

中文摘要 本計畫之目標為:一、完成臺南市移動式環境及交通噪音監測工作;二、協助執行臨時性噪音陳情案件之環境及交通噪音監測案件;三、完成使用中機動車輛原地噪音量測作業及環保署大執法;四、依據重新公告或修正噪音管制法針對第7條、第8條、第9條進行修訂;五、配合噪音陳情巡查及輔導掌握噪音污染改善情形,達成環保署績效考評中噪音管制項目,降低陳情案件數量藉以提升民眾的滿意度。 臺南市環境及交通噪音之監測工作,分別在12個環境噪音監測站與12個道路交通噪音監測站執行,前者包括: 第一類管制區2站、第二類管制區4站、第三類管制區4站及第四類管制區2站;而後者包括:第一類管制區2站、第二類管制區4站、第三類管制區4站及第四類管制區2站,在計畫執行期間若噪音管制區有重新劃分及公告,將再行修正環境及交通噪音測點。計畫自103年01月起執行103年度第1季~第4季監測作業,共完成192站 (48站/次,每站次監測2日)環境及交通噪音監測。在噪音巡查作業部分,103年度總共完成巡(訪)查作業777件,除例行屢遭陳情案件巡(訪)查外,亦協助環保局進行告發案件複查作業、夜間稽查作業與交辦案件的污染源調查。前述案件的處理結果均已即時進行回報環保局。 在噪音公害陳情案件之管理部分,以娛樂及營業場所方面者優先處理。該場所遭到陳情的主因,主要是以擴音設備不當使用為主,經統計發現,日間時段9時0分~10時59分使用擴音設備(大聲公)和夜間時段0時0分~0時59分使用擴音設備(PUB、卡拉ok)兩種被陳情的時段最為嚴重。 103年度此類遭到告發的案件,經複查後皆已完成改善。唯屢遭陳情案件中仍有無法經由量測進行告發的特殊案件,這類型案件大多為業者通報、匿名檢舉、未查獲污染事實或陳情人不提供量測位置…等問題。而在管理SOP說明會及專家諮詢輔導工作事項,總計辦理說明會及專家諮詢輔導作業2場;第3場噪音管制法修正第八條及第九條公告內容宣導會議,因噪音管制法仍修訂中,考量無法達到預期之效果,經環保局同意停止辦理該場宣導會議。 在使用中車輛原地噪音量測部分,103年度共辦理48場,其攔檢及攔查的數量,總計為1,287輛。在汽車的部分,攔檢及攔查數量計有212輛,其中進行檢測34輛,並有31輛不合格,不合格率為91.2%;而機車及重型機車部分,攔檢及攔查數量共有1,075輛,其中進行檢測180輛,並有158輛不合格,不合格率為93.8%;對於不合格車輛經回檢後完成改善者共有56輛。工作團隊針對檢測不合格或網站檢舉而尚未回檢車輛,經兩次通知不到後,均已建議環保局依法給予告發處分。
中文關鍵字 噪音監測;噪音


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-102-AN-31219 經費年度 103 計畫經費 4006.8 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/29 專案結束日期 2015/01/28 專案主持人 李居昌
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 尤建智 執行單位 祥威環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度臺南市噪音期末報告(定稿本)12.pdf 16MB
英文摘要 This project aims to: 1. Monitor the mobile environment and traffic noise in Tainan City; 2. Assist the implementation of environmental petition of temporary noise and traffic noise; 3. Complete the EPA enforcement and implementation of noisy measurement for motor vehicles in situ; 4. Amend items noise control 7-9 according to announcement or correction for noise control act; 5. Finish the EPA performance to enhance public satisfaction by referring to noise petition inspection and improvement of pollution. In Tainan, the measurements of noise are conducted at 12 environment-noise monitoring sites and 12 road traffic-noise ones. The former include : 2 sites for 1st class control area, 4 sites for 2nd class control area, 4 sites for 3rd class control area, and 2 sites for 4th class control area;and the latter include: 2 sites for 1st class control area, 4 sites for 2nd class control area, 4 sites for 3rd class control area, and 2 sites for 4th class control area. The monitoring sites will be modified if the noise control zone is redrawn and announced during the project implementation. The project starts from January 2014 and the monitoring works of 1st to 4th quarters are completed in 2014, in which, 192 locations are for the environment and traffic monitoring (48 locations, 2-day monitoring for each location.). For noise inspection work, 777 cases during the project time frame are completed. In addition to the repeated noise petition cases inspection work, the project also needs to assist reviewing denounce cases for re-inspection work, the night time auditing work and the pollution investigation cases assigning by Tainan BEP. The treatment results of the proceeding cases must be feedback and reported to Tainan BEP immediately. For the management of noise petitions, those regarding the entertainment and business are tackled first. The main reason for the last petitions is due to the improper use for amplification equipment in public sites. According to the statistics, using amplification equipment (a loud speaker) between 09:00 to 10:59 and using amplification equipment between 00:00 to 00:59 (PUB, Karaoke); these two kinds of petition is the most serious period. In 2014, denounced cases have been improved after reviewing. Only exceptional cases of repeated petition still cannot be resolved due to the unable measuring by the informant. Most cases are with regard to people’s notifications, anonymous reports, no evidence for the fact of pollution, or petitioners’ unclear information of positions, etc. There were 2 events of explanation session and expert counseling in announced items. For vehicles in use in situ measurement of the noise, to handling the total of 48 events at 2014 was check and inspection in order to the total of 1,287 vehicles. For the portion of car, the number of check were 212 sets which 34 sets were inspected and there were 31 failed so the failure rate was 91.2%; for the portion of motorcycles and heavy motorcycles, the number of check were 1,075 sets which 180 sets were inspected and there were 158 failed so the failure rate was 93.8%; there were 56 failed vehicles returned to inspected and complete the improvement. The team has against unqualified vehicles or made website report. If failed vehicles have not respond for twice, it has been recommended that to BEP for punishment denounced.
英文關鍵字 environment noise,noise