycles were tested in 2011, 710 in 2012, 691 in 2013, 787 in 2014, and 595 in 2015 January~September respectively. Results of the inspection services in remote areas should be improved. Get green toilet paper to promote people can be regular inspection of vehicles, to ensure that the new Taipei city in remote areas can be regularly vehicle inspection. Enhance the effectiveness regular inspection of vehicles. 5. Motorcycle testing rate From 2007 to undertake this project, Motorcycle testing rate (depending on vehicle registration) from 45.9% in 2006 increased to 54.7% in 2007. 2008 - 2011 motorcycle testing rate between 52% -56%. Motorcycle testing rate can not be improved mainly due to the lack of regular inspection notice. Provision for 2012 has been scheduled inspection prior notice Project, after full notification has been given to enhance the testing rate . Analysis 2010-2013 regular inspection rate counties, only the new Taipei city presents two consecutive years of growth. 2013 motorcycle testing rate (depending on vehicle registration) presented 0.59% decline. But regression testing regular inspection station is the first time exceeded 1 million Up to 1,014,651 units. Supervision units for scrap in 2013.Effectivereduction of the motorcycle registration number.2014 regular inspection rate increased 3.21% compared with 2013.
英文關鍵字 Motor-exhaust inspecting stations, Pollution emission tested on the roadside, License plate number identification