

中文摘要 本計畫之工作內容包含空氣品質分析、空氣污染管制策略研擬、 空污基金委辦計畫之監督管理及考核、空污基金管理、中元普渡期間 紙錢減量宣導及空氣品質淨化區設置及維護考評工作等, 自簽約日起 執行至104 年4 月28 日止, 已完成各項工作,主要成果摘要如下: 一、空氣品質分析 近10 年北部空品區空品不良率呈現下降趨勢(圖3.3.1-1), 民國99 年以後空品不良率已低於1%以下,並持續降低,民國102 年空品不良率降至0.33%,為歷年最低。103 年不良率皆較102 年升高,指標污染物仍以O3 為主。 各類污染物大都呈現下降趨勢,但自民國101 年污染物濃度 達到最低後,區域空氣污染物改善已不如過去明顯,而PM2.5 及 SO2 近2 年則略有升高。 比對萬里及林口測站監測結果, 萬里站民國102 及103 年PM2.5 及SO2 年平均濃度有升高趨勢, PM2.5 及SO2 高濃度風向亦 有增加趨勢, 推測區域受長程傳輸影響有增加情形。而林口站除 受偏西南方高濃度影響外,偏東北東風向之PM2.5 及SO2 高濃度 近2 年比例升高,比對發生時間與污染物特性, 推測可能受林口 工二工業區固定源影響。 二、空氣污染管制策略研擬 年度防制計畫書管制策略係依據環保署要求PM2.5 排放量須 達到40%減量,經與計畫討論後擬定。民國104 年/106 年主要減 量來自於固定源減量如林口電廠停工、污染防制率提升,道路揚 塵減少及營建工地管制提升, 長期(109 年)減量則來自於機動車 輛排放減少。惟長期移動污染源減量,依據目前管制作法評估要 達到防制計畫書所設定減量之困難度高。需特別著力於柴油車汰 舊、加裝尾氣處理設備、二行程機車汰舊等。 三、空污基金委辦計畫之監督管理及考核 依據本計畫管考結果,以營建管制計畫(93 分)及車行揚塵計 畫(93 分)整體表現較佳。本計畫透過每月工作檢討會報告各計畫 「委辦計畫訂目標達成情形」、「合約工作項目進度控管」、「行 政作業配合度」及「品質查核」等項目, 以利即時檢討改進。 計畫執行前期發生較多計畫進度落後,提交資料錯誤率高等 事件, 經及時檢討皆已逐漸改善。 四、中元普渡期間紙錢減量宣導 中元普渡各項宣導活動皆已完成,包括文宣製作、網站更新、 召開記者會及協助辦理普渡法會。統計活動期間共有7,667 人參 與網路普渡活動;100 人參與愛心普渡活動,共捐助近16.7 萬元。 另今年紙錢集中燒共1,128 公噸,較去年增加近100 公噸。 五、空氣品質淨化區設置及維護考評工作 本計畫已完成4 季轄內所有空氣品質淨化區查核作業,查核 內容分別從:植栽養護、環境維護及使用情況等項目進行評定, 各空品淨化區維護管理均良好。經本計畫查核結果,僅部分淨化 區有垃圾散落、雜物堆放問題,如坪林區石曹垃圾場綠化計畫、林口橫窠雅路等處,而八里大崁環保公園、三重環河南路等處則 需加強植栽維護,已通知維護管理單位進行後續維護作業。並已 完成空氣品質淨化區委員評鑑作業,今年度評鑑各組第一名空品 淨化區分別為:三峽碳中和樂園、新板特區萬坪自然都會公園、 中和台64 線高架橋下及陽光運動園區。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、計畫考評、空品淨化區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 8730 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/29 專案結束日期 2015/04/28 專案主持人 周武雄
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃琡晴 執行單位 中興工程顧問 股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度新北市空氣品質維護改善規劃整合計畫.pdf 16MB
英文摘要 The main work items of this project include executing air quality analysis, proposing air pollution control strategies, supervising and evaluating Air Pollution Control Fund subsidized projects, Air Pollution Control Fund management, promoting paper money reduction during the Chinese Ghost Festival , and evaluation of maintenance works in air quality purification area. The important results completed in this project can be summarized as follows: 1. Air quality analysis The rate of unhealthy air quality in the northern air quality zone was gradually decreased from 2010, and down to 0.33% in 2012, which is the lowest record ever. It increased in 2013 and index pollutant remains ozone. The concentration of most air pollutants decreased and became the lowest in 2012. However, regional air quality improvement was not so obvious that the concentration of PM2.5 and SO2 increased in the last 2 years. The measurement results from the Wan-li and the Lin-kou air quality monitoring station were analyzed in advance. The average concentration of PM2.5 and SO2 during 2013 to 2014 from the Wan-li shows an upward trend. The high concentration events of PM2.5 and SO2 increased as well. It may be affected by the long distance transmission. The results of Lin-kou station show the effects by the high concentration from the southwest. However, the high concentration events of PM2.5 and SO2 occurred more often in the last 2 years. According to the occurrence time and characteristics of the pollutants, it may be affected by the stationary pollution sources within the Gong'er Industrial Park.2. Air pollution control strategies The strategies proposed in the annual air pollution control report were based on the requirements of Environmental Protection Administration, to achieve 40% reduction, and decided after further discussion. The near reduction (from 2015 to 2017) will be achieved mainly from stationary pollution sources, such as to stop the Lin-kou power plant, raise the control rate of pollution sources, decrease the dust raised on motorways, and control the emission from construction sites. Long term reduction (in 2020) will be made by lower the mobile source emission. However, the reduction amount addressed in the air pollution control report is difficult to be accomplished by present control regulations. Replacement of diesel vehicles, facilitation of waste gas treatment equipment , and replacement of two-storke motorcycles should be more emphasized. 3. Supervision and Evaluation of Air Pollution Control Fund subsidized projects According to the evaluation and audit results in this project, the construction control project and dust raised on motorways control project have better performance with the same high scores, 93. The objective achieving rate, the progress control status, and outcome quality of each Air Pollution Control Fund subsidized project were presented in the monthly review meeting for on time check and correction. The bad type such as behind schedule or incorrect data that appeared a lot was gradually improved by this project. 4. Promotion of paper money reduction during the Chinese Ghost Festival Various guiding activities were completed in this project, including brochure publication, website update, holding the press conference, and assistance of the Pudu (universal salvation) ceremony of Chinese Ghost Festival. There were 7,677 people joined the online Pudu activity and 100 people participated into the public benefit Pudu activity, which raised about 167 thousand NT dollars. About 1,128 tons of paper money werecollected and centralized burned this year, which increased in 100 tons comparing to last year. 5. Evaluation of maintenance work in the Air quality purification area The audit and evaluation task was implemented seasonally (4 season) this year in this project. The check items include vegetation maintenance, environment clearance, and utilization status. Trash and disordered stuff was found in only Shi-chao junkyard greening project at the Ping-lin district and Heng-ke-ya road at Lin-kou. Besides, vegetation maintenance in the Da-kan environmental park at the Bali District and Huan-he South Road at the Sanchong District were asked to be enhanced. The evaluation task was finished by grouping, and the winner of each group were the Sanxia carbon neutral amusement park, Wanping natural metropolitan park at the Xing-Ban special district, and the space under the viaduct of provincial highway no. 64 and Sunshine athletic park at the Zhonghe district.